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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  7:25:27 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add templars to your friends list Send templars a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Phew - what a week and unfortunately it didn't go completely as planned but despite that, we had a truly magical day

Where to start?

Well, I suppose at the beginning of the week with the preparations.

Monday was Bank Holiday and we had been planning to do lots of work with Harley and with AJ (Oakmeister Dirty Harry) and Dolly (Dowlands I'm Hello Dolly) because all 3 were going to Bramham, AJ and Dolly in the youngstock classes on the Thursday and Harls in the stallion parade on the Friday. But Monday loomed and it was hail stoning and blowing a force 10 gale. Plans temporarily halted. I ended up working for nearly all the day.

Tuesday, me off to work in Scotland so a 4am start. Stephen and Evie hired the local school and off they went to do some jumping and flat work with Harley. They also made good use of the shower faciities for Harls and he had his first application of all his lotions and potions courtesy of Michelle, Lindsey and Wendy - thank you guys, you sent just the right combination to make him sparkle

Wednesday and I'd arranged to work from home. First things first, AJ and Dolly. AJ was put out in the sandschool - supposed to be for an hour or two but just as Stephen shut the gate, a newly calved cow took objection to AJ being so near her calf (it was alseep just outside the school) and she ran full pelt down the hill. AJ decided he didn't like cows and he ran full pelt at the gate. I screamed! He chested the gate but managed to stop. No damage done - phew. We all laughed and turned to go in but AJ had other ideas - he went to the far end and galloped towards the gate again - at this point, I really did scream and I hid my face only to hear Evie say "bloody hell!" and then I heard the sound of hooves and a snort as AJ trotted past us and put himself back in his stable. Apparently he'd cleared the gate with immense style.

Lunchtime Wednesday and Harls did a bit of work and had a spruce up.

Tea time Wednesday and as we were feeding, we noticed that our maiden TB mare was showing distinct changes - not waxing up but - different. So, we decided to check on her regularly. 9pm, 11pm, bed at midnight, then again at 1am and finally 3am when we found she'd foaled. The foal was exactly what we wanted and Diva was proving to be a brilliant mum. Only one slight problem - she hadn't cleansed. By 6am we decided we needed the vet and so by 8am the vet was with us. That meant we couldn't take AJ and Dolly to Bramham because we needed to have left by 5.30am. Quick call to our farrier who was going to ask him to please make our apologies. By 10am Diva had had a uterine wash and copious antibiotics and she finally settled down with Legz her foal.

I don't remember much of Thursday afternoon but I think it was spent loading the wagon, bathing Harley and generally trying to make sure we had everything ready. Oh and my sister came over because she was coming to Bramham with us.

Friday morning and I'd planned a leisurely start to the day with a gentle drive over to Bramham. No such luck. The vet wanted to do another uterine wash so up at 4am to feed and spruce Harls up, and at 5.30am load Diva and foal and take them to horsepital. Legz travelled brilliantly and so did Diva bless her - not sure she's ever been in a trailer before.

Anyway by 9am we were back home and time for quick brew before getting changed and loading Harley.

By this time, I was so tired and excited that I actually felt slightly sick.

Arrived at Bramham an hour before the parade was due to start.

I've been going to Bramham since the end of the 80's and I always get goosebumps as we drive onto the estate but they were nothing compared to the goosebumps I got last Friday!!

We parked in the day box parking and we could see all the other stallions being lunged or walked around. Harls was as good as gold.

Evie and my sister went off to check where we had to go and Stephen and I got Harls ready.

It was mind blowing to be walking towards the collecting ring along a walkway that wound its way through the cross country jumps. My heart was beating so fast I could hardly breathe (or maybe it's just that I'm so unfit!!).

As we approached the collecting ring, we could see all the flags and hear the commentary. I decided to go and see what was happening. When I saw how many people wer there, I nearly changed my mind and ran away:

... the crowds

There were some amazing stallions there and we were thrilled to see the TB stallion Powerblade. We have an incredible soft spot for this boy because he's the chosen husband of the beautiful and talented Taragun so she can breed a pure Anglo as her first foal (God willing). Powerblade being there made it feel like a family outing


He's an amazingly powerful horse with superb movement.

I returned to the collecting ring to see how Harls was getting on warming up with the "Big Boys". I needn't have worried! He really didn't look out of place.

Warm up:

Most of the stallions had professional riders on board and I was very surpised to see how many of them had to be led to the main arena by at least 2 people as well as the rider.

I went back to check on the crowds:

The arena was already divided into 2 dressage arenas for the International event and the judges' cars were parked around the dressage arenas. That meant it was quite difficult to negotiate your way around and it could prove slightly dangerous to show a gallop. By now, I'd gone to the far side to photograph so I couldn't give Evie any last minute hints and tips.

We had decided not to try and demonstrate a jump with Harls. I always feel that unless you are absolulety 100% sure the stallion will clear a fence, you shouldn't attempt it. People always remember a stallion knocking down a fence (for the wrong reasons) but they never remember a stallion clearing a fence. Many of the stallions were jumping heights almost up to the top of the wings but then they were being incredibly strong after they landed. I was pleased we'd chosen not to jump especially when I could hear people in the crowd admiring a stallion until it showed how strong it was and then I heard at least 4 people say they wouldn't use a stallion like that. I held my breath, but I was pleased that we'd made the right decision (I'd been a bit worried that we'd be seen as wimps for not jumping).

And then before I knew it - it was Harley's turn!!!

I could hardly breathe. Would we be laughed at? Would Harley manage with the enormous crowds, the tannoys and the flags?

I needn't have worried. He remembered the show ring from when he was a baby and he loved showing off - you could literally see him swell and enjoy himself:

The commentator got his name slightly wrong - he called him Templars Oscar Pearl instead of Templars Orchestral Pearl but I was so happy I didn't care (anyway it's printed correctly in the catalogue!!)

This is the official photograph (copyright esphotography) - love it because it says "Bramham 2011"

And then it was all over! It felt like it had lasted seconds, no it felt like it had lasted years!! Oh I don't know, I was so mixed up and emotional I couldn't tell you how long it lasted. All I know was, even I was mesmerised by Evie and Harley - he strutted his stuff and he showed off and all I could hear from the people around me were nice - no, wonderful - comments. We were taken seriously!!!!! And one little girl turned to her parents and whispered "mummy, is it a unicorn?" - and bless her, the mum said "yes."

It took me at least half an hour to get back to the collecting ring because I was bombarded with questions (I was wearing my Templars top). Two artists asked if they could use Harls as a model, loads and loads of people told me about the Arab they used own - "best horse I ever had" and so many told me that they competed and their horse had Arabian blood. That made me so happy. Here we were at an International Three Day event and people were openly and proudly talking about Arabian breeding.

Eventually I got back to the collecting ring and Harley and Evie were waiting patiently, doing numerous photo calls and being closely watched by some of the B I G names in eventing!!

Harley greeting his public

And after all the adulation, the lonely walk back to the wagon:

And finally, it's time to relax and let the tension go ....

AS we gave Harls his carrots and polos, the owner of one of Europe's biggest and most prestigious sport horse studs came up to us. I gulped and I damned near curtsied. He stood and chatted to us for the best part of half an hour about breeding and bloodlines. He said he'd been in the members enclosure when Harley entered and as the commentary mentioned the importance of Arabian blood, he had spoken up and agreed. We talked about Anglos and how it would be brilliant if British bred Anglos could one day rival the French Anglo and become the breed of first choice for British performance riders. To say I was thrilled is putting it very mildly. As we were speaking, two other stud owners joined in and they too admitted the Arabian heritage of their stallions (I already knew but I had to act a bit dumb and look surprised!!) They all agreed that they won't hide the contribution of the Arabian blood and that they will promote it. Whether they do or not, I don't know but it was amazing to hear them even offer.

And so finally, here is the video - bit wobbly in places but recording a moment in Arabian history.

And as a very last word - thank you to everyone on AL who supports us and who has given us encouragement. It's been a lonely path at times and often in the face of ridicule and derision, but your support means the world to us.

One thing I know for certain though, Templars will continue to fly the flag for Arabian breeding for as long as we can and it's not so lonely out there any more. Lots of people are doing it
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  7:29:08 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add nikki83 to your friends list Send nikki83 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
WOW, he looks amazing and what a glorious day
So glad you had a great time
Nikki x
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complete novice
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  7:50:46 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add complete novice to your friends list Send complete novice a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Congratulations on a beautifully presented arabian stallion, I have really enjoyed reading about your experience
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  7:56:13 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Arachnid to your friends list Send Arachnid a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Lovely! What nice commentary on the video clip. Did you write it? I love your posts and appreciate the time you put into them.

West Sussex
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Slave 2 Magic
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  7:56:38 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Slave 2 Magic to your friends list Send Slave 2 Magic a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Huge congratulations
Harley did you proud and is a superb example of the arabian breed.
Well done!

West Yorkshire
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  8:36:06 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Pasch to your friends list Send Pasch a Private Message  Reply with Quote
In fact the small girl was right,he really looked like a unicorn!
Love the way he makes a half buck when there's the final applause,and then shake the head on going out"ok,I've behaved SO well,can I remind you I'm a stallion,too?"
Huge congratulations,especially to Evie who managed like a real pro.
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Arabian Girl
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  8:45:58 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Arabian Girl to your friends list Send Arabian Girl a Private Message  Reply with Quote
To all at Templars when i saw your posting i knew it would be agood one...Well done to all at Templars for flying the flag for the Arabians.You are all a credit to the breed..Well done Evie and Harls.......i am just going to watch ur vid..thank you for Rochelle u must be one very proud mum...

Posting from Billinge Wigan
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Arabian Girl
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  8:53:14 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Arabian Girl to your friends list Send Arabian Girl a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I have facebooked and tweeted that vid to my fellow american arabian enthusiasts..that vid you should be very proud xxxx

Posting from Billinge Wigan
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  9:12:38 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add peg to your friends list Send peg a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You have reduced me to tears with this wonderful video of an incredible horse and super rider. His trot is to die for. Thank you so much for sharing...

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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  9:15:12 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add GHALEEM to your friends list Send GHALEEM a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Amazing, inspiring, congratulations x
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  9:18:16 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add LadyLuck1 to your friends list Send LadyLuck1 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
He looks fantastic. Well done to all of you.
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  9:20:17 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add rosie to your friends list Send rosie a Private Message  Reply with Quote
After reading your post I had leaky eyes, but by the time I finished watching the video I was an emotional wreck!!!!

Huge congratulations to all your family for what you have achieved. You should be so proud!!!

Michelle was at Bramham on Saturday and was admiring Harleys photos!!

Keep flying the flag! You are a huge inspiration!

Last picture courtesy of Sweet Photography
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  9:41:02 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add angelarab to your friends list Send angelarab a Private Message  Reply with Quote
You bring tears to my eyes every time i read your reports I proudly tell my non arab mates at the yard about you all and your amazing horses (they event too) Well done team Templars xx

"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened."
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  9:45:21 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Tomos to your friends list Send Tomos a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just wonderful !

"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind" Gandhi
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Posted - 05 Jun 2011 :  9:48:49 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add oliviaw to your friends list Send oliviaw a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Congratulations. Superb representation of the breed. He is gorgeous!

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Posted - 06 Jun 2011 :  07:55:07 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Goldenmane to your friends list Send Goldenmane a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Tears here, because I could have been that little girl
Thank you for your posts and your wonderful horse and daughter

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Posted - 06 Jun 2011 :  10:42:19 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add vjc to your friends list Send vjc a Private Message  Reply with Quote
What lovely photographs of your stunning boy!!! A true star! congratulations to all involved

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Posted - 06 Jun 2011 :  11:20:33 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Callisto to your friends list Send Callisto a Private Message  Reply with Quote
A great report on a fabulous day - well done Team Templars! (Choked me up too).

Zahkira (GR Amaretto x Taffetta)
East Sussex
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Posted - 06 Jun 2011 :  11:37:59 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add lulu to your friends list Send lulu a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wonderful video, thought the commentary was excellent. Eyes a bit damp here as well.
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carole ferguson
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Posted - 06 Jun 2011 :  12:25:26 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add carole ferguson to your friends list Send carole ferguson a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Wonderful - watched this incredible horse and rider with tears in my eyes - ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT

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Posted - 06 Jun 2011 :  12:25:50 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add TanyanChewy to your friends list Send TanyanChewy a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Echoing the above - just FABULOUS! What an inspiration Team Templars are!

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Posted - 06 Jun 2011 :  12:43:49 PM  Show Profile  Send Iris an AOL message  Click to see Iris's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add Iris to your friends list Send Iris a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Gosh - what a horse!! And what a family! I hope very much that when I have sprogs, I can give them the sort of life that you have given Evie. She's a very lucky girl to have such opportunities!
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Posted - 06 Jun 2011 :  12:56:38 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add shah to your friends list Send shah a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Absolutely wonderful

West Sussex
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Posted - 06 Jun 2011 :  1:21:09 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add karitaz to your friends list Send karitaz a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Well done to you all - what a brilliant ambassador for the breed! He looks stunning, you must be so proud

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Posted - 06 Jun 2011 :  2:02:22 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add sazzlepants71 to your friends list Send sazzlepants71 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
he looks awesome - huge fan of you guys well done!

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Posted - 06 Jun 2011 :  2:41:01 PM  Show Profile  Visit phoenixbruka's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add phoenixbruka to your friends list Send phoenixbruka a Private Message  Reply with Quote
congratulations , he looked a million dollars!

I bet it got a good few people thinking when the commentator read out all those wonderful examples that carry arabian blood (most of which keep it all a bit quiet! )


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