This judge needs to be held accountable for this This is giving people free rein to abuse an neglect their animals if idiotic people like this judge orders they go back to these conditions.
I really really need to swear about this but I cant on here
Didn't the RSPCA get video footage of the recovery of these horses and the conditions they were living in? I thought the RSPCA had some kind of authoritative jurisdiction over animals found being neglected. Can't they appeal?
I will try to go to Henley next month (must find out the dates of sales through the RSPCA) and see what's happening - it's not far from me.
Unbelievable especially when I was reading in a magazine today about a man who was being done for starving two horses in his ownership and I forget exactly what happened to him but he certainly was banned from owning horses again. This judge should be starved, see how he likes ignorant *********
This beggars belief! What is wrong with this country. This would not happen in the USA. He would probably not only be bannned from owning animals but also could be fined heavily or given a jailsentence.
the lawyer representing the Gray family is an equine lawyer "passionate about horses"... i agree the judge is an idiot but if someone who loves horses can live with themselves for getting those poor ponies and donkeys sent back to that hellish place then she really is scum (and unfortunately it appears good at her job)... hope she's not a member here...