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Gold Member
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Posted - 09 Sep 2012 : 07:08:22 AM
Would agree... what great work they have done with her, so nice to see Paris improving the way she is. Thank god she is there.
Well done to all involved :) | |
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Bronze Member
109 Posts |
Posted - 09 Sep 2012 : 08:55:21 AM
What a wonderful beautiful mare and so pleased she is improving daily - have gone onto FB and donated. Keep up the good work. |
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AL Admin
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Posted - 10 Sep 2012 : 6:02:59 PM
Today's update:
A cold wind is coming and already you can feel it. Just back from the yard, feeding and all done. Paris is now enjoying a small amount of boiled barley mixed with her fibre and oil.. she loves this. Today we began the first of her 5 day course of wormer. she's such a good girl, not bothered by anything you add or change in her grub. She's had a lightweight rug on all day today as that wind on the top of the hill is keen but tonight we've made the jump to medium weight to ensure her intake is being burned off by keeping warm. Every kilo matters now for Paris. Here she is (photo) modelling her lovely brand new rug kindly donated by Rob of Geetac. It's a lovely fit and after her bucket feed she was happy to wander off with Willow down the meadow and graze contentedly.
And a picture:
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Gold Member
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Posted - 10 Sep 2012 : 9:36:37 PM
These pictures and updates are amazing...Thank you so much Rui xx
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 10 Sep 2012 : 10:32:30 PM
She looks so much better well done, bless her she looks so happy. |
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AL Admin
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Posted - 13 Sep 2012 : 7:07:47 PM
Great news, today, as Paris was weighed and she is now 411 Kg (which is an 104Kg improvement in about 2 months). Here is the update from EMW:
This evening we weight taped Paris... are you ready for this, I kind of thought it might be the case but seeing her everyday can make you less certain... she has piled ON an incredible 19 kilo and is now weight taping in at 411kg. I text our vet Dominic to tell him I was so pleased. I thought her chest had broadened and she no longer looks like her legs cmoe from one hole. Dominic replied "Good, she can't be far off her right weight now, as she didn't look too bad last time I saw her" ... so there we are. I still want to see that tape showing aruond 450kg, that way she room to drop a little, when the grass eventually goes, without compromising her health. I took some new images of her hooves as well as a couple of 'normal pics' I wanted to show how the change in her nutrition is showing in her quality of hoof growth and the changes her body is making now she has all she needs to make those changes. The top inch or so of hoof is much stronger quality and the angle is changing too. She'll be a good while yet growing in the foot she wants but we'll be helping her do that now by trimming her toes back and allowing her heels to get where she wants them as well as supporting her inside and out nutritionally. Tomorrow she finishes her 5 day Panacur course and we wait another 4 weeks before giving her a final worming to cover her for the autumn to early Spring period.
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 1:10:36 PM
Its wonderful to see Paris so improved, what fabulous care you have given her Rui. I have an oldie and there is something very gracious about Arab ladies of a certain age |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 1:30:52 PM
Lovely to see how well she's doing. Must admit I thought it was time to let her go but very glad to be proved wrong  |
       Harthall Rashida RIP, Binley Ishara, Bouchan Chorleywood, Hertfordshire |
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AL Admin
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Posted - 14 Sep 2012 : 7:13:25 PM
Another update from EMW, with some photos:
Not that we are besotted or anything but we took more photos of Paris this evening. She's had yet another lovely day rugless, soaking up loads of vitamin D. Back in her rug this evening though as the wind is chilly. Trustee Ann told me that last night when Trustee Bryan fed her, she scoffed the lot, snorted at him then took off with her tail flying back down the meadow to Willow, spun round and was trotting about all silly then settled straight down to grazing away! why do I miss all this! I just get the animated walk to her bucket by her little shelter and the order to get on with getting her feet done so she cna eat undisturbed. We use NAF MSM cream to top dress any odd sore spots that crop up as old scars heal and scabs lift! Anyway sorry to be a Paris bore but we're all more than abit happy to say this (photo) is what a 411 kilo old Arab mare looks like :-)

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Gold Member
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Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 07:52:20 AM
I can't begin to tell you how much better I am sleeping these days.... :) |
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Membership Moderator
 United Kingdom
8652 Posts |
Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 12:45:40 PM
I met Elaine last week and you really couldn't meet a nicer genuine lady. We hit if off immediately and put a small part of the world to rights with our chatting!
A home is sought for the other arab that lives with Paris, a gelding called Naz. A knowledgeable home with understanding of a horse with food aggression issues. We would like to know who he really is and if anyone has any information then please PM me, all information will be treated in the strictest confidence... |
 Hampshire |
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AL Admin
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Posted - 15 Sep 2012 : 9:12:21 PM
Today's update, from EMW:
We had visitors today, or rather Paris did... For us, seeing her improvement, it is quite a shock to see people who look aghast at her still, I suppose bony body, she's really only got another 50kg to put on but for people used to well rounded and young hrses she is still an 'issue' We -and our vet - see a much improved old lady. What they cannot fail to see though is her happiness and her will to be alive. This old girl is way off ready for Rainbw bridge. Dorothy told me some interesting facts about Paris ( Viuga) and hopefully we will be able toshare those bitsof info with all who have an interest in her, in due course. Anyway thanks got to Dorothy, and friends who came along too, and got a somewhat noisy guided tour - Trustee Bryan was shifting old haylage out and bringing new haylage in with the trusty but vocal Fergie - of all our residents. Grateful thanks for the donated goods and the kind cash donation received. We apologise for you getting muggesd by EMW ponies Anton and Luya!
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AL Admin
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AL Admin
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Posted - 17 Sep 2012 : 5:56:21 PM
Just a small update today, but a very meaningful one, regarding Paris. I am also including a bit of a plug for EMW, as they surely deserve it:
A cooler wind is blowing now and so all oldies are in lightweight rugs just enough to keep the chill off them. This evening when we fed Paris the joy at last of seeing her trotting full stretch, and really strong from bottom to top of the meadow...and of course, as I said, no flipping camera! She looks so alert and aware now.
Grateful thanks tonight go to Trustee Jane and to Kind supporter @Karen Rock both for excellent fundraising ideas for the months ahead. We're on it so watch out for both local and national events and new ways to support this charity! It's the last 12 days now till LADIES NIGHT. The tickets continue to sell steadily, we're hoping for a bit of a boost to the winter funds from this event. If you want to book tickets please call Sam on 07932511591 or e-mail direct on or pay via PayPal via the link on the events calendar on the facebook page. That's it tonight folks.. back tomorrow bright and early.
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ali bali
Gold Member
641 Posts |
Posted - 17 Sep 2012 : 9:11:27 PM
What a fantastic improvement, so glad this story has a happy ending. EMW have done an amazing job in such a short time. |
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Platinum Member
 2277 Posts |
Posted - 17 Sep 2012 : 10:01:56 PM
Lovely old picture of Paris,wonder what happened to her croup,or maybe she will eventually fill up?Hoping for a picture of her trotting or cantering now  |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 18 Sep 2012 : 6:48:24 PM
What a fabulous turn around, so moving and a tribute to all who have looked after her and contributed to her welfare, she is a real gracious lady If paris is in need of an anti rub bib please feel free to contact me so i can donate one of my Comfi Capes.
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AL Admin
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Posted - 18 Sep 2012 : 6:53:34 PM
Today's update:
It's been bright and sunny all day but a chill wind comes across from the North West this evening. The old lads are in their medium weights and Paris in her snug medium weight too. After much discussion and debate online today about anti-rub vests and how to avoid this with high withered horses we are very grateful to @Kim Antill for donating a Cosy Cape for Paris to ensure she doesn't rub herself raw again through the chillier months ahead, when rugs are a must pretty much all the time. To add to this she has her lovely newmarket warm woolies with some extra fleece across the neck edge as well as some rain sheets which are soon to be adapted with sponge/memory foal inserts to keep the pressure points clear. As her body fat builds we anticipate this should become less and less of a problem. Huge thanks to everyone who came up with great ideas and suggested products too.
P.S.: It's actually Verena (VJC) who will be donating the cape to Paris. |
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AL Admin
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 22 Sep 2012 : 7:16:42 PM
What a difference!!, all that tender care and correct feeding is paying dividends, she must feel so much better,and she looks amazing considering that she has been through! |
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Platinum Member
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4324 Posts |
Posted - 22 Sep 2012 : 8:30:15 PM
Oh bless her, what amazing pictures  |

Kuraishiya (Maleik el Kheil/Kazra el Saghira) and Sahara Bey (Kuraishiya/WSA Charismma) |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 23 Sep 2012 : 12:19:30 AM
How brilliant that she has improved so much, and at this time of year too  |
 Zahkira (GR Amaretto x Taffetta) Linda East Sussex |
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AL Admin
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Posted - 23 Sep 2012 : 5:19:09 PM
Today's update, with another EMW plug:
So here we are, the first of the nasty autumn blows coming through, all here who need to be are rugged to stand the weather. Oldies rugged and with free access to shelter if they want it but all not bothered at afternoon feeding, out grazing nonchalantly despite light rain. Lightweights changed this afternoon to medium weights for the old boys and Paris to a great medium weight full neck combo I found in the rug store - I think it may have been Zaharas ( Lunar). Paris was, as expected, grazing under the sheltering thick hedging alongside fat Willow not bothered one bit! she ate her tea as always although seemed puzzled when we whipped the lighter rug off and smartly replaced with the heavier more substantial one. We're very good at swapping rugs without losing any body heat here! It was 8C at the yard by the temp gauge though at the bottom of the meadows where the wind chill wasn't in play it must have been a good 2 to 3 degrees warmer, that's where they all were grazing in their respective meadows. The rain has since stepped up and now the wind is blowing stronger too. Apparently there is more to come over night. Trustee Bryan intends to make sure Paris is fine and will feed her last bucket around 9pm, no doubt in pouring rain and a raging gale then! According to the forecast this thing should be gone through bar for odd light showers around 4pm tomorrow. Roll on a few more kind and crisp days and nights. It's just 6 days left until the Ladies NIght. There are still tickets on sale locally and further afield and these can be paid for in advance and picked up on the door, you will be given a password once payment is cleared . This is going to be a great event and is at Bromyard Rugby Club, Tenbury Road, Starts at 7-30pm and is £20 a ticket. Contact 07932511591 to make sure of your ticket(s)
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AL Admin
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Posted - 24 Sep 2012 : 6:59:41 PM
Update for a rainy and windy day and a Paris showing a liveliness that is really telling about the quality of the care she is now getting:
Waterworld this morning, got poo picking done though - and huge thanks to Trustees Ann and Sam and volunteers Amy and Pete for extra hands in foul weather conditions. Paris changed to full neck rug, she was fine...ate heartily and then cleared off back to Willow at the bottom of the meadow in the shelter of the huge weather resitant holly hedging...Old lads and big Willow all ate in the barn while the ponies were fine in fields, grazing and not bothered. The road flooding was awful. This afternoon /evening a different world! A very windy one though so left rugs on but non needed changing for reasons of being wet except Chadd who is now sporting a weather proof donated lightweight. Paris and Willow were right down the bottom of the meadow when we went out with her tea. I've been worrying over her all day, thinking about her in rotten wet and blustery rain...why? She and Willow came flying at full pelt up the meadow, she was BUCKING and tossing her head about like a 3 year old!!! This mare must feel very well indeed!! But why do I never have my camera on me when she's doing this stuff! tomorrow she'll be back to plod I expect! Willow was funny too, he's like a big fat hippo and squeals when he sets off at canter or being silly! he was still cavorting about when Paris was scoffing her tea! The old guys had a normal mealtime tonight though Beau wasn't much interested in all his soaked fibre..I guess they have been out eating not bothered by the rain. tonight and tomorrow are an improvement on today though a cold wind is blowing now. Tomorrow we must head to fosterer @Alison Woodyatt and ddrop off farriery costs and feed for the old boys :-)
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