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Platinum Member
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Posted - 18 Aug 2012 : 9:52:30 PM
I saw this update on FB today, she is looking so much better, they are doing a fantastic job with her  |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 20 Aug 2012 : 3:38:29 PM
Am so pleased at the amazing improvement that she has shown since being with EMW. I think its probably a wise decision to hold off moving her till she's put on a bit more but the team there really have done a great job with her. Thank you EMW
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lisa rachel
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Posted - 24 Aug 2012 : 4:55:22 PM
I have not read all of this as I have heard some is quite unpleasant and that I have been named, but I would just like to make a few points.. 1 I was not the original attending vet. 2 I was aked to examine her on the 27th July her foster carer was not able to be there at the time so I examined her on my own in the field, I was asked if she was fit to travel and at that point in my opinion she was not, I then rang her carer to arrange a dental examination.. she had already had a thorough clinical exam and full bloods that did not show any abnormailities. The day I examined her she was horribly thin but she was bright and alert on this day and no additional significant clinical abnormalities were noted. 3 I re-examined her today including a dental examination the findings of which I will discuss with EMW. The old mare is bright and happy and trotting around the field with every appearance of enjoying life. I know only too well from both my job and years of keeping my own horses that when the time comes then a decision must be made based on the quality of a horses life whether it is fair to carry on. I had to make that heartbreaking decision for our old Caspian a few weeks ago and only yesterday had to help a client say goodbye to two old mares who were no longer enjoying their lives and have no prospect for improvement of their conditions. However the Paris I saw today is a happy bright alert mare who I feel at this point would certainly choose life were she in a position to express an opinion. It is to Malley's extreme credit that she has given this old lady a chance, at considerable cost and work to herself. We don't know for how long this will be the case, Paris is a very old but right now she is enjoying life which after all she has been throuigh is the least she deserves.
lisa |
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Posted - 24 Aug 2012 : 7:26:59 PM
Thanks for the update Lisa, that is such good news, she might be old but she is certainly a fighter. If you had read this thread I think you would have found that it is pretty positive, and I certainly do not recall your name being mentioned. A number of members of have been raising donations for EMW, to help with the cost of Paris' care - we are all willing her on .
PS, I am sorry for your loss of Caspian. |
 Zahkira (GR Amaretto x Taffetta) Linda East Sussex |
Edited by - Callisto on 24 Aug 2012 7:29:19 PM |
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Posted - 25 Aug 2012 : 12:12:46 AM
Thank you Lisa. Sorry to hear about the loss of your boy x |
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Bronze Member
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Posted - 26 Aug 2012 : 06:45:43 AM
sticks and stones lisa. you are a good vet as anybody who knows you will testify. |
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AL Admin
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AL Admin
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Posted - 26 Aug 2012 : 8:50:38 PM
Paris has arrived to EMW. Here is their update:
our beautiful EMW Paris (the Aswan daughter, Viuga) is here, as you mostly all will know by now :-) to say we are honoured to have her is an understatement. This mare hasn't been far from my thoghts for a long long time but it is only recently that she come into the onwership of this charity. Our most sincere thansk go to so many people as well as the AHS Welfare team for their kindness and support too. We all think she is worthy of her time here and we'll all love her so much. It's been so mild and sunny today that she's enjoyed a full afternoon of being rugless with a warm strawed down stable to go in and out of to suit herself.. this evening is still very warm so trustee Bryan is going to check her a little later and rug her when the flies have gone and she is ready for an extra layer. Despite almost knee deep lush herbage grazing she has also had her buckets of fibre and energy giving feed and w ehav eleft her with a big trug of soaked Simple System Horse Feeds Lucie cobs and nuts and linseed so she can pick at it when she fancies it though this evening she was more interested in carrying on grazing despite Bryan and Sam taking her bucket down to her..We know this old girl has a long way to go to recover body fat and she may not make that journey but we promise to do our utmost and ensure we give her all she needs to help her body come back. If that dfoesn't happen then she will pass from this, her final home, gently and quietly with a loving hand and a kind voice guiding her. We'll take each day at a time and we'll continue to weight tape her at regular intervals. On Tuesday/Wednesday Dominic, our vet, will come and give her a full examination and investigate what goes on in her mouth.
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NPA Arabians
 United Kingdom
2980 Posts |
Posted - 26 Aug 2012 : 8:53:38 PM
EMW will be having a stand at BAHPAC and BACS to enable them to raise funds. |
Jayne Armstrong - NPA Arabians
:-) :-) :-) :-) |
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AL Admin
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Posted - 26 Aug 2012 : 9:22:08 PM
Wow,she looks amazing! Actually not even too thin for her age,more like lack of muscle and condition in her back,but she's looking positively plump compared to first pictures. Well done! |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 27 Aug 2012 : 08:30:09 AM
Wow amazing! Well done EMW! That bottom picture you wouldn't know her age or what she had been through, what a kind happy trusting eye she has. Horses are amazing to forgive humans like they do. This has brought tears to my eyes with happiness of course. Amazing mare. |

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Posted - 27 Aug 2012 : 08:33:07 AM
Wow she looks great, very relaxed and happy.
Caryn |
Kharidian (Prince Sadik x Khiri)........ Alkara Cassino (H Tobago x Rose Aboud) aka "Roger".................................... aka "Chips"
 The first image is from an original painting by Pat Shorto.
South-East Essex |
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AL Admin
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Posted - 27 Aug 2012 : 12:54:05 PM
A new update from EMW:
Paris ate most of her bucket food last night and again this morning but on the whole seems to be happiest with the grazing which she is tucking away well and has poo'd the normal amount for a grass kept equine. She's clearly been patrolling the hedgeline which runs alongside the others on the meadow next door and as such I would say this mare is a fence walker which explains a lot why she fails to hold condition, these sort fret off body weight in a matter of very little time, we've had them before. She will need a companion and although we have nothing thin enough to put in with her right now, as her grazing is beyond lush, she can see the others over the fence. I may try one of the muzzled bunch in with her and see how it goes. I think once she has her own best friend this mare will rapidly gain condition and settle down. This is pretty typical ex-brood mare behavior. I picked up a nice lightweight high neck rug for today and she's now protected againt the weather if she prefers to be outdoors which she seems to be .. she hadn't been in her shelter at all overnight. I've rain sheeted up EMW oldies JIm and Beau this morning in the hope they'll go out nad graze down the field and this will then encourage Paris to graze 'alongside' them on her meadow. We will solve this but it really does explain one heck of a lot of her issues.
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 27 Aug 2012 : 12:59:45 PM
Dear Elaine at EMW, to see these wonderful photos of dear old Paris is the best thing to happen in this poor mares life for years. I personally thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving her, even if only for a few months, a bit of green horse heaven. She such a special girl not only due to her ancestry but because she has touched our hearts, and thankfully when the time is right pass away knowing that we do care and that we do all love her so. Thanks EMW for being there.
Sue...xx |
Edited by - SueB on 27 Aug 2012 1:00:42 PM |
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Gold Member
1370 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2012 : 5:01:57 PM
I am really reminded of a phrase from Black Beauty.... "I am home"
This mare has touched us all, and taught us all an awful lot.. we are all the richer for knowing her... wonderful, wonderful pictures and clearly enjoying her life to the full |
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United Kingdom
6708 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2012 : 5:37:00 PM
Lucky Paris having found this last home!! Well done EMW. What a great outcome. |
Roseanne |
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AL Admin
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Posted - 27 Aug 2012 : 6:07:33 PM
And she keeps doing fine. Update from today:
Now I know you're all keen to know how Paris is today. The answer is she is fine :-) She has eaten her feeds really well, Bryan is doing late evening duty with her fourth feed of the day and she has settled down to grazing nicely all day since we left, alongside the hedge line with the others staying really close to her which is great news and it now looks much less likely that we'll have to hurry a companion in for her. Huge thanks to all who have offered 'friends' for her but right now I think we'll stay as we are and see how things go. Bryan said when he checked her at 11-30pm last night she neighed to him which is lovely, She also came up the field for him to about the half way spot where she settled to eat her last feed. She trotted up to me this morning and confirmed how much life she still has. He said that when he checked her at 2pm today she was grazing her head off in the field. I've not heard her neigh at all yet even though she was pleased to see me with her tea tonight. I checked under her rug and she is nice and warm and dry and more good news is she's been in her cosy shelter even if only for a look, as there were hoof prints in the bed. So all in all, so far so good despite a foul day for her. The forecast from Friday onwards is much improved.. she'll get some rug free warm and comfortable days and nights before winter comes.. just what the vet ordered and along with her feeds we hope to be able to see another weight gain for Paris. More pics of her will come tomorrow. |
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Bronze Member
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Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 11:47:03 AM
Wow what a gracious old lady. She looks wonderfull and may she enjoy many more days with the sun on her back. People said i was mad to take on my old boy when i did at nearly 27,they said what use is he hes past it,he went on ti ll he was 33 as far as i know he may have been a bit older. They soon tell you when theyve had enough of life he did and we said ok son off you go.But i will always be glad of the five years we knew him .Sorry for the loos of your caspian it hurts like hell. Thoughts with you. And paris what an honour to see an aswan daughter,pics are fab,and very wise looking,well doneto all involved |
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AL Admin
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Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 11:51:31 AM
Today's status update: PARIS - all continues to be well. she is clearing aad thoroughy enjoying her soaked fibre meals and is definately grazing well as he dropping show. There is some slight sloughing of gut membrane in her poo, not much, and fairly nromal for very elderly horses anyway but we'll be watching to ensure there is no blood or other cause for concern. She was pleased to see us this monring and came busily up to gret us and start her bucket of breakfast. She's rugless today and is fine, her sores which Lianne has made huge progress with continue to heal but as precaution we've treated them all with Savlon anyway - our vet swears by it. We left her eating and continued to poo pick ( hunt) her meadow from top to bottom. she was soon on her way down and i did wonder if she'd walked away from her grub... no! but her intentions were soon obvious as little Willow made his way to the connecting gate so did Paris, what a trollop! They sniffed over the gate and it was much roaring and squealling and her tail up over her back! she seems to be in season! We left her to her love life and headed back uphill where her bucket was picked clean! she doesn't waste time with her food at all. When we left the yard she was back at the top grazing and with her 'boys' grazing alongside her in the adjoining meadow... I think she's going to be verypopular indeed! Tomorrow we have the hoof trimmers here as well as the vet coming to see Paris and also to check on Jim's mudfever and check Beau's teeth. |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 28 Aug 2012 : 2:41:51 PM
What a delight to read these updates.and love the pictures,especially the last one,she looks majestic there! |
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