I noticed ferns were on the list, which I thought werent any good for horses, though my pony makes a beeline for in when we are out riding. I try my best to stop him, but sometimes, he has had the better of me.
I did notice that it said was until recently used for tapeworm.... anyone any more info if really dangerous or not?
I am also interested to know about ferns. My gelding found them irresistible when riding in the Forrest- later on someone said I shouldn't let him eat them as they are poisonous to which i was horrified! They didn't seem to do him any harm but i did not let him eat any after that point just incase
Surprised to see thistles on the list - we have a patch in the field and the horses neatly nip off the flowers and eat them if they are allowed to reach that stage. Dodder - I thought this was another name for goosegrass or cleavers which is good for laminitics? Obviously my mistake.