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bankside farm
Silver Member
357 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2006 : 12:40:37 PM
Was hoping someone would be able to give me an idea of what may be wrong before I get the vet out. I will start from the beginning. My little colt who will be 2 in April is acting really strange, I put his lycra hood on about 5 days ago as was hoping it would stop his rugs damaging his mane, well he took quite a dislike to having it on and tried a few nights to get it off 2 nights he managed to climb out of his two rugs but not get the hood off. When out in the field he had obviously tried to get out of it again but failed although he did manage to get his outdoor neck cover over his ears and when I went to fetch him in he seemed really upset and jumpy when I removed his rugs, last night he came in and when tied up to un rug and brush him he was really sensitive around his face, so the hood came off but he would not allow me to go near his face. This morning when I went to his stable to put him in he field he didn't want to go out to play with his pals and he was behaving really strange not wanting to come any where near me and backing away from me but not lifting his head he seems to be keeping his head low and constantly playing with his mouth and looking really sorry for himself. He has eaten his feed and a bucket full of carrots this morning but had only eaten half his haylage during the night, I put him some haylage on the floor as he seemed reluctent to lift his head to his rack and he is picking through it. I have looked to see if he has any cuts but nothing and after I had been sat on his stable floor for 1/2 hour he came and kissed and licked me so I know he has no horrible smell in his mouth, if anything I would say he looks a little bit swollen around the near side jaw and his eye is watering quite alot. He is passing droppings and everything seems normal in that department. I just feel so sorry for him, and was wondering if it could be his teeth and if it were his teeth what can I do for him?????? I am worried about getting the vet to him as I know he will be really upset by a stranger around his head as he normally puts his head into me for a cuddle but won't even do that today.
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Platinum Member
3682 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2006 : 12:50:38 PM
It is always difficult to know what a horse has been up to in the field but it sounds like he may have clumped himself on the side of the jaw, especially as he has been getting his rugs off and trying! Maybe he had one caught around his face? or kicked himself? or tried to wipe himself up against a tree/fence?
I would be inclined to get the vet anyway. He will be experienced enough to handle a colt that doesnt want to be handled....If he gets too distressed, he will probably sedate him.
When this is all over, perhaps try the hood on for short periods of time, while you are around and then build up the time so that he can get used to it.
Good luck! |
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Libby Frost
Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
4711 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2006 : 1:17:16 PM
swollen glands under his neck? could be a sign of infection? |
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 United Kingdom
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bankside farm
Silver Member
357 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2006 : 3:11:53 PM
Just had vet out to my little man,Bless him he was in pain but still behaved like an angel. He has definatly given his head a good bash but it seems there are no cracks just pain he has had anti-inflamatries(spelling) and pain killer and was looking better before the vet left. He is used to wearing his hood but for some reason this time he wasn't happy with it maybe because he is a trying to prove to all the others he is a big strong man and I put a pretty lilac hood on him not too good for his street cred. Joking aside touch wood he will be back to his normal self in a few days. |
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Platinum Member
3682 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2006 : 4:23:33 PM
Ah thats it then - He didnt like the colour 
Glad you got it sorted and hope he feels better very soon. |
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Platinum Member
4562 Posts |
Posted - 09 Feb 2006 : 5:54:41 PM
Bless him!! Good to hear he's feelin a bit happier |
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Gold Member
746 Posts |
Posted - 11 Feb 2006 : 10:16:22 PM
Email me if you want too - cant seem to get through to yours
Sarah |
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