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8652 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 11:28:53 AM
I am now at a complete loss with Dennis.
A couple of weeks before Christmas he started rubbing his tail. No big deal, all horses get the odd itch so washed it with teatree shampoo and that was that.
A few days later he rubbed it again, so I washed it again and this time rubbed in baby lotion thinking the skin may be bit dry.
A couple of days later he rubbed again, so now I think hello whats going on. I inspect closely and don't see any critters. Inspect the others and don't see any critters either. Wash his tail and apply sudocream as he's made either side of his dock area sore and also under his dock area.
Then a couple of days later I actually see him rubbing and I see that he is actually trying to rub his bottom rather than his tail and he started to rub his offside shoulder. Very odd so I wash him with insecticidal shampoo just in case.
A few days later he rubbed again so this time I sprayed him with Deosect. I also wormed him with Invermectin (although he had been wormed 4 weeks earlier with Equest). Ivermectin kills sucking lice and pin worms, if they were present.
This made no difference at all so a couple of days later made an appointment with the vet. In the mean time I clipped him out, everything off apart from legs. Had to call a friend to do his underside and my abdomen is still tender and I can't scrunch my tummy up upside down under a horse. She agreed there were no signs of critters.
Vet examined him and says that I have done everything that she would have suggested and is at a loss to explain. The only thing she said was to wait and see if the clipping has an effect.
Well it did, for about a week, rubbed his tail/bottom again and made it sore, washed the whole area with hibiscrub and applied Aloe Vera gel liberally, then he did it again 2 days later (which was Saturday)so I repeated the hibi and Aloe Vera.
I will be washing his bottom everyday and applying Aloe Vera as I can't think of anything else to do.
He is out the same field, on the same food, same hay etc, nothing new there. He has a clean night rug once a week.
Since being clipped he has not rubbed his shoulder. The vet can only suggest a steroid injection which, of course I am very reluctant to do but may have to as a last resort.
So what the hell do I do now?
 Hampshire |
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Slave 2 Magic
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Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 11:51:47 AM
Thats a tough one. Was going to suggest Deosect but you've already tried that. What about giving him some antihistamine tablets such as Piriton? See if it calms the itching. What bedding is he on? |
West Yorkshire
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Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 11:57:44 AM
have you had a blood test done? Milly did similar to this evertime I took her rugs off but with her teeth , kept knawing at her sides, we did all what you did and could not find out the probem......... then she went doen with the peritonitis and has not done it since, and I wondered if I had had a blood test done whether it would showed up an irregularity within her blood before getting the full blown peritonitis? worth asking the vet about? |
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Membership Moderator
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Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 12:04:10 PM
I have posted this elsewhere so will give some more information.
The rugs are washed in non Bio Fairy and rinsed twice.
He's on paper and rubber mats, his hay is soaked. His feed is D+H Safe and Sound (low cereal and starch) , Equus Cider Vinegar and NM Joint Supplement.
He is a hot horse and does not need heavy rugs, even fully clipped he is only in medium weights.
Have discussed him at length with the vet, blood tests and antihistamine were no mentioned so I will ask about them. |
 Hampshire |
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Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 12:35:19 PM
This is a very interesting topic
I have a gelding that started to do something simular.
We were on a ride and he started to bit at his side so my friend got off him and he seemed to stop, this has happened a couple more times.
Every time you take his rug off he bits his sides (although he has always done that.
When you watch him in the field he does not seem to do it.
We had the vet in and he thought to start with that he was lame (Hock, although the light was not good). The vet came back last Thursday and we lunged him he is not lame must have just been the light.
Blood tests done and it came back with a high WBC so we have put him on a tonic.
We lunged him yesterday and within 5 minutes he did the same thing kicking his back legs and trying to bit his sides. This is very odd because when you see him in the field he is perfectly fine, galloping around with the others.
There is no sigh of colic. The only other thing I have noticed is that he has produced a lot of smegma from his sheath so that may need to be cleaned.He is very touchy around that area.
Will Google Equine Peritonitis
Pauline  |
Pauline Higgs Equine & Human Holistic Therapist Berkshire / Hampshire Border |
Edited by - Pauline on 19 Jan 2009 12:41:44 PM |
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Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 12:38:54 PM
Have you changed your washing powder or used more than usual washing his night rugs?
Does he have oil in his diet? Is his skin dryer than normal causing itchyness?

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Platinum Member
3586 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 12:53:49 PM
Hi Vera, I've had the exact same thing with my youngster. There was no change in diet, surroundings, doesn't wear a rug, regularly wormed and none of the others were itchy?? The only thing that worked to stop the itching was a full packet (7) of antihistimaine one-a-day tablets, given every day. If I stopped giving him them, he started to itch again! This went on for approx 4 weeks. Relieved to say it's cleared itself up now and he's no longer itchy. The vet and I can only assume it's been an allergic reaction to something? Possibly something in the haylage?? HTH |
 Borders, Scotland |
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Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 12:57:20 PM
Not changed the soap powder. I have sensitive skin so have always used non bio Fairy.
I do not add oil to his diet, he's a very good doer but the feed has good levels of Omega Oils (via Linseed).
His skin appears to be perfectly healthy, its not dry or flakey. He is not itchy all over.
He is a bit smeggy so I will give his man parts a good clean tonight. Luckily he's very good about that sort of thing. |
 Hampshire |
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Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 1:38:23 PM
I had not changed anything either........absolutely nothing, in just that it was soo strange seeing her itch like that and it was only after the surgery it stopped, although having said that she was on mass's of anti biotics afterwards as well, and when the vet came out the very first time when she was showing colicky sigens her WBC was slightly elevated, so reading Vera's post reminded me that for a couple of months leading up to the illness, she had started itching, I am not for one minute saying that there is a connection, just wondered if I had had the blood test done right at the beginning whether it would have shown up an irregularity that could have been treated hence her not ending up with the abdominal peritonitus? and anyone of my vets in the practice will tell you that they all said they had never ever come across horses that were more loved than mine, actually rossdales said something similar too, which I have to say was lovely to hear |
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Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 1:48:35 PM
I was going to sugest antihistamine, also because you used the same washing stuff does not mean that they cant react. If they are similar to us you could use one thing one day and not react use it another and they will react. 
Hope you manage to find the problem and get it sorted as soon as you can. |
Natalie Pix. Essex. Tariq ibn Radfan and Taroub |
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Emma B
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 United Kingdom
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Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 2:46:43 PM
hi vera
get him hair tested it can be the strangest things that we cant see but they pick up everything and it really works. I have psiorisis and was hair tested they give you a spray which you spray into mouth and it just goes. I could go into alot more detail if you want to pm me. Emx |

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United Kingdom
6708 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 3:31:30 PM
Could you try Benzyl Benzoate? It's meant for excema in people and was always good for my itchy Andalusian...
A woman put an identical thread about a week ago; think it was a mare that had just got so itchy and she was flummoxed. I'm not sure whether she found a solution. Good luck! |
Roseanne |
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Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 5:02:49 PM
I'd try washing his sheath , I know mares who rub their tails sometimes do so because of a gungy udder [ for want of a better phrase]. I'd also eliminate alfalfa from his diet, I know of several arabs, including one of mine, the grey, which are sensitive to it,leading to suceptability to mud fever amongst other things. it takes a little while for it to leave their system so you wont get instant results, but surely its worth a try. |
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 United Kingdom
8652 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 5:08:37 PM
I've cleaned his man parts this evening, didn't see anything unusual. I use baby oil and baby wipes. Thoroughly did as far as I could reach, which I admit wasn't very far. My abdomen just won't let me scrunch it up yet.
I will certainly try Benzyl Benzoate next. I haven't got any at the mo but will get some. He didn't rub last night so I hope that the washing and gell will keep it at bay.
 Hampshire |
Edited by - Vera on 19 Jan 2009 5:13:14 PM |
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3776 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2009 : 6:56:38 PM
Hi Vera If it is just itchy skin I find adding a mug of apple cider vinegar to a bucket of warm water as a final rinse work well. Soak the skin and leave it to soak for a few minutes and towel dry (Don't rinse it out)Or try green tea. You must be very tired now after giving Dennis all this TLC and treatment, I know you wouldn't have it any other way, but don't over do it,take care.  |
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Valentine Arabians
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Posted - 20 Jan 2009 : 12:03:39 PM
Hi Vera,
I would do a little skin test area with the BB on Dennis first, as I used it 'neat' once on my one mare's tail and she went ballistic - it obviously burnt like crazy!
If I am going to use BB now, I mix it 50:50 with oil-based Calamine Lotion, with no ill effects from 'said' gingernut!
Good luck with the itch.
Liz |
Liz & Walter Downes Lincolnshire |
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carla lala
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Posted - 20 Jan 2009 : 8:07:55 PM
hi i have a mare that has the same problem , we have done everything ! Only starts in november and stops soon . Had it last winter and it came back this winter. Driving me mad Just started last thursday with a herbal mix tablet from a herbal vet , and it seems to be working ! The best bit of all they were only £16 , so fingers crossed they keep on working ! |
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Posted - 20 Jan 2009 : 10:23:29 PM
I had hoped that I'd cracked it, he hadn't rubbed for 3 nights, Sat, Sun and Mon night.
Washed his bottom and applied lots of Aloe Vera this evening. I didn't hang around as it was freezing (we've had several hail showers). John went to the yard to drop the feed I'd asked him to get - including a tub of nettle for Dennis. He said that Dennis had already rubbed his bum buy the time he'd got there.
Looks like I'll have to get the vet again, really am nervous about a steriod injection though. |
 Hampshire |
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NPA Arabians
 United Kingdom
2980 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2009 : 10:34:17 PM
Vera - before you go down the steriod injecton route (would worry me too!) - try contacting the guy that Jacky (Carla Lala) has tried (homeopathic) - he has solved loads of "mystery" allergic type problems in the past for us.
Jayne Armstrong - NPA Arabians
:-) :-) :-) :-) |
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Posted - 20 Jan 2009 : 10:35:31 PM
Oh heck V, I completely understand your reluctance to steriods. That should be a last resort. Have you talked to them about antihisthamines? Also homeopathy would be worth investigating.... anything but steriods. Give him a big snog from me and the girls and tell him to stop being such a bl00dy attention seeker! |
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Membership Moderator
 United Kingdom
8652 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2009 : 10:41:30 PM
Jayne - could you PM me his details please.
He doesn't rub franticly like say a sweet itch horse does, he does it quite slowly rocking from side to side but pushing his whole weight against his backside.
I'm worried the stable wall is going to come down - its already got a crack in it!! |
 Hampshire |
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Posted - 21 Jan 2009 : 12:32:47 AM
Hi, I cant help you with his problem i am afraid, but i can tell you that if you search the internet you can get 500 piriton tablets for £11.00, my friend gets them for her mare so i can get the site details for you if you cant find a site that does them that cheaply. Just PM me if you stuck and i will find out for you.
P.S. the mare is an itchy girl, the vets in this area said that they have had an increase in this type of complaint due to the mild winters and "apparent" new bugs???? not sure how true this is or if they are just trying to give her answers to the huge vet bills they have run up ????? |
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Bronze Member
102 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2009 : 09:17:58 AM
Just a quick idea have you thought about thread worm being the problem, |
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