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 Lost my enthusiasm for horses and riding
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Posted - 10 Nov 2008 :  12:59:28 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Kirsty5278 to your friends list Send Kirsty5278 a Private Message
Danielle... I think it comes down to just one decision if sharers and loaners aren't an option for you....

If you physically can't tend to your horses then should you continue to risk further illness/prolong recovery by putting all your steength into them? Your health is priority.
If this is an exceptionally difficult time for you but you feel that it will ease soon and one day you will enjoy your horses again then keep at it.... just start to enjoy being with them again... walk them inhand, bond with them again, take your time - don't worry about poo picking everyday.... just slowly biuld your relationship with them.... gradually you may wish to ride again...

but if you don't think this is going to happen then perhaps rehoming is your only option....

its such a tough position to be in - but you need to think of 'you' first......

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Posted - 10 Nov 2008 :  1:04:35 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add weirton to your friends list Send weirton a Private Message

I know just where you're coming from Sue. We came here, not far from you, to retire and slowly give up the horses. What a joke, here we are six years down the line and still at it. I would give anything to not to have any horses right now. the body is giving up and the state of the land doesn't bear thinking about, just swum to the gate for the post. Nowadays it doesn't get better in the summer even. I've been down to one horse but keeping her on her own depressed her so much I had to get some company and then off we go again....It is some kind of drug and giving up is sooo hard. What do 'normal' people do with their time?
As you say Danielle. livery is not an option for a lot of reasons
(mostly, in my case ,I wouldn't trust anyone to do my horses my way long term) and of course the cost.
Also the chance at the moment of selling to the right home is very remote, I think.

Added to my own horses I have taken on an old mare belonging to someone else which I really need like a hole in the head. I think I have mug written on my forhead. Still moan over and I can't come up with a answer for you Danielle but you are not alone. I shall crawl on a bit longer I expect if the body holds out.


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Posted - 10 Nov 2008 :  1:22:45 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Pixie to your friends list Send Pixie a Private Message
Quote - What do 'normal' people do with their time? Unquote

They do other things. Paint, walk, shop, gardening, stay clean, don't go near any mud, have their nails and hair done. Have holidays......spend time with friends. Swim, play tennis, badminton. Are they happy....Are they fulfilled. Yes probably. Would it suit all of us. Probably not

edited as pushed the submit button too quick.

Edited by - Pixie on 10 Nov 2008 1:34:03 PM
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Posted - 10 Nov 2008 :  1:43:56 PM  Show Profile  Send SueB an AOL message Bookmark this reply Add SueB to your friends list Send SueB a Private Message
Jean, keep goingif you don't the body will give up, that's how I view it.
The fact we have never seen the summer, about two weeks, and now rain forcast for the whole week, or is that the whole winter? makes it seem so much worse.
We have muddy paddocks already and horses that look out of stables and say.....nope, not going out in this!
So many times I have said , right I shall cut right down again.....who do I choose? little faces looking at me in the morning and with a threat if they are naughty they go, seems to make them all behave extremely well that day. They know you knowthat I never really mean it.

Poor Danielle sounds like you will have to leave your horses out in a herd then if this is what you feel is best and don't worry about not riding them.
In all considerations you must look after your health first.

Pixie, what other people do sounds good to me today

Edited by - SueB on 10 Nov 2008 1:47:15 PM
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Posted - 10 Nov 2008 :  1:59:59 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Danielle's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add Danielle to your friends list Send Danielle a Private Message
I think perhaps I shall battle on a little longer with it, hope my medication works etc, am facing possible gastric by pass op as not able to eat anything without being ill, bit drastic but we'll see, I did enjoy the horses once so hoping it will all get better one day.
Just hope Storm will be okay out in all this weather, he has good rugs (rambo ones) and have just bought him some vit and min supplement and will keep an eye on him and sort something for him if he needs it. Think as you say they don't mind doing nothing really so I will just do stuff with them as and when I can, at least they are seen to 2-3 times per day so they're in a better position than some!

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Posted - 10 Nov 2008 :  2:02:11 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add nikki to your friends list Send nikki a Private Message
Hiya Danielle,

sounds like you've got some idea's, advice to work on, not sure what else to offer but i hope you feel better soon. Must be rotton feeling ill all the time!

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Posted - 10 Nov 2008 :  2:18:23 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Pixie to your friends list Send Pixie a Private Message
yes and me. lol

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Posted - 10 Nov 2008 :  6:59:16 PM  Show Profile  Visit phoenixbruka's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add phoenixbruka to your friends list Send phoenixbruka a Private Message
I think the only thing that keeps me positive is having other people around me who 'DO' things , I run a livery yard and don't get to ride any where near as much as I should and it gets me down or annoys me ( in equal measure sometimes) but just having friends around to coax you out on a ride is a brilliant tonic

I have liveries that show, dressage, event, showjump , le trec, hunt and pain happy hackers and we all need a bit of company to keep us going sometimes

You don't sound depressed you just sound like you need company

Livery yards are great and if I won the lottory tomorrow I wouldn't have my horses at home as Id be bored and lonely
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Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  08:41:12 AM  Show Profile  Send Montikka an AOL message Bookmark this reply Add Montikka to your friends list Send Montikka a Private Message
Absolutely phoenixbruka! And people always offer to help if you're having a rough time. I'd not go back to having mine at home.

Louise, Warwickshire
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Pink Minx
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Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  10:51:28 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Pink Minx to your friends list Send Pink Minx a Private Message
I hope I dont end up repeating what everyone else has said as I didnt read everything in detail. Is that naughty? I'm only on my second post so am still a novice!

I have been where you are with ill health leading to lack of enthusiasm and I think the best thing would be to STOP feeling guilty and stressing about your horses as that can lead to you being more poorly especially if you have stomach probs anyway. Just let your horses be horses for the winter - you've got them sorted with warm rugs and as long as they are warm enough with plenty of hay and hard feef where needed they'll be absolutely fine out. Get yourself feeling better, plenty of early nights and eat healthy then by the time it's lighter nights you will probably feel more inclined to do a bit with them. If you don't feel any different then think about loaning them or whatever but it's best if you make the decision when you are feeling more chipper about life.

If you keep yourself well then you won't be worrying about who you are going to get to look after them. I personally wouldnt move them to livery (unless you absolutely have to) as you will have the added worry of the extra costs and if they like their field mates and if you arent spending that much time there because you'd have to travel it can get bitchy with people saying, "Ooh she doesnt spend any time with those horses blah blah blah".

Sorry for long rant but I'm new to this forum-ing lark!!
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Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  10:59:53 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Gerri to your friends list Send Gerri a Private Message
I have been exactly where you are now, please don't feel guilty as that in itself makes you feel even more like giving up, there is alot of good advice on here and when I felt just like you, I di what someone else said, I made sure the horses were fed hay'd checked them everyday and got someone to have one on free loan at my home all they had to do was pay for feed and they could ride and do everything as if they were keeping it somewhere else and gradually it got me going as then started to want to ride out etc again as enjoyed her company, but give yourself a break, take time out for yourself and don't beat yourself up as long as they are warm and have full tummys they are fine, really its us humanising them that makes us think that we have to do all this extra but hey!!!! who am I to talk I am just as bad sending you hugs and best wishes that you feel better soon
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Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  1:13:18 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Danielle's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add Danielle to your friends list Send Danielle a Private Message
Thank you so much for all the good advice everyone. No I will definitely not be moving them to livery, I'd rather sell them all than go through all that bitchiness again, and I could not afford all of them to be on livery either, there are no good yards here and they really are safer and happier being here at home in their own familiar fields, livery made us miserable and I won't go back to it for all the tea in China!!!
Yesterday I felt slightly better, so brought Storm over to the yard area and feathered all his tail and put loads of Mud Shield powder on his legs and tidied him up etc, was quite nice. Then I moved all the electric fencing for them so they have new yummy grass to graze, and today I have taken all their rugs off so they can have a good roll, they are seen to 2-3 times per day so are in a better position than some horses out there.
I'm going to leave riding till the New Year now and if I have the energy may just take one or another out for a walk in hand as and when I can.
You are all right they are nice and warm, have the best rugs good quality hay and feed and are seen to regularly, so I will leave it at that for now.

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Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  8:52:51 PM  Show Profile  Send Montikka an AOL message Bookmark this reply Add Montikka to your friends list Send Montikka a Private Message
Good for you Danielle

They are warm, fed, Hopefully tet jabbed and farriered, - what lucky horses - I bet they're a whole lot more happy than many 'pampered' working horses this winter, who are stuck in unnatural conditions and expected to perform on demand.

Relax - do the bare necessities ( for the horses) and try to get yourself well.

Good luck x

Louise, Warwickshire
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Posted - 12 Nov 2008 :  9:06:00 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Joto to your friends list Send Joto a Private Message
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Posted - 13 Nov 2008 :  1:28:10 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add peg to your friends list Send peg a Private Message
Oh poor you - you sound very down in the dumps. I agree with others that you have to try somehow to start DOING again and not wait for the motivation and enthusiasm to magically re-appear. In fact it's a misconception many people have - i.e. that they will have to regain motivation and enthusiasm before they can start to do things again - it actually works the other way round. So, even if it feels impossible at the moment and I can imagine it must feel like having to climb a mountain - start to do those things again that brought you so much pleasure and such a sense of achievement in the past, little bits at a time, and give yourself credit for when you have done them. I promise you that you will start to feel happier and regain some of your energy.
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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  9:25:38 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Joto to your friends list Send Joto a Private Message
Hello Danielle and everyone else. How are you Danielle? Things are looking up here, OH has decided to do less overtime at work and help out more with the horses,which he likes anyway. and to hack out at least once a week come what may. Big relief. we are also going on a short break, being pampered ourselves in a hotel and meeting up with old friends. I feel so much more positive.
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Posted - 21 Nov 2008 :  07:52:56 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add mogwai to your friends list Send mogwai a Private Message
Glad you're feeling better Jill. I think the weather helps too, since it's stopped raining 24/7! Hope you're ok too danielle. It's a tough time of year, and with the financial situation at the moment and feeling ill, it's no wonder you're feeling down.
It's sounds as though your horses are having the life of rielly. All mine live out in a little herd come rain or shine and they prefer it that way, though it's certainly not a lazy option.
Take it easy and change your routine, although it's difficult, sometimes it helps. Also, because i get so miserable in winter, we have bought daylight bulbs for the house. They take a bit of getting used to, but i'm sure they've helped me
Ros x
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Posted - 21 Nov 2008 :  10:58:26 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Kirsty5278 to your friends list Send Kirsty5278 a Private Message
Joto that sounds really positive... and a little pamper weekend too - lucky you!!! :)

How you doing danielle??

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