Been up to the yard today to ride Ben and noticed a swelling on his face. on his lower jaw near his mouth. i managed to have a feel and its quite a hard lump. it was'nt there yesterday? he's managing to eat his feed cos its soft but he's struggling to eat his hay. I've given him some bute tonight and will give him some more in the morning then i'm going to give the vet a ring. I think it could be an abscess? has anyone experienced anything like this?
Hi there Yes - my filly has had a couple of abcesses in the lower jaw - possibly relating to changes in her teeth. Really painful and took over a week to burst I am afraid. You are doing the right thing getting the vet as your little chap will need some antibiotics as well as his painkillers. I spent lots of time bathing her jaw with a luke warm towel to draw it but it seemed to take forever. I hope he is feeling better soon Debs
Hi saddlebred He's 21 so i think your right about changes in his teeth like your filly? Just thought if i gave him some pain killers tonight and in the morning he might feel a bit more comfortable until the vet came. thanks for the advice about bathing it! I'll let you know how we get on with the vet
We had a gelding who came to us a few days after having his teeth done.. Vet drained it and put him on antibotics within a week all was cleared and he was well.. Hope your man quickly mends..
You can help draw them using alternate hot and cold compresses several times. Also, once they burst, if you flush regularly with a 10% solution of Hydrogen Peroxide in a syringe it will help prevent them refilling!
I use peroxide on all our cuts etc, brilliant, swear by it. We have a speedy healing rate and not much that gets infected, or if it does, it clears up very quickly. It is also good used at 5% to clean blood off hair. (Veterinary nurse practice!!)