I will watch what I say here....but I have good cause to ask if anyone knows what the ACUTE( short term) symptoms would be of an overdose of bute? ( not the long term gastric problems we all associate wih it in some )
None of my animals are affected.....just wondering if a smaller pony got the dose intended for a large heavy horse....lets say by accident and just not go there with the alternative.....IF there would be noticeable symptoms such as sudden intestinal disturbance, weakness and the animal appearing "out of it" or drugged?
I am not about to say why I but I will say that I have a very urgent need to to and wonder if anyone knows.
I'd really like to hear that this is not a likelihood.....and if so, would anyone know what might cause the combination of the above symptoms?
Tests were run, but no one suspected there may have been a switch in feeds ~ so no one was looking for bute. Inconclusive, apparently, but if you are not looking for specific substence , you won't jsut see it.
Just rather worried as the pony is an older one and there are thoughts of having this one PTS as it initially looked like a real nurological issue.....although last night and today the animal seems fine the plans seem to still be in place. There are oter issues here I won't be raising. but I just wondered if anyone had ever heard of ACUTE bute poisoning as opposed to the usual ulcers and things you hear of with long term use.