a beagle bitch up to two yrs old, papers not necessary. Any ideas? Anyone know of any breeders? Also looking for a jack russell smooth coat bitch up to year.
Edited by - Acorn Arabians on 21 Jan 2008 2:36:02 PM
Have you tried dog pages,this is a country wide dog rescue forum that had hundreds of dogs needing new homes,there is also a section to put a wanted advert in so if any rescues have such a dog they can contact you and get the ball rolling.
Just to say these re-homing people run alongside charitable lines, and you will end up handing over a small amount of money but is just a donation to rescueing that particular breed of dog. Nicky
just for you Helen........... http://www.jack-russell-terrier.co.uk/ OMG wish I had not found it now, wounder if our Joules (Claires JRT) would like a new friend?????