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 RenaultMaster horseboxes
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Platinum Member


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Posted - 16 Aug 2007 :  07:36:27 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add Annette to your friends list Send Annette a Private Message
Anyone got one of these or similar? I am thinking of buying one and would like any pros and cons that people have found with them.

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Judith S
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Posted - 16 Aug 2007 :  07:56:12 AM  Show Profile  Visit Judith S's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Judith S to your friends list Send Judith S a Private Message
Will be interested in what folk say as we might be considering one!

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Posted - 16 Aug 2007 :  09:50:23 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Geena to your friends list Send Geena a Private Message
My mechanic says be very careful of anything that is high off the ground as they rock more. Eg IW Horsebox and the back of transit. Some of the older model renualts are high up but newer ones are lower down. Also if they are higher up normally means high ramp.

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Gold Member

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Posted - 16 Aug 2007 :  10:15:15 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add firstlady to your friends list Send firstlady a Private Message
Hi all
I've had one of these rear facing 2 horse on a peugot boxer chassis,I had it built from scratch by a local firm.It was ok.
the pros
anything on a peugot boxer/fiat ducato/renault master all very low to the ground,low centre of balance,horses (most but not all) travel well.
low easy load ramps,
compact easy to handle and drive
some storage and seating areas.
can talk and see the horses via the window as you drive (you find out their taste in music which is amusing - one stamp for turn it up right strop if they don't like what your playing !!!)
the cons
wouldn't really want to travel anything much bigger than 15.2 hh in one after all they're only a 3.5 ton van
very small payload usually not much more than 1000kg so very easy to go over weight - they can be uprated to 4 ton with extra springs.
often underpowered (newer 2.8 engines better) as whole thing ways over 2 ton empty so they get warn out very quickly and have usually started life as being driven by white van man,as most of the makers of these boxes just will cut down the van to the floor and then weld and build up from there (unless you've got oodles of cash and can by a theault which are made as a box from new and are built up directly from the chassis,they also have an emergency exit via the back .the theault are the oringinal and the best and the only one I'd ever consider having but haven't got that much cash so will stick to my lovely fautras trailer (which is excellent and horses travel herringbone - so like a lorry but unhitch and get your tow vehicle back at the end of the day and they tow like nothing else I've ever towed- briliant)
also rust can be a problem on them,have a look at a van of the same make and age and they consider !!!
best of luck hope this helps in some way but do be very careful and take a few pairs of experienced eyes with you
which is another potential problem as most only have the side unload
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shelley t
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Posted - 16 Aug 2007 :  10:44:02 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add shelley t to your friends list Send shelley t a Private Message

I have a renault master horsebox (Percy), it is a p reg van which used to be an ambulance. it was newly converted last year.

I have to agree it wouldn't take anything bigger than 15.2hh.

I have found that all horses that have been in it travel really well. There is no trouble with swaying like with bigger lorrys. and you can keep your eye on them all of the time through the window!

They are driven on a normal licence and have the same tax as a van so are not too expensive to run!

Also, when you arrive and you have unloaded you can take out the partition and put your double airbed in and you have a nice snug bed!
I love mine it has given me independance, I can now choose to go to show and not have to rely on anyone else!!
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Posted - 16 Aug 2007 :  4:46:29 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Evie's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add Evie to your friends list Send Evie a Private Message
I dream of getting one of these for Tara (it'd be ideal for her as she's only 14.2hh), hopefully by the time I come back from Cayman I will be able to afford one, then I can take her to endurance rides and take her on holiday with me! :)

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Posted - 16 Aug 2007 :  9:31:50 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add heatherr to your friends list Send heatherr a Private Message
I have a renault master horsebox and would agree with all of firstlady's comments..... except.... last week I took a fiend's 16 hand thoroughbred to a local event and she travelled fine. Didn't look too big at all. I love my lorry, it looks so small against a lot of others, but is like a tardis inside, loads of room, easy to drive and independance is wonderful

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Posted - 19 Aug 2007 :  10:30:43 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Annette to your friends list Send Annette a Private Message
Many thanks for your help folks. It has given me some things to think about. Must say I like the idea of sharing my music with horses!!
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