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Posted - 03 Aug 2007 :  8:40:20 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add Lori to your friends list Send Lori a Private Message
I have just read on the AHS website that the futurity classes to be held at Myerscough have been cancelled.
Does this mean that the HOYS classes have gone aswell?
If not why is it fair to cancel futurity but not HOYS?
What is going on, i for one don't know if i'm coming or going now!

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NPA Arabians

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Posted - 03 Aug 2007 :  8:54:31 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add NPA Arabians to your friends list Send NPA Arabians a Private Message
Hi - no the HOYS classes are Fine!

Unfortunately a couple of competitors queried the "legality" of moving the Futurity from Malvern! - we took advice and the only way round it is to cancel it!

In my opinion it is very sad - as now everyone loses out!

Jayne Armstrong - NPA Arabians

:-) :-) :-) :-)
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Posted - 03 Aug 2007 :  8:56:52 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add kath to your friends list Send kath a Private Message
How very very sad :(

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Posted - 03 Aug 2007 :  9:12:29 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Lori to your friends list Send Lori a Private Message
I can't quite see why the venue has got anything to do with it, as long as the classes are held somewhere! We are based in the north and we would have travelled wherever. Surely the legal implications are to uphold the "contract" that breeders take out when entering their unborn into the futurity and it is a breach of contract not to hold it atall?
Why not hold two futurities next year, one being four year olds? It's unusual but can't be helped.

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Posted - 04 Aug 2007 :  07:25:59 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add CAM2 to your friends list Send CAM2 a Private Message
It says on the AHS web-site they will make refunds, so i suppose some people will be happy with that.....

I personally would have preferred to show my colt in the futurity as a 4yr old next year?? At the National Show??

I'm sure a lot of other people would have done too

That would have meant that everybody could have made the proper arrangements with plenty of time in advance, on a level playing, with no tears because people have made other arrangements......

Yes some fillies by then may possibly have a foal at foot, but HEY foalies love a trip out

Dont you think loosing the nationals is enough to stomach because of the terrible weather without loosing something we have been paying in to for years in advance!!!!

But i'm not going to join the teddy throwing brigade, what will be will be

June x
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NPA Arabians

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Posted - 04 Aug 2007 :  09:26:14 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add NPA Arabians to your friends list Send NPA Arabians a Private Message
Within an hour of Malvern being cancelled, 4 or 5 Futurity participants had rung me to ask - would the futurity be transfered to BACS? (as it was in Foot & Mouth year!) I couldn't obviously answer - as it needed to be a "Council" decision. - but most participants appeared to be assuming it would - as obviously the presidence had been set in 2001!

This gave us a problem as with sharing the venue with BAHPAC we were not sure if we had the time or space on the Sunday.

Then came the subject of the HOYS Classes - so it seemed sensible to combine the two "if possible"!

Myerscough were very good and rearranged several things they were hosting on the Saturday to make way for us!

We also got council members approval. - and the very generous offer by Mrs Headly to personnaly pay for the Venue.

So everything seemed in place.

To say a lot of work has gone into the re-organsation is a huge understatement! - in a short space of time we have had to organise - Venue, Judges, Flights, Transport, Accommodation, Rossettes, Trophys, Stewards, Announcer, First Aid, Farrier, Vat, Catering, Score sheets, Numbers, Score Cards, People to display the scores. the list is endless! (and we are all volunteers remember!)

To say the letters on Thursday from the two subscribers was a kick in the teeth is again another huge understatement!

They claim that to move the classes from the National Show is a breech of contract.

They are unwilling to travel 200 miles more! (point of note - it is 149 miles from Malvern to Myerscough!)

We obviously had no option - after consulting the company secretary, but to take Legal advice (another cost!). - this advice left us with no option but to "CANCEL" - we cannot put the AHS in the position of having to defend court action - over something so trivial! (people pay in £76 over 4 years - but no entry fee!)

Because of these two people the whole future of the Futurity could be put in question.

Yes we are at fault because the "rules" of the futurity do not state what happens if the National Show is not held!

It cannot be posponed to 2008 - as the "contract" also says 3year olds!

I hope the two members are Happy

The only losers are the rest of the participants

Jayne Armstrong - NPA Arabians

:-) :-) :-) :-)

Edited by - NPA Arabians on 05 Aug 2007 2:25:34 PM
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Posted - 04 Aug 2007 :  09:49:29 AM  Show Profile  Visit cazza's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add cazza to your friends list Send cazza a Private Message
Thats a shame, As for the HOYS classes, I have heard that they wont be BNC status, So what will they be, i entered the British nationals, as did many of us, so if the classes are being transfered surely they should hold the same status, Not only is it miles away, but there are also additional entries being taken so I cant see how they can class it as a transfer of classes.
If entrants of the HOYS classes at Malvern do not wish to transfer to the BAC venue do they recieve there refund ?
Whilst I agree it is of course not any fault of the @AHs re the hourendous weather in Malvern, It was our holiday and we have worked hard all year to get my horses ready for the BNC and if the HOYS classes are not the same, I will have to consider my entry.
I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank Annette Headly for re arranging and covering the cost of the new venue. I was very pleased to hear the classes were being transer and thought they would stay BNC classes, now it seems they will only be the same as a local show, Therefore I think entry fees should reflect that.
I now also hear there is an outbreak of foot & mouth in the Guildford area , and no movement of livestock is aloud !
What a year !

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Posted - 04 Aug 2007 :  10:12:22 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add joycemelvin to your friends list Send joycemelvin a Private Message
To say I'm unhappy about the futurity being cancelled is an understatement. How selfish some people are. Many of us have travelled not 200 but 450 miles over the years to get to Malvern.

I thank the AHS for putting all the effort into rearranging these classes which must of been a huge undertaking with the short timescale involved and am sorry that this effort has been in vain due to a few inconsiderate people.
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Posted - 04 Aug 2007 :  11:58:42 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Nick to your friends list Send Nick a Private Message
I have been the "Victim" of people complaining about me, Over very minor things,One springs to mine whilst Judging a "c" show on a sunny day, A rain cloud apperared and me with a straw hat on, the organiser gave me a AHS offical baseball cap to wear i judged two classes with it on,bear in mind it was the official hat, and yes an official complaint the Judge was incorrectly dressed,What hope did the futurity have,
Well done Annette, you must have the patience of a Saint,
This poision pen brigade will be happy with this result,
Nick Arnold BBA
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Posted - 04 Aug 2007 :  2:28:16 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add CAM2 to your friends list Send CAM2 a Private Message
AAh i see the dilemma there Jane, thankyou for explaining things in a bit more detail......

Catch 22 springs to mind

Seems to me after all the hardwork that everyone has put in then there are quite a few people that must have the patience of JOBE.....

WELL call it small minded of me but, wouldnt it have been a peach if the 2 thorns in the futurity side had got to show their horses......and LOST

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Posted - 04 Aug 2007 :  2:55:51 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Sahir to your friends list Send Sahir a Private Message
I am in wholehearted agreement with Jayne (NPA)Joycemelvin & CAM2 - what a shame that due to two members bitching about the distance to travel for the Futurity it has had to be cancelled, we are in the South West but had everything arranged for a gelding I bred (but sold) to be taken up to Preston (Thank you Debbie) my husband & I were going to watch and enjoy the day. I am presuming that the people complaining were in the South, it will be interesting will it not
to check the entries in the catalogue when we receive them just to see who lives in the South - and maybe draw our own conclusions!! Personally I think the AHS should name them & shame them - selfish people!
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Posted - 04 Aug 2007 :  8:55:17 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Lori to your friends list Send Lori a Private Message
Thank you Jayne for explaining the situation. True AHS members who are dedicated to the well being of the Society and the promotion of the arab breed truly appreciate the people behind the scenes who selflessly strive to put our shows together.
Sahir, I too think these people should be named.

If you are ALiners then come forward and explain your reasons for this selfishness. You obviously aren't team players and don't give a stuff for any of your fellow arabian horse lovers.

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Posted - 05 Aug 2007 :  12:48:44 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Kazzy to your friends list Send Kazzy a Private Message
Theres some selfish people about

It has nothing to do with me because I only own 1 horse and havent
entered the competition, but there are a lot of people out there
that have spent time and money on this and to have it cancelled
because 2 people have moaned is out of order.

My opinion is they shoudlnt have cancelled it just because 2 people
complained, what about the other people that have entered. Might
not know what I am on about like, might be some ruling I dont know about, but this is pure selfishness.


Sunny Cheshire
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Posted - 05 Aug 2007 :  10:01:29 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add MinHe to your friends list Send MinHe a Private Message
Personally, I would not let the two complainants enter any further Futurity scheme the AHS runs. However, I don't doubt if they are such selfish so-and-sos, they would try to take the Society to court over that as well!

I well remember when we moved to Malvern from Ascot, there were complaints from those who evidently believed the M4 was the north/south divide - I thought we had grown out of such small-mindedness!


(PS: We have just driven a 400 mile round trip to collect a bookcase today - surely it's even more worthwhile to drive that distance when you have a lovely youngster to show???
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Posted - 05 Aug 2007 :  11:04:40 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Lami to your friends list Send Lami a Private Message
Having just caught sight of the futurity entries for the classes this year:

3 Colts, 3 Geldings and I think 8 Fillies

and two have ruined it for those who entered. I just have lots of sympathy for all those who put themselves out to try and put on an extra day at the BACS only to have it thrown back in their faces.

If you hadnt tried to sort anything these people would still be moaning.
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Posted - 06 Aug 2007 :  1:58:03 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add alkarif to your friends list Send alkarif a Private Message
This situation is totally unbeleivable. Just goes to show how such selfishness can jeopardise the whole future of the 'Futurity Scheme' I hope they are both throroughly ashamed of themselves. Whatever the AHS chose to do in these difficult circumstances would not have suited everybody but everything considered individuals could choose to compete or not under the revised terms, not with these two individuals, ruin the whole thing and insult everyone who did their utmost to maintain it. SHAME ON YOU BOTH!

I have no horses competing in the Futurity currently, but have in the past, I would hate to lose it for the sake of inconsiderate and self-centred people. Time to re-jig the rules to cover all issues for the future.

Thanks to everyone who went to so much trouble in time, thought and expense, it was appreciated by the majority, and will be remembered.

Brenda M - Al Karif Arabians

“God made the horse from the breath
of the wind, the beauty of the earth,
and the soul of the angel.....
May they forever run with our hearts....."
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Posted - 06 Aug 2007 :  3:30:37 PM  Show Profile  Send SueB an AOL message Bookmark this reply Add SueB to your friends list Send SueB a Private Message
I had two 3 yr old fillies both bred by me entered, one in the new owners name, she had been entered and paid for but not sure if she is in the catalogue, and the other, although sold, entered in my name.
We hoped so much that one of them would have done very well
The new owner of one is especially bitterly disappointed as this was the only show she had aimed for this year, and she was prepared to go up to Myerscough.

The futurity has always been a bit of a headache, let's hope this won't spoil it for everyone now and in the future.
I love to enter my foals, like so many do, it really say's something about you if you feel confident enough to enter a foal before it is born
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Posted - 06 Aug 2007 :  4:05:43 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add mirage to your friends list Send mirage a Private Message
Although there are no horses that I have bred competing in the Futurity this year, I always nominate the foals each year before they are born and I couldn't believe that the AHS cancelled the futurity because of a complaint over location?? Did they have any consideration for other competitors at all - obviously not and they have an extremely selfish and self-centered attitude (the people who made the complaint that is!). I don't now how I would feel if a horse I bred had been competing!! This sort of thing drives me mad and people have paid out good, hard earned money into the scheme only to have the chance to compete taken form them. I am sure many people will now wonder about nominating their foals to the futurity scheme just in case this happens again when they are due to compete?

Edited by - mirage on 06 Aug 2007 4:07:16 PM
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Posted - 06 Aug 2007 :  5:42:30 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Kali to your friends list Send Kali a Private Message
Surely a precedent has been set in the year of Foot and Mouth.

The Futurity that year went to BACS, then held in Gloucestershire. I know because I was entered, would have gone to Malvern, but could not take my gelding to BACS. To be honest it didn't enter my head to make a fuss and certainly not spoil it for others who could go!


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Posted - 06 Aug 2007 :  5:48:57 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add jane79 to your friends list Send jane79 a Private Message
would it be too late to ask the AHS to change their minds and re-instate it on the BACS weekend?

similar to the malvern thread where we were informed of class changes and it was going to cause disruptions, but then after a lot of people posted on here it got changed round again

would there be any chance it could change back?

jane x

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Posted - 06 Aug 2007 :  7:17:36 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Rainflower to your friends list Send Rainflower a Private Message
I know I don't have a horse in the futurity but I think it is awful that it has been cancelled. The persons who made such a fuss should feel very very ashamed of themselves.

NPA -- if what Kalis said is true and that is when happened in 2001 then why is the same not being done this year?

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Posted - 06 Aug 2007 :  7:25:28 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add CAM2 to your friends list Send CAM2 a Private Message
I would think it probably is too late to change back

But it would have been good if we could have had a survey type letter sent to all concerned in the futurity with the 3 choices:-

1, Cancel and refund.....

2, Show at Myerscough....

3, Show as 4yr old at 2008 Nationals.....

We get to tick the box to vote for our choice?

Then the majority could have decided, without letting 2 selfish people rule the entire scenario, and spoil years of planning for everyone else, that we have all looked forward to!!! Dont know what makes them think they have the right to overule the majority ???

OOH i'm flipping furious about this

Sorry, i'll get down off my soapbox now......
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Posted - 07 Aug 2007 :  10:29:10 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add joycemelvin to your friends list Send joycemelvin a Private Message
I totally agree and what has happened means we have had no choice. Years of preparation for it to be taken away by 2 selfish members.

I too am furious.

I am email Debbie to complain about this.

Edited by - joycemelvin on 07 Aug 2007 10:44:37 AM
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Posted - 07 Aug 2007 :  10:24:46 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Lami to your friends list Send Lami a Private Message
My friend should have shown her filly in the futurity and now that chance has gone.

If like Kali said in the post previous that foot and mouth set a precedent a few years ago when it was held at the BACS then can some one please explain why this is not the case this year.

It seems to me that whilst I appreciate the AHS had to make a decision and surely if there are only two inconsiderate people who arent happy and there have been no letters, telephone calls or complaints from the remaining exhibitors then surely they should have stuck to their guns and said it was being held at the BACS end of story instead they cancel.

Do the remaining exhibitors it has now affected or may be possible future ones not have a right to decide (all this because of two who threaten legal action) after reading all the posts on this thread it seems to me that those two people are out on their own and that all other members/exhibitors want this to go ahead I can't believe two people neither of who (as far as I know) are the head of our country could have so much pulling power.

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Posted - 08 Aug 2007 :  08:36:33 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add joycemelvin to your friends list Send joycemelvin a Private Message
I can't see why they couldn't of just offered a refund to the individuals who had complained.

I have emailed Annette Dixon asking why it was cancelled and why it couldn't of gone ahead like the year of foot and mouth, I believe there was a events and shows committee meeting held yesterday.
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Posted - 08 Aug 2007 :  6:01:26 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Sahir to your friends list Send Sahir a Private Message
A friend of mine (to say she is furious is an understatement) has spoken to the AHS and
is challenging them re the decision taken, Watch This Space !! As The Futurity 2001 was
not held at Malvern a precedent was set, also to cancel due to a 'threat' by two owners without even considering the rest of the entrants is cowardly and totally inconsiderate.
Why should we just accept this decision - as Lami has said "Get the Futurity re-instated etc" Why don't all Futurity entrants take REAL LEGAL ADVICE about this siuation??
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