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Gold Member
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Posted - 08 Aug 2007 : 6:26:36 PM
I personally feel sorry for the activities committee, who appear to be dammed if they do and dammed if they don't in this situation.
Remember this is 'our' society and legal action taken will cost 'us' as members and cause unnecessary financial damage, damage that the society can ill afford. So lets stop posturing and look for a way forward - if at all possible.
People like Jane Armstrong and Elaine Mann who I believe commit their own time to help organise these events by being on the activities committee, are unpaid volunteers! Perhaps some of us contributing to this forum might like to assist in 2008??
No, I don't have the solution, however, the membership have the right to call an EGM if my memory serves me right - and perhaps the possibility exists to pass a motion which could be used to enforce an amendment to the Futurity rules for this and future years?? Just a thought, get your rule books out.
Melanie | |
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Bronze Member
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Posted - 09 Aug 2007 : 10:34:24 AM
. |
Edited by - Rainflower on 09 Aug 2007 10:37:23 AM |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 09 Aug 2007 : 4:07:37 PM
Sahir, I think taking legal advise about the decision of the AHS would just cause more headache for them at this moment. I can't see that it would achieve anything.
I would have thought that the minutes of the next meeting will tell us all who the complainers were. It's going to be interesting |
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Bronze Member
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Posted - 09 Aug 2007 : 5:54:02 PM
Yes please for gods sake dont go down the legal route, that if i am correct is the reason we are in this mess at the moment......because the 2 spoilsports threatened legal action 
I agree with Guisburn, please remember as they should have done it is 'Our Society' we cant start trying to take them to task for the unfortunate events that have fallen on us with the weather......and the misgivings of others......
And i have the upmost respect for all the people invloved including Elaine and Jayne and yes if i didnt have a business to run aswell as my horses and family to look after i would offer my services willingly!!!
All i would have wished for, was it to be a majority decision as i mentioned previously and not the AHS having their hand forced by the minority with a big legal stick 
As for where i'd like to stick the big stick.....
Thats a different story
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Gold Member
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Posted - 09 Aug 2007 : 6:52:32 PM
Point taken SueB - however have you all noticed who isn't posting on this thread? Sheer Versatility to name but one (!!) Where are you Judy ?? Where is your support for this topic ? I know you were entered in the Futurity Fillies because I've read the catalogue. |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 09 Aug 2007 : 11:44:11 PM
We should have been in the fillies with AV Faahrever. This would have been the only show that she was doing this year. Lots of hard work had gone into the build up to the futurity class and we were so looking forward to it. It's so infuriating that just two people can ruin the whole thing.    |
 Lancashire |
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Posted - 09 Aug 2007 : 11:45:16 PM
id have loved to have seen fawn strut her stuff lori-what a shame |
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Posted - 09 Aug 2007 : 11:54:53 PM
Hiya Jane, It's unbelievable really that these people can be so selfish. We would have travelled down south if the need had been. Just wish the AHS could do something to still hold the classes, name and refund the two objectors and make 13 people happy. |
 Lancashire |
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Posted - 10 Aug 2007 : 9:16:01 PM
Wendy - I'm not "saying" anything of the sort, I just asked a question of Judy, as she was entered in the Futurity fillies & on 30/07/2007 she posted on the thread 'HOYS Qualifiers & Futurity Classes' that she had no transport & an extra 200 miles each way to travel, she was looking for a lift with shared costs. I was surprised she hadn't posted anything on THIS thread which is why I asked where is she & why isn't she supporting this topic ! |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 10 Aug 2007 : 10:09:35 PM
Within an hour of Malvern being cancelled, 4 or 5 Futurity participants had rung me to ask - would the futurity be transfered to BACS? (as it was in Foot & Mouth year!) I couldn't obviously answer - as it needed to be a "Council" decision. - but most participants appeared to be assuming it would - as obviously the presidence had been set in 2001! posted by Jayne
The only difference Jayne in the foot and mouth year was that the National Show was cancelled much earlier in the year and the Futurity Classes were moved to Hartpury College - being a short distance from Malvern. I judged the Futurity that year along with Dr June and Sue Little. |
 photos:Anthony Reynolds,Sweet,Deano,Real Time Imaging |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 10 Aug 2007 : 10:37:16 PM
I don't understand Jingo - are you saying that it shouldn't have gone to BACS this year because it wasn't being held near Malvern? |
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Posted - 11 Aug 2007 : 10:27:16 AM
Your response is eagerly awaited Jingo..................... |
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Posted - 12 Aug 2007 : 06:58:54 AM
Still waiting Jingo - any chance of a response????????????????????????? |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 13 Aug 2007 : 11:14:25 AM
Why do the AHS constantly look for fights !! If you don't want to travel to Myerscroft you get a refund. If you do want to to go then compete !!!!! Why can't it be that simple  |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 13 Aug 2007 : 1:02:35 PM
Sahir I do apologise for not replying to your question but I do have a life away from AL so therefore have not been on line for a day or two. My contact details are on my website and you would have been more than welcome to get in touch.
Whether I, you or whoever want Futurity Classes held at Myerscough or any other venue this year is immaterial.
We all entered the Nationals agreeing to abide by the rules and regulations set down in black and white by the AHS, ECAHO European Arab Horse Show Commission - not only exhibitors agreed to these rules but the AHS as well. Due to circumstances this year maybe the AHS had no other alternative but to cancel the Futurity.
I would suggest that you all read these Rules and Regulations rather than point fingers, make assumptions and start witch hunts against anyone in particular. I am sure all will then become clear - I read them and now realise why the AHS had to cancel the Futurity.
 photos:Anthony Reynolds,Sweet,Deano,Real Time Imaging |
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Posted - 13 Aug 2007 : 1:34:11 PM
I feel that the futurity could have gone ahead as it did in the year of Foot and Mouth.
I didn't think that it was governed by ECAHO Jude? just an AHS class. If only the AHS, then they could move it if they wished. Because we entered knowing the class would be held at our National Show, to my mind, it makes no difference if it was held elsewhere, especially under the very difficult situation that arose re the floods. I would have thought anyone would not mind the class being moved, as it was during the Foot and Mouth year......what has changed?
I am disappointed but now view the whole thing as gone and done. The refund will be a treat though.  |
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Posted - 13 Aug 2007 : 2:36:15 PM
Sue according to the Schedule it states "This show has been affiliated to the EAHSC as the AHS National Championship Show and the EAHSC "Rules for Conduct of Shows" will be applied in their entirety" etc etc - so I assume this covers the Futurity as well as all the other classes.
Delyth, I can't understand why you think the AHS is at fault - the AHS tried to accommodate the Futurity entrants by running the classes at Myerescough. It is the *two complainers* who threatened the AHS with legal action if they went ahead who are picking the fight and ruining everyone else's chances! posted by Keren
Keren presumably as the AHS have been selling catalogues and issuing catalogues since their decision to cancel the show AND stating that the classes will also be "open" to additional entries until Sunday 11th August 2007 - this being HOYS Classes and Futurity - do you not think that if you read the Rules and Regs - it is perhaps against certain sections of the Rules.
As I stated earlier we as exhibitors have to abide by the Rules, why should the AHS be any different. And before you all start throwing rocks etc in my direction, I did not bring this to the attention of anyone but as someone who has read the rules, this is my personal thoughts on the matter. |
 photos:Anthony Reynolds,Sweet,Deano,Real Time Imaging |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 13 Aug 2007 : 3:32:32 PM
No, they shouldn't take more entries other than those already in the Malvern Catalogue. Which I have only just sent for so don't know who is in it or not yet.
It should be purely those that have entered being put forwards to the new location to be judged. You can not accept entries having knowledge of other competitors from a catalogue that anyone can access. This must apply to any show. I most definately agree with this part. Whats more.........the judges can see who has entered
Not so sure about Futurity being under ECAHO rules though? |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 14 Aug 2007 : 10:25:14 AM
I think there is more to it than two people troublemaking Keren. How can the AHS run the futurity now if catalogues are being sold. The judges have seen who has/had entered - surely that is unethical ???? |
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Posted - 14 Aug 2007 : 2:15:14 PM
Keren Right lets get this straight I AM NOT questioning the ethics of any of the judges I am questioning the fact that the AHS have sold the catalogues from this years show. They shouldn't have done - simple ! They say the judges from this year are to run over then again the catalogues should not have been sold - entries are their in print and they'll be there in 2008 - its not fair on the judges or competitiors. The AHS has caused an unnecessary conflict. My opinion and will not budge  |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 14 Aug 2007 : 6:57:04 PM
I am sure that no one would in anyway imagine the judges will rush out and buy a catalogue......but, it puts the show or those particular classes and the judges judging them in a very, very difficult position now.
Everything has to be done in a such a way to exclude unfairness or even a sniff of it. This is done to protect everyone, exhibitors and judges alike. To have catalogues available before a show is a bit silly.
Edited by - SueB on 14 Aug 2007 6:57:39 PM |
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