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Posted - 26 Jul 2007 :  09:08:32 AM  Show Profile  Visit Zan's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Zan to your friends list Send Zan a Private Message
Got a reply from Charles Owen:

I was surprised by your email as we have only ever supported Amy as part of an American team. I was therefore quite amazed to see our logo on her website, though we always welcome endorsement from top riders.

All of us at Charles Owen condemn any cruelty to horses, whether as part of competing or through wilful neglect. Not only has Amy let herself down, but all of her supporters and it is such a shame.


Roy Burek
President emailed back to say I assume this means they will be requesting that she removes their logo from her web site.

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Posted - 26 Jul 2007 :  10:20:31 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add arabic to your friends list Send arabic a Private Message
I have just caught up with this and I am speechless!!!
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Posted - 27 Jul 2007 :  12:02:32 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add D to your friends list Send D a Private Message
It would be totally wrong (I'm sure) and all her sponsors will have probably seen it - but I would love to send the video to them and ask them - is that who and what you want to support? Just a thought. They say it's a crazy world - this just proves it!! They do say 'only in America'. (Can I say that without retribution)??
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Posted - 27 Jul 2007 :  12:05:59 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add georgiauk to your friends list Send georgiauk a Private Message
Looks like the video has been removed !!!
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Posted - 27 Jul 2007 :  12:18:43 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add D to your friends list Send D a Private Message
Well I tried the original link which isn't there anymore and Vera found another one, that was there less than 1/2 hour ago??

Try that one
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Posted - 28 Jul 2007 :  10:14:48 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Vera to your friends list Send Vera a Private Message
The sponsorship page has gone from her website RESULT!!!!!!!

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Posted - 28 Jul 2007 :  10:21:46 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add rosyw to your friends list Send rosyw a Private Message
Absolutely brilliant
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Posted - 29 Jul 2007 :  01:48:55 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add polly to your friends list Send polly a Private Message
What a pleasing result. Hope this drives the message home. Polly and Maureen.

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Posted - 29 Jul 2007 :  09:00:06 AM  Show Profile  Visit Zan's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Zan to your friends list Send Zan a Private Message
Great news. Lets hope one way or another her career is over.

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Posted - 29 Jul 2007 :  09:17:15 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Vera to your friends list Send Vera a Private Message
Sadly not - it would appear that she has already been competing. I haven't posted this yet as I cannot confirm this info as accurate but read it for yourself on the H+H forum.

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Posted - 29 Jul 2007 :  10:04:07 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Renee to your friends list Send Renee a Private Message
Thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention Vera. I had read about this elsewhere and assumed the horse went lame only just before the last fence, and didn't realise what really happened until I saw the video here. I am always open to giving someone the benefit of the doubt but it is blatantly clear that she is continuing to push this horse on, for quite a considerable distance, when it's so obviously seriously injured. What a lovely, genuine horse too - it breaks my heart. Renee

Jeago (Ludomino x Bahia) 1973-2007 & Khylie* (Nazdrowie x Kaminah) 1990-2010 ~ Fouad el Khyl (Lothar el Nyhl x Khylie) 2005-
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Posted - 29 Jul 2007 :  11:34:50 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add firstlady to your friends list Send firstlady a Private Message
Have just watched this and cannot belive what I'm seeing
So angry and that poor horse
Hope that any owner that has a horse in her care removes it asap and that all other forms of support be removed
There is just no excuse for what she did and that commentator ( a little bobble !!!)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm absolutely tamping
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Posted - 30 Jul 2007 :  12:03:33 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add wgs to your friends list Send wgs a Private Message
Only just caught up with this....the video is horrific, how could she keep going like that, that poor horse - she desverves all she gets.

Very Angry now !!
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Posted - 17 Aug 2007 :  5:23:21 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Vera to your friends list Send Vera a Private Message
Here it is:

After Months Of Silence, Amy Tryon Shares Her Story

Following the ruling of the FEI Tribunal, Amy Tryon answered some of the questions that have arisen regarding the incident with Le Samurai at the Rolex Kentucky CCI.

Few equestrian events have garnered the kind of emotion that was elicited after the Rolex Kentucky cross-country on April 28, when Amy Tryon jumped the last fence and completed approximately the final 30 seconds of the course after her mount, Le Samurai, had sustained what later proved to be a fatal injury.

Broadcast live on large screens to the almost 50,000 spectators that day at the event, aired on the NBC footage a week later and shared all over the Internet, those final strides of Tryon’s course have had event riders, fans and spectators disagreeing over what happened, why and what the punishment—if any—should have been.

On July 20, the Fédération Equestre Internationale’s Tribunal determined that Tryon was guilty of unintentional abuse, sentencing her to a two-month suspension and a combined fine and reimbursement of legal expenses of approximately $2,000 (see July 27, p. 108 for more information). Tryon chose not to appeal, so the suspension began immediately. Following the ruling, Tryon was free to talk about the situation for the first time.

“I apologize to the FEI, to the Broussard family [who owned Le Samurai], to my husband Greg and to my fellow competitors,” said Tryon through tears. “I have been, my entire life, in defense of animals, and I never would have caused intentional pain. I realize my actions were wrong, and I want to sincerely apologize to everyone.”

Tryon doesn’t spend much time on the computer, so she hasn’t read public opinions about the matter on any online forums. Although much has been said online, the FEI Tribunal’s decision specifically stated that any information found on Internet bulletin boards or sent in by the public could not be admitted at her trial. Most of the letters and e-mails Tryon has personally received have been supportive of her.

“I understand that some individuals are not pleased with what occurred, and I completely respect that as well,” she said. “The people I ride and work with completely understood what occurred and that it could have been any of us in that situation. It was me, and I take responsibility for that.”

For Le Samurai’s owner, Rebecca Broussard, supporting Tryon was never a question. “I saw what happened. It was an accident, and she didn’t cause it, and none of her actions made it worse,” said Broussard, who is now actively looking for another horse for Tryon.

In the events that she contested between Rolex Kentucky in April and the FEI’s decision in July, Tryon, of Duvall, Wash., said she hasn’t encountered any negative reaction to her presence.

“Everyone has been overwhelmingly supportive, even more than I would have dreamed,” she said. “If there’s going to be a negative reaction, it’s not something I can control. I can only control what I do.

“In every aspect of life, people will have their opinions, and I’m not going to change them,” she added. “To defend myself would only add fuel to the fire. It’s sort of like politics—people have a very emotional response to things, and it’s not my place to tell them they’re right or wrong.”

One of the biggest challenges Tryon has encountered since the incident, which was the first “breakdown” of a horse beneath her in two decades of international competition, is that it has been extremely difficult for her mentally to compete again.

“It was a huge, devastating loss [to lose Le Samurai], but as a professional, I have to keep going,” she said. “It was very difficult to compete at Jersey Fresh [CCI*** (N.J.) in May] with Poggio [her Olympic and World Championship mount], but it was something I needed to do, and I had a great group of people supporting me, including Mark Phillips. You have two choices—you can quit or you can keep going, and to me, quitting isn’t an option.”

Tryon was not allowed to comment on the situation before the trial, but, being a generally quiet person by nature, she said that wasn’t difficult for her.

“What’s difficult is not being able to correct the facts that aren’t true,” she said. “The biggest misconception is that [the injury] didn’t occur in one step. The injury did occur in one step, and it was not exacerbated by anything I did. It was the snapping of the suspensory under the fetlock, and the consensus of the vets who cared for him confirmed that it was not due to tiredness or fatigue or jumping the last fence.”

Dr. Kent Allen’s testimony on this fact can be read in the FEI’s summary of the Tribunal (

“There was also a rumor that we’d taken him to one clinic and not liked what they said and then taken him to another, and that’s not true,” she added.

Accepting The Judgment
Tryon believed that the FEI Tribunal process was fair. “They tried very hard to take everything into consideration. It was done in a fair manner, and they listened to what I said and what Mark Phillips and Karen O’Connor said on my behalf,” she said. “I was willing to accept what they handed me. I felt I wasn’t in a position to judge either way.”

In terms of a reaction from the U.S. Equestrian Federation or U.S. Eventing Association, Tryon said that the USEF was very supportive of her in a statement to the FEI regarding her record as a competitor but remained neutral in declaring whether she was right or wrong.

“David O’Connor has been very supportive of me, but I think that is on a personal level,” she said. “I’ve had no contact with the USEA, although through my husband, I understand that they’ve sent some supportive e-mails.”

Not one of Tryon’s owners has withdrawn their support, and neither have her sponsors, although Charles Owen has requested being temporarily removed from her website due to the overwhelming number of e-mails they’ve received, both positive and negative.

Looking Ahead
In terms of using the accident to learn and prevent it from happening again, Tryon said Phillips has suggested that some sort of “time-out” might be created to allow a rider 15 or 30 seconds to dismount and see if a shoe is lost or check out a problem while on course.

“I’m on the [USEF] Safety Committee, and I’m very concerned about the welfare of horses and riders,” said Tryon. “But in a sport that combines speed with animals, you are going to have variables, and accidents happen. I can second-guess myself and think of changes that could be made, but that wouldn’t change the

Once her suspension ends on Sept. 20, Tryon might bring some of her younger horses to the Fair Hill CCI*** (Md.). “I’d love to have them at Fair Hill, but I hesitate to make plans too far in advance. If they’re ready to go, fantastic, and if not, that’s OK too.”

She also has one- and two-star horses who might do a CCI this fall. “They will all have a two-month break, and that’s OK,” she said. “We’ll see how they come out of it. For Poggio, I have no plans until next year.”

And as the top U.S. finisher at the 2006 World Equestrian Games, Tryon is obviously considering the possibility of competing in the 2008 Olympics, and her quiet ride around Jersey Fresh in May ensured that Poggio is qualified.

“Poggio [her 2006 individual bronze medalist and 2004 Olympic team medalist] is 15 and as well as he’s ever been,” she said. “If the Olympics is in the cards I would love to go, but I have nice young horses too. I know it’s hard for some people to believe, but my career has never been about making teams. It’s about being able to produce horses and finding out what they do best. But I’d be honored to go to the Olympics.”

For Le Samurai, Tryon and Broussard would like to create a lasting tribute, but they aren’t sure what type of memorial would be best yet.

“Losing ‘Sparky,’ I don’t think I’ll ever get over it,” said an emotional Tryon. “It will get easier, but it’s not something you ever get over. I hope to do things in my career that people will remember other than this, and I hope to let my actions speak louder than my words as I go on with my career.”

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Posted - 17 Aug 2007 :  7:34:00 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add akitamom to your friends list Send akitamom a Private Message
I cant see how anyone who has anything to do with animals can support what she did to that poor horse.
She will of been aware the split second that the horse was injured,if she was not aware then she is not a horsewoman....just a passenger.
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Posted - 17 Aug 2007 :  7:42:44 PM  Show Profile  Visit Zan's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Zan to your friends list Send Zan a Private Message
Disgusting that the horse's owners are supporting her. Pathetic that some crocodile tears and simpering look like getting her back on track. And disgusting that she has had loads of emails and letters of support. Any way of getting an address for her so that we could redress the balance?

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Posted - 17 Aug 2007 :  7:56:01 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Vera to your friends list Send Vera a Private Message
“I understand that some individuals are not pleased with what occurred"

I really can't begin to describe my feelings right now. Strange choice of words though.....

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Posted - 17 Aug 2007 :  9:27:36 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Tahir to your friends list Send Tahir a Private Message
"not pleased" is very tame, certainly not the words I would use for this kind of abuse!!!

Carla, xx.
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Posted - 17 Aug 2007 :  10:00:34 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Annette to your friends list Send Annette a Private Message
Absolutely speechless
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Posted - 17 Aug 2007 :  10:14:48 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add rosyw to your friends list Send rosyw a Private Message
My comments are not printable


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