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Posted - 15 Jun 2007 :  12:25:09 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add suneanarab to your friends list Send suneanarab a Private Message
well from the sounds of it i'm glad i can't see the video! but then i've had this cr*p before. i my equestrian exams we had to jump a cross country course. my horse (school horse not mine personally) hit a telegraph pole fence really hard, pecked on landing and nearly came down with me. in his great effort to keep us both off the floor he winded me. however, it wasn't till i pulled him up coz i felt him fall slightly short that i realised i couldn't actually breath. i walked him towards the next fence to give us both a chance to recover. in a couple of strides we were both fine so i asked him to up the pace to see if it stayed that way. it did and we finished. the verifier however had a very different veiw on what i had done to myself. her words were 'what on earth did you stop for, in an event you wouldn't just stop like that when the horse was fine' my reply was 'whether this was my horse or not, owned by someone paying me to ride or not, in 4* competition or not i would have done exactly the same thing! the horse shortened up and i couldn't breath, it could have been worse for both of us and as you weren't riding the horse you didn't feel what i did!'

so with stuff like that is there any wonder that there are people out there who just don't care?

i hope they throw everything at her!

suzanne walsh
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Posted - 15 Jun 2007 :  12:31:26 PM  Show Profile  Visit Zan's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Zan to your friends list Send Zan a Private Message
I've just watched it again and I could string up that female commentator as well---she is totally oblivious, though the guy sounded like he was feeling the horse's pain.
And that evil b**** on board definitely knew he had hurt himself---he tried to come back to trot and she booted him on---even a novice rider would have felt how lame he was on the approach to that jump---he was practically on three legs.

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Posted - 15 Jun 2007 :  12:45:48 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Goldenmane to your friends list Send Goldenmane a Private Message
That poor, poor, horse. How wicked some people can be. Heartbreaking.

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Posted - 15 Jun 2007 :  12:47:26 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add x_Kath_x to your friends list Send x_Kath_x a Private Message
Just googled her website she says "I am heartbroken at the passing of Le Samurai. Sparky was a wonderful horse and a gallant partner who meant the world to me." Strange then that the finish line was more important than the poor horse

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Posted - 15 Jun 2007 :  12:54:07 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Vera to your friends list Send Vera a Private Message
That's what really got to me - the fact that he tried so hard for her. In obvious agony he carried on and even jumped, the second she took the presure off, as in crossed the finished line, he stopped and walked for a couple of strides or should I say hobbled. It was only at this point, when she saw the vets and officials running towards her did she jump off quick.

Heartless B*TCH

I sincerely hope that she lost the ride on all the owners of the horses she rides (rode?) and trained.

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Posted - 15 Jun 2007 :  1:29:34 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Karon to your friends list Send Karon a Private Message
I feel so sorry for the horse, I can't understand how even in the heat of the competition could she not realise something was desperately wrong with him? Poor, poor horse. A ban, fine or prison is too good for her.....
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Posted - 21 Jul 2007 :  11:58:00 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Vera to your friends list Send Vera a Private Message

Decision in the case of alleged horse abuse at CCI4*, Lexington (USA)
The FEI Tribunal has taken its decision in the case of alleged horse abuse committed by Mrs. Amy Tryon on her horse Le Samurai while participating in the cross-country phase of the 2007 Rolex Lexington Kentucky 4-Star Event on 28 April 2007.

The case involved the riding of an apparently lame horse in the final moments of the course, and the state of the horse when the last fence was jumped. A hearing was held in this matter on 25 June 2007, at which the parties presented a substantial volume of evidence including testimony from a number of very experienced members of the international eventing community.

The dilemma which the Tribunal had to resolve was a very difficult one. The main issues to be decided were (a) whether the competitor committed an “abuse” as this term is defined under the applicable rules (see note to the editor) and, if an abuse was committed, (b) whether it was an intentional act or an unfortunate omission to take action and stop the horse, as signals of discomfort were not correctly perceived by the competitor.

The Tribunal came to the conclusion that the competitor's behaviour at the end of the cross-country phase of the event objectively constitutes abuse according to the requirements of the applicable FEI regulation. The competitor acted, by continuing to ride after the horse was objectively lame and injured. Conversely the competitor omitted to act, by failing to pull up the horse when she could have. This caused or was likely to cause pain or discomfort to the horse.

The Tribunal expresses its opinion that “abuse of horses constitutes an offence that violates the most fundamental rules of the equestrian sport and is, as such, highly reprehensible from a moral point of view”. The Tribunal determined that, had “the competitor intended to ride a lame or injured horse, a suspension for life would not have been an inappropriate or a too severe penalty”.

The Tribunal’s decision indicates, however, that it determined in this case that there was a “significant disconnect between what Amy Tryon felt and what was actually occurring.” While Amy Tryon was negligent in not stopping the horse, the Tribunal determined that she did not understand that the horse had been injured until just as she pulled him up. The decision states that “[t]he Tribunal believes that in the state the competitor was in – tired, focused on completing the course and without the benefit of video and ability to observe matters or analyze them logically - she did not realize that the injury had occurred, and thus never intended to continue on course with a lame or injured horse. The Tribunal believes that the competitor clearly realized that the Horse took quite a number of uneven strides, but could not determine their cause or likely severity. The Tribunal believes that the competitor should have nevertheless stopped earlier to understand the severity of the lameness.”

The determination that there was no premeditation and no actual awareness by the competitor that she was riding a lame or injured horse is taken into account in imposing sanctions on the competitor.

After careful examination of the parties’ submissions and evidence, the Tribunal confirms the disqualification of horse and the competitor from the above-mentioned event and imposes the following sanctions on the competitor:

- suspension from competition for a period of two months (to commence immediately and without further notice at the end of the 30-day appeal deadline, or sooner if the right of appeal is waived);
- a fine of CHF 1,000;
- a cost contribution of CHF 1,500 towards the legal costs of the judicial procedure.

The Tribunal decision states that Mr. David O’Connor, President of the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF), Member of the FEI Eventing Committee and Chairman of the FEI Eventing Safety Committee, phrased the dilemma and the conclusion well in remarking: “Premeditated abuse is an action that should, and needs to be dealt with in the most severe actions that we as a sport can take by our judiciary side. Similar cases to this [the present case] are much harder to judge and I feel should be dealt with on a whole different level. Should this be taken seriously – yes; career changing – no.”

The full text of the decision (30 pages) is available on the FEI website under LEGAL/DECISIONS.

Note to the editor:
Definition of abuse according to the applicable rules

The principle of the horses’ welfare is of paramount importance and inherent in the conception of the equestrian sport promoted and regulated by the FEI, as expressed by the Code of Conduct, Statutes and General Regulations (GRs). The rider who puts his or her horse’s health and life at risk must be held responsible for this conduct.

Under the heading “Abuse of horses”, Article 143 of the GRs provides a general definition according to which the following requirements must be met for a case of abuse to be realized: act or omission which causes or is likely to cause pain or discomfort to a horse.

In the context of Eventing, Article 520 of the FEI Rules for Eventing states as follows: “Any act or series of actions that in the opinion of the Ground Jury can be defined as abuse of a horse or dangerous riding shall be penalised by disqualification and such other penalties in accordance art. 532.1 of the present Rules as the Ground Jury may determine. Such acts include, for example: rapping, riding an exhausted horse, excessive pressing of a tired horse, riding an obviously lame horse, excessive use of whip and/or spurs, dangerous riding”.

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Posted - 21 Jul 2007 :  1:02:34 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Sheena to your friends list Send Sheena a Private Message
That is absoloutly Ludicrus!!!!!!! How on earth could anyone watching that video evidence truly believe that woman had no idea that the horse was injured or something was clearly seriously wrong with it!!! It screams abuse!! The people that have made this decision don't deserve to hold their positions! It makes the whole investigation a mockery - what they have imposed on her is just a get out of jail free card!



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Posted - 21 Jul 2007 :  1:03:26 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Tahir to your friends list Send Tahir a Private Message
As you said Vera - "What a F**@&£! joke"!!! Why are these rules in place if they don't enforce them?? Amy f**@wit Tryon should change her name to Amy Try(it)on, because she obviously did and got away with it. Makes me so mad!!!

Carla, xx.
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Posted - 21 Jul 2007 :  1:27:20 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add akitamom to your friends list Send akitamom a Private Message
ANYBODY who rides knows when the horse is not right,she would of knows as soon as she horse hurt himself that he was hurt bad.

Really she has got away with it...hope she cant sleep at night.
I pity her next horse she runs into the ground without a care in the world....BITCH.
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Posted - 21 Jul 2007 :  1:32:08 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add rosyw to your friends list Send rosyw a Private Message
This is just beyond belief
Talk about taking the FU***IG PI**, she should have been banned for life!!! How can they say she did not understand that the horse was injured, how about breaking her legs and making her run Oh, sorry, didn't realise you were hurt
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Posted - 21 Jul 2007 :  1:44:11 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add heathermcbreen to your friends list Send heathermcbreen a Private Message
I couldnt see the video but I can feel the slightest alteration of stride in a horse and from what you all say I dont believe the rider couldnt tell her horse was seriously lame. She should have put her hand up and confessed.. wicked cow..hope something really bad happens to her.
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Posted - 21 Jul 2007 :  1:59:43 PM  Show Profile  Visit Pauline's Homepage  Click to see Pauline's MSN Messenger address  Send Pauline a Yahoo! Message Bookmark this reply Add Pauline to your friends list Send Pauline a Private Message
It has been removed , so can not see it.


Pauline Higgs
Equine & Human Holistic Therapist
Berkshire / Hampshire Border
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Posted - 21 Jul 2007 :  6:50:16 PM  Show Profile  Visit Zan's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Zan to your friends list Send Zan a Private Message
Not unexpected but really depressing. It would be really nice to see justice for an abused animal sometime---I can't understand the mentality that obviously wants to excuse that evil witch at all cost. They would have gained so much respect if they had thrown the book at her.

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Posted - 25 Jul 2007 :  08:15:44 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Vera to your friends list Send Vera a Private Message
Found another link to the vid.


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Posted - 25 Jul 2007 :  08:41:15 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Vera to your friends list Send Vera a Private Message
Copied from another site

The only other way to hit her financially is to get her sponsors to publicly drop her - as Jade Goodie's sponsors dropped her after that incident in BigB and also didn't Kate Moss lose sponsors over something ??

Start emailing her sponsoring companies - it only takes one to publicly drop her for the others to follow
UK centered sponsors of AT include Horsewear, Charles Owen, Mylerbits, Mikmar, Devocoux and Adequan.

The less sponsorship money she has the less she will be able to compete. That and obviously making our opinion of her and the O'Connors if they compete in the UK again, is the only way Joe Public has to show our real feelings rather than what the whitewash of an FEI verdict this has been.

Also to boycott are any of ATs supporters - i.e. Mark Phillips and Lucinda Green. LG clinics should be boycotted.

Also to note is that H&H actually pay LG and MP for their input. In view of the fact that these two people supported someone now 'convicted' of horse abuse by the international committee - I question whether H&H ought to also still carry copy from these two people.

Or to put it another way - is 'meat money' the price of Le Samurai's life ?

Hit AT in the pocket via her sponsors - it's the ONLY way we can stop her.

As much as we are appalled by the FEI decision, the attitude of the boot-lickers and the fact that she'll be out and about again (and possibly in the UK next year) within 2 months, the ONLY way to hit her hard is via her sponsorshiop

This MUST be vital to her to continue as she also has a 'begging letter' on the sponsorshiop page of her website reminding people that donations to her are tax free as 'gifts' (under USA tax law) and giving an address postal and email to which donations to her can be sent.

So she is literally on her website begging for money !!!

So she must be desperate for sponsorship money - so if we want to hit her - get the sponsors to back out

the fact that she'll be out and about again (and possibly in the UK next year)

I wonder what reception she will get

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Posted - 25 Jul 2007 :  09:37:50 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add rosyw to your friends list Send rosyw a Private Message
Quite agree Vera
I'm glad you managed to find another link to the video, those that haven't seen it really should look.
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Posted - 25 Jul 2007 :  09:51:29 AM  Show Profile  Click to see bridie's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add bridie to your friends list Send bridie a Private Message
Watching it again still shocked and digusted me......I shall e.mail the sponsors later. I see on H&H site there have been some sponsers replying that they dont sponsor her.......interesting.

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Posted - 25 Jul 2007 :  09:54:30 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add polly to your friends list Send polly a Private Message
Well. What can you say, having just viewed that video, even my 6yr old daughter would have known to pull up !!
Also what planet is the commentator on ???? The male voice in the background knew there was something wrong , but he didn't say anything, only groaned.
I think that letting the sponsors know what we all think is an excellent idea....I will start e mailing now.We cannot allow such blatent disregard for horses to go un-challenged.Polly

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Posted - 25 Jul 2007 :  10:00:34 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add polly to your friends list Send polly a Private Message
Have just watched it again to show a visitor, it seems so bloody obvious, SO COME ON, ALL OF US, TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND E MAIL EACH AND EVERY ONE OF HER SPONSORS, you will feel that you have done something good and you never know, we may just be able to prevent another horse from going the same way in her ( or others) hands. Polly

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Posted - 25 Jul 2007 :  2:15:15 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add LadyB to your friends list Send LadyB a Private Message

That is disgusting!! Makes me feel really emotional.. HOW could this heartless B*&CH do that - as RosyW said, would like to break her leg and make her run!!! ARGH!! It makes me so mad!!! I am def going to email her sponsors!!!

"I am heartbroken at the passing of Le Samurai" BULL!!!!


"Blah blah blah, apology.. blah blah blah blah, horsepeople everywhere for the MISTAKE (this was no mistake) I made during the cross country.."

"I want to again express my devastation at having lost Sparky" no you dont you horrible person, the only thing you are devastated about is the fact that you nearly lost your career...

Makes me MAD!!

(breath, breath)


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Posted - 25 Jul 2007 :  2:33:54 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add nikki to your friends list Send nikki a Private Message
What utter poo! Like it's been said before, you know when your horse aint moving right.

Good idea Vera-will e-mail her sponsors!

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Posted - 25 Jul 2007 :  3:38:45 PM  Show Profile  Visit Zan's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Zan to your friends list Send Zan a Private Message
Great idea to email the sponsors---will do now

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Posted - 25 Jul 2007 :  6:57:08 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Rach1 to your friends list Send Rach1 a Private Message
I must admit untill watching the video I thought it was an incident that became apparrent after finishing the course - How wrong .....WHAT A DIRTY B**CH! One thing to get swept along with the atmosphere/adrenalin of competition But she nearly fell of when the horse lost a leg - HOW COULD SHE NOT NOTICE? I AM ANGRY & will be emailing just as soon as I finish on the lines.
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Coral Wings
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Posted - 25 Jul 2007 :  7:10:00 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Coral Wings to your friends list Send Coral Wings a Private Message
that is disgusting, made me cry!! i so hope that if anyone ever meets that woman that they slap her!!
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