Has anyone had a Horse Psychic help them with a problem with there horse. Someone was telling me about it tonight, they spoke to a lady about it and it helped her sort her horse out, this lady didnt get told the problem or come and see her horse just asked about her description on the phone. She then rang her back a couple of weeks later and told her that she had communicated with her horse and discussed the problems that needed to be resolved. The owner was completely shocked and couldnt belive how much the Psychic knew about herself and the horse. Anyone ???
Anne Dee lives in Scotland and is an excellent horse Psychic. She travels all over the UK. Her website is: www.annedee.co.uk I have her coming to see my gelding in a couple of weeks.
The Soul would have no Rainbow....If the Eyes had shed no Tears.
I haven't used anyone like this before, but am hoping to ask Margrit Coates to come and see my distressed mare . She is a world renowned healer and I'm really hoping she can come and help us. It will be very interesting to read this thread and see what people think.
Kuraishiya (Maleik el Kheil/Kazra el Saghira) and Sahara Bey (Kuraishiya/WSA Charismma)
one of these comes to my yard back home she is really spookily clever- theres no way she could know these things otherwise. she saw my friends ferret and said she missed her brother and she had come away from her brother just recently. havent had her read for me but she does for a lady with 6 horses and says they tell her what she did with them last week for example
There is a horse 'psychic' in the neighbouring county who is very highly recommended by a number of people I've spoken to; one of those instances where she has recounted past experiences she has heard that have upset the horse and caused physical/psychological problems, which have later been confirmed by previous owners. I haven't had cause to call on her, though she may be visiting a neighbour's horse soon. She doesn't cost a vast amount and apparently is booked up months in advance!! I think she can 'talk' to various animals.
HI, the lady in question doesnt charge any money up fromt and you just send her a cheque for £50 once you have finished discussing it with her. But she doesnt come and see your horse which is strange as most people seem to have them come and visit.
I used a lady to help me with a mare that had been badly treated.We told her nothing only sent her a photo. She came back with some remarkable things that she could not have know anything about.