someone suggested today that i get a myler as shes has such success with hers. i was reading the website which said a horse that chews the bit alot doesnt like the pressure of the bit on their tongue. he was in a loose ring french link happy mouth which ive changed to a loose ring snaffle happy mouth(as he'd chewed thru the other and the tack shop said it would take 3weeks to order a french link in his size) if he chews so much does this mean he is unhappy? i thought the loose ring french link happy mouth was one of the kindest bits?
Dennis HATES happy mouth bits and will chew and chew them. I think it may be something to do with the flavour because he's fine in a nathe which is a similar material. They are supposed to be apple flavoured!
I tried him in a Mylor confort snaffle and he went very nicely in it but he seems to like the Sprenger loose ring Ultra KK best.
If your horse doesn't like the pressure of the bit on his tongue you could try a full cheek french link snaffle with fulmer loops. The loops lift the bit up off the tongue. I have used one on Zak since he was 4 because he used to curl his tongue up at the back of his mouth rather than let the bit lie on it. Using the FCFL gave him more room under the bit for his tongue to lie where it should.
I echo baymops. Neue Schule are brilliant. I went to a Sprenger stockist to get a Sprenger and came away with NS.(not because of the difference in cost) They let me take the bit to try and if it didnt suit were prepared to let me take a different one each week at a cost of £4 until I found what worked. I was so grateful for that opportunity but as it worked out we kept the first one they recommended! Have a look on their website - lots of info. I would strongly recommend you have a look at different makes and try if you can. I wish I had had this chance to sort Freddie years ago. Funny isn't it, we will pay £100's for a saddle which sits on their back and have a qualified saddle fitter- yet the bit goes in their mouth............... Good luck with getting your lad sorted Sandie
well he is definately hating the happy mouth snaffle even more today. im going to ask his dentist which she thinks i should go for. thanks for all your advice!
I had a myler with hooks, I thought she went well be I noticed that the hooks rubbed the boney sides of her face. I have tried no end of bits because she curls her tongue back and just keeps the bit on the tip of her tongue. I now have her in a Mikmer Combination Bit she loves it lovely wet mouth instead of the dry one I use to get, lovely soft and light in the mouth.
katherine you can email me for infor on the ns bits at if you give me as much info as pos about the work you are doing and what your horse is doing in his mouth i can give you some suggestions.