In the last few days he has been coming in from the field with a crest, so I guess the grass must be coming through, although I don't know where! Am a bit concerned as he doesn't usually get this until April when the grass has already come through. It's not rigid but is definitely there.
Have cut his feed right down (he has D&H Safe & Sound) and the crest is down in the mornings which seems to suggest it is grass-related.
He is 22 and has suffered mildly with laminitis in the past (6 years ago). I usually put him in a fatty patch in the spring but never this early - he doesn't have any extra weight on him at the moment. We haven't been doing much riding due to the bad weather, but I did school him last night and he was absolutely fine, forward going and keen. Does anybody else have the same problem?
I have noticed my lad leaving his hay over the last few days and seems to be out grazing more rather than standing by the hedge. He is a very good doer so I am staying vigilant, ready with the electric fence!!