The Wessex site has been created to keep members better
informed about groupevents and member establishments in between
the regular Newsletter mailings.The site is updated continually
and the date of latest update is shown onthe home page for each
of the dozen main subject areas: - Links to Arab Horse Society
and other Regional Groups.
- Map of Wessex Region showing member studs, showgrounds, etc.
- Group Administration including contact details for committee
- Details of group Show events planned for the next 12 months,including
date/location/judges/directions etc.
- Results of group Show events from previous 12 months,including
photographs and trophy details.
- Details/Reports of other non-show group events such as Seminars,
- Details/Reports of group social events such as AGM, BBQ, Dinner,
- Information by Interest Category such as Racing, Endurance,
Dressage, etc.
- Group Sales List.
- Miscellaneous External Links to many other related sites (including
Arabian Lines) which are thought to be of potential interest to
- Calendar of Events - not just Wessex but also including other
Regional/National events.
- Downloads of documents including Membership Application and
Show Schedules/Entry Forms. There is also an offer to provide
any member with their own web site within the Wessex site if they
do not have one already. Even members without computers can get
their stud/stable details presented to a world-wide audience.