The Ridden Arabian star series will carry a new showing section for ex race and endurance horses. C.A.R.E - career after racing or endurance will feature in the 2015 series.
There will be a sash to the highest placed CARE horse at most C show in the RASS classes and some c shows will even hold a special CARE class.
You can view the website or join the Facebook group if you would like up to date information on RASS or the new CARE classes.
We hope to see your ridden Arabians (CARE or not) in the show ring in 2015!
"The Ridden Arabian star series will carry a new showing section for ex race and endurance horses." Why do they have to be "EX", not a ctiticism, just a comment?
To help these horses who are no longer able to compete in the career they originally had. Arabian racehorses need to be re homed much as TB ones do, likewise many top endurance horses have suffered career ending injuries that mean although sound they can no longer compete at top level.
This is aimed at giving these horses their own class and getting them out to our group and county shows so the public see them.