I have been considering getting some help with the horses and there is a teenage girl who has shown interest but i have held back because my worry is an insurance claim, if she/they get hurt whileon myland with my horses. Do you have help and what precautions do you take, if any, when they are with your horses? I have general insurance on the horses but not sure if this covers.
I have part time help. I also have employers liability insurance. It was only £150.00 for the year. Well worth investing in for peace of mind. My horses are individually insured but they are not covered if someone is working paid or unpaid (payment will still be counted if they get free rides etc)
I had help from a 14yo lass a few years back, she has BHS gold membership and anyone handling my horse with my permission is also covered so cover sorted, worth double checking. But please make sure they are upto speed with first aid for horse this was our down fall, no one could doubt her love for horses but!
"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened." www.northwalesarab.co.uk
I toyed with the idea of advertising for someone to help out occasionally and while we are on hoilday, but fell at the first hurdle. I took a teenage girl from the village up to see how she got on. Seemed sensible and sensitive, but then caught her up there with a friend when i'd specifically told her not to come up with friends unless we'd been introduced and i'd ok'd it. That was the end of that! I've been put off ever since. I'd rather do them on my own and have my mum help out when we're away. that way i know they're all ok x