I Have had a few phone calls / emails regarding Nyrobi and the awful condition Annette bought him in, i just need to put that i did NOT breed him and have never owned him therfore did not sell him in bad condition. I now own his mum and bred TES Nabil and TES Niobe from her. Annette kindly put the pictures up for me as i have never seen him.
Oooh er . Sorry Kristi Belle. Perhaps I should have emailed the pics but I do love this boy Nyrobi and am just a teensy weensy bit proud of how he has changed, so I posted his pics on a public forum. I must stress that his condition had absolutely nothing to do with his breeder either: he had a brilliant start to life. I am just so lucky to have this beautiful boy now, sadly now minus his masculine bits and the bad times are well behind him now