What a boldly-coloured little bumble bee and I love the way her proboscis is buried deep into the flower, having a good drink of nectar! Many people confuse the smaller species of bumble bees with honey bees.
I've become an Apiarist in the last year or so and have a hive in my garden, and harvested 20lb of honey in my first season.
Kharidian (Prince Sadik x Khiri)........ Alkara Cassino (H Tobago x Rose Aboud) aka "Roger".................................... aka "Chips"
The first image is from an original painting by Pat Shorto.
great pic - ask him for a damsel fly next please!!
we have bees everyehere again this year - bumbles in the feed and rug stores, and standard brown bees nesting in a stable door - they crawl in through 1 old screwhole, and out through another. I often catch teh 3yr old colt watching them and nuzzling them - very content to share his house with the bees!
- V Khazad - V Calacirya & V Sulime - Quarida(L) - V Boogie Knights - V Hamra Tofiq
thought you might like to see another bee taken by Ann Brown of Gadebrook studs groom, she is very talented and if you look on the site you will see some wonderful wildlife shots, I am sure she will be happy to share this with you