Has anyone tried the new "Magic" calmer that hit the market recently? My local feed place says that alot of their customers claim it's better than Topspec.
I've not used a calmer before, but am going to take my lad to the Royal Highland Show this year and I am considering giving him something to keep his toes on the ground! I just wondered if anyone has had any success with it. It seems to be quite expensive - around £24 for a tub that lasts a month!
The Soul would have no Rainbow....If the Eyes had shed no Tears.
A friend of mine gives it to her TB/Connemara mare, a very hyper/flighty thing she is too, and it has definitely helped her 'deal with life' in a more relaxed manner!
Thanks for that guys. Given that Magic calmer is primarily Magnesium, surely it would be cheaper to just feed that?! My lad is on the Simple Systems diet and is much calmer than previously on a cereal based diet, but can still be prone to sharpness......mind you that could possibly be just him!
The Soul would have no Rainbow....If the Eyes had shed no Tears.