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Gold Member
United Kingdom
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Posted - 06 Jun 2005 : 12:51:03 PM
quote: Originally posted by Mike
This easy one is SE!  

No - straight BLUNT, not SE. Much, much rarer!
Keren |
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Posted - 06 Jun 2005 : 1:56:46 PM
Re: Photo posted on 28th May by BobandEdna - just been having a skim through and this photo was NOT Silvadoris as stated in following posts. This photo was of Silver Moonlight (exported from Crabbet to Australia) although he was related to Silvadoris, being a full brother to Silvadoris' dam, Silver Magic.
Apologies if someone else has already spotted this - did not take time to check all 8 pages on this topic. Alexia |
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Silver Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 06 Jun 2005 : 6:53:39 PM
Delighted that you brought up the question of the two variations of the painting ‘Napoleon Crossing the Alps’ by Jaques Louis David as I’ve often puzzled over these. As far as I can remember the grey is David’s original but did he paint the tobiano as well? I can’t remember and will have to look it up. The various “Marengo’s” are covered in some detail in ‘Marengo, the Myth of Napoleon’s Horse’ by Jill Hamilton.
As a footnote to the Buffalo Bill question; he apparently used to ride a horse called “Isham” for many years in his “Wild West Show” which research proved was not a pure bred.
Now time for another question: “Who” was the subject of ‘And Miles To Go’?
PS Bob, if you don’t get this right I’ll bring Lady Penelope’s FAB 1 over and put it in your car park! Be warned it’s very, very big and very, very PINK!
"And God said to the Wind 'Be thou gathered together.' And the wind was gathered together....And he created from a handful of wind a horse of chestnut colour like gold. And God let loose the Swift Runner, and he went on his way neighing."
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Posted - 06 Jun 2005 : 7:29:51 PM
Please Miss, Is it a film, or a book, or a play or what? Please |
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Posted - 06 Jun 2005 : 8:16:25 PM
Hi Alexia,
Please excuse me for missing your post, and may I say that if you are correct and I do not doubt you as your position makes you better placed than I for these matters, then my age is letting me down I found the photo named Silverdoris on my travel’s, he looks just as I last remember him. So if this is not my Silerdoris do you have a photo you could share with us of the real Silerdoris, ? (I think Marilyn may have one if I can ask her to go back and look I would be most grateful).
Thank you for bringing this to my attention
Regards Bob
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Silver Member
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Posted - 06 Jun 2005 : 10:12:51 PM
I was going to be very cheeky and say that "its for me to know and you to find out" but how could I be that cruel! So a clue and one clue only - its a book.
Best wishes
"And God said to the Wind 'Be thou gathered together.' And the wind was gathered together....And he created from a handful of wind a horse of chestnut colour like gold. And God let loose the Swift Runner, and he went on his way neighing."
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Posted - 06 Jun 2005 : 11:13:07 PM
Caroline is this IT  
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (1923)
Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake, The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep And miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep.
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Bronze Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 06 Jun 2005 : 11:52:25 PM
quote: Originally posted by C.J. Now time for another question: “Who” was the subject of ‘And Miles To Go’?
I know the answer to this one - it is the famous Polish bred stallion Witez II by Ofir, who was said to have had 'the look of eagles'. The book is very hard to get hold of, and tells the story of his life during World War II - how he escaped the clutches of the Russian army after their invasion of Poland, and ended up as a stallion for the US Army, going on to become a Champion and siring many influential offspring. An uplifting tale and movies have been made of much less subjects... Unfortunately Im cluelesss as to how to post a picture here but lots of information can be found about this horse if you do a search on the internet.
Edited by - fyonah on 06 Jun 2005 11:53:26 PM |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 08:56:50 AM
quote: Originally posted by Alexia
Re: Photo posted on 28th May by BobandEdna - just been having a skim through and this photo was NOT Silvadoris as stated in following posts. This photo was of Silver Moonlight (exported from Crabbet to Australia) although he was related to Silvadoris, being a full brother to Silvadoris' dam, Silver Magic.
Apologies if someone else has already spotted this - did not take time to check all 8 pages on this topic. Alexia
I have to say the photo posted didn't look like Silvadoris as I remember him, nor like the photo Des Williamson gave me - so I am not surprised that it *isn't* him.
Keren |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 09:00:07 AM
quote: Originally posted by C.J.
Delighted that you brought up the question of the two variations of the painting ‘Napoleon Crossing the Alps’ by Jaques Louis David as I’ve often puzzled over these. As far as I can remember the grey is David’s original but did he paint the tobiano as well? I can’t remember and will have to look it up. The various “Marengo’s” are covered in some detail in ‘Marengo, the Myth of Napoleon’s Horse’ by Jill Hamilton.
The tobiano is by another painter (forget who, I'm doing all this from memory), but since Napoleon crossed the Alps on a mule anyway, you do have to be careful interpreting the evidence in the paintings!
Keren |
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United Arab Emirates
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 09:41:07 AM
Sorry, I am a bit confused where we're at re the photos and who they are.
The last photo I can see is a tall necky grey, looks like Oran but posters have said Silvadoris or another Crabbet horse?
Please help!! .
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 09:48:32 AM
I am finding this topic really interesting and had a thought why dont we ask admin if they could put us in a quiz forum for all wannabe anoraker's it could include questions and answers pages as well as informative subjects what about it??? | |
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 10:21:40 AM
quote: Originally posted by BobandEna [he looks just as I last remember him. So if this is not my Silerdoris do you have a photo you could share with us of the real Silerdoris, ? (
Unfortunately my home PC is down at present and, by the time I get it sorted and gain access to my scanner again etc, this discussion will probably have moved on. There are photos of Silvadoris in back issues of the AHS News - he was featured a few times in maturity. Perhaps someone else can track them down for you. If not, email me privately and I will get to it when my PC is back in commission (do not have access to my books etc while at work).
Incidentally, I think Silvadoris was not a dissimilar body type to Silver Moonlight but he stood over more ground, was a considerably bigger horse and had a longer neck but one that attached lower to the chest.
As a breeding influence he was usually strong for size and substance rather than prettiness, with the notable exception of Silvern Dream. Interesting to contrast this with Silver Moonlight who is best known as a "prettiness" factor.
Have you seen the Fenwick video? It shows Silver Moonlight under saddle .... very interesting. Alexia |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 7:27:32 PM
Jane, I posted a picture of what I thought was Silverdoris and Alexia has kindly told me that it is of Silver Moonlight, A senior moment on my part.
Lynda Good idea, but I know admin are run off their feet right now, maybe Mike or Pat could raise it on the Moderators Slot.
Thank you, I would appreciate any info on Silverdoris and Des Williamson (Lots touch)

Good Luck Bob
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Silver Member
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 7:27:44 PM
Bob - You’re partly right as the title of the book was based on the poem by Robert Frost but the question was “who” was the subject of the book and Fyonah was spot on with her answer as it is indeed about Witez II.
Witez II was foaled at the Janow Podlaski State Stud in Poland on 1 April 1938 and was by Ofir out of Federacja. Mahogany bay in colour, his name, pronounced ‘Veetish Zwei’ meant “chieftain and knight, prince and hero, all rolled into one.” After numerous adventures in war torn Poland, Germany and Czechoslovakia, Witez II was captured, together with a number of other horses, by General Patton’s troops during the closing days of World War II and shipped to the USA where he founded a great dynasty. (Also amongst this importation was the stallion Lotnik (Opal x Mokka). Witez II offspring and descendents include Zitez, Natez, Bolero, Nafatez, Yatez, Witezar and Black Magic to name a few. Zarabo, the 1968 US National Champion Stallion was by Bolero. Witez II died on 9 June 1965. You can read more about him in ‘And Miles To Go – The Biography of a Great Arabian Horse, Witez II’ by Linell Smith (Little, Brown and Company, 1967) and in the special Witez II issue of ‘The Arabian Horse News’ (USA) November 1975.
Lynda – I love your suggestion about having a special quiz thread or page so that we can ask impossible questions, scratch our heads, trade facts (or insults!), and have fun - all at the same time! Glad someone else is enjoying this as much as me!
As a follow on from my last question; Witez II was one of the celebrated trio of stallions with “W” names – who were the other two?
Bob – Parker is greatly relieved that he doesn’t have to drive FAB 1 to Spain, said something about being “a bit tied up at the moment”??
"And God said to the Wind 'Be thou gathered together.' And the wind was gathered together....And he created from a handful of wind a horse of chestnut colour like gold. And God let loose the Swift Runner, and he went on his way neighing."
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Gold Member
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 7:37:34 PM
Caroline We both have just posted 12 seconds apart, Hooooooo and I have sold five of my cars to make room for Lady "P's" car.
Did you understand my e-mail?
Bob |
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Silver Member
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 8:20:42 PM
Yes, isn't it uncanny that we posted at virtually the same time.....spoookeeee! Many thanks indeed for your e-mail which I received despite the computer insisting that it was SPAM, am busy constructing a witty reply now (lucky you!). As to your latest photo 'who is it,' I'm not frightened to admit that I haven't got the foggiest other than it appears to be a Johnny Johnston photo and therefore taken in the USA? The horse looks sort of Ferzon"ish" so maybe of American 'domestic' bloodlines?? (I'm probably out by a zillion miles) So a small clue would be appreciated. (It's probably some famous horse and I will have egg all over my face for not recognising it )
Sorry you went to all the bother of selling those five cars to make room for Lady P's but would you really want it in your car park anyway? (A 6 year old visitor informed me that it actually flies in the film...ummmm....okaaay!)
Best wishes
Caroline (Lady P in disguise)
"And God said to the Wind 'Be thou gathered together.' And the wind was gathered together....And he created from a handful of wind a horse of chestnut colour like gold. And God let loose the Swift Runner, and he went on his way neighing."
Edited by - C.J. on 07 Jun 2005 9:12:39 PM |
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 9:40:23 PM
Caroline, USA is correct and he came to his owner as part of a pakage.
Get your head down
Come on "A" team one of your buddies needs a hand.
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 9:53:09 PM
OOH Caroline I know one I think Witraz?? Bob to be fair no one would know that horse from any other grey horse unless they knew the photo and which book it came out of! I could go to a dozen books and pull one out and unless you had the same book and the same info you wouldnt know either would you? or am I missing something here? some little distinguishing mark that makes this horse different? | |
Edited by - LYNDILOU on 07 Jun 2005 10:06:15 PM |
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 10:49:56 PM
Judith, NO
Lynda Love, your remarks show me that you have a B****y good Knowledge of Arabian Horses..
Edited by - BobandEna on 07 Jun 2005 10:54:21 PM |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 07 Jun 2005 : 11:25:36 PM
Being the Gentleman I AM, I could not go to bed without giving you lot , one more clue.
That's TWO clue's
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Gold Member
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Posted - 08 Jun 2005 : 08:52:12 AM
quote: Originally posted by BobandEna
Being the Gentleman I AM, I could not go to bed without giving you lot , one more clue.
That's TWO clue's
Silver Tornado
Keren |
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Posted - 08 Jun 2005 : 11:27:46 AM
The third of the W stallion trio must be Wielki Szlem (Ofir x Elegantka).
The white stallion - not a clue, as of yet
Anne |

I Do What I Can and I Am What I Am - Fay Weldon |
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