i am considering other activites i can do with my mare that envolve keeping four feet on the ground (not keen on jumping) and wondered if anyone has tried Le Trec?
Haven't tried it I'm afraid but I definately want to, however, upon looking all over the internet I cannot find anywhere that does this in the Lancashire/North west area, does anyone know if there is anywhere I can do this?
Marigold and I have our first le TREC competition in September! It's the only competition in my county (Kent). As I don't have any transport, I can't really afford to go to more than one a year.
Can't wait. Have been doing loads of practising the obstacles at home. I need to practise some orienteering as that's where I'm going to let us down.
If you're interested there's a whole section on the BHS website about it.
Good luck in September Gemma! Don't know if you are going to do it on an Arab, but I am hoping that their intelligence and nimble footing has got to be an advantage.
I am beginning to see what you both mean about only one competition per county and that's if you're lucky. Hopefully as more people get involved we can convince our local riding clubs to hold events?
Have read the stuff on the BHS site and think i will send off for the rules - i take it this will tell me how to get the best marks?!?!?
oh well - I'm always game to try something different
Marigold is PBA (the chestnut at the bottom of my posts) and seems to really enjoy doing the exercises at home, and she just loves doing long hacks so I'm hoping it'll be right up her street.
I would definitely recommend getting hold of the rule book. It'll tell you how to set up all the different exercises, and how they are marked.
We've seen a couple of riding club events recently (though silly me missed them!) so the word is definitely spreading!