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New Member
United Kingdom
3 Posts |
Posted - 12 Jul 2004 : 08:34:02 AM
Hello all..I'm new here but not new to England...have lived here for 2 years now. Hoping to go to Malvern at the end of the month so I can meet people in person. I don't drive yet (being an American I'm too used to automatic cars and I keep saying if God wants me to drive a clutch he'll help me grow a third leg!) so am dependent on my friend Fiona Barclay to bring me down.
Was wondering if anyone here knows what happened to the website, based in Germany. I tried to log onto it this weekend to do some show result research and it was gone! I know the site was temporarily unavailable for a while last year but at least they left the front page up with an explanation. I used that site a lot, enjoyed the articles and the photos. Can anyone give me an idea of what's happened?
Apart from that query, I would love to hear from anyone who would like to chat in email about pedigrees or conformation, or horsey things of any kind. I'm horseless at the moment but hope to soon be in a position to get myself a nice middle aged riding gelding who is a safe trail horse for my middle aged self!
Arlene Magid-Williams Pedigree Researcher Housepet Slave Extraordinaire |
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 United Kingdom
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Gold Member
United Kingdom
1147 Posts |
Posted - 12 Jul 2004 : 09:53:28 AM
Hello Arlene
Sorry to stray off the SE website query, but didn't you know we too have automatic cars in this country? My dad has one - a Saab!!
That's no excuse not to be driving yourself!! | |
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pat day
 United Kingdom
5324 Posts |
Posted - 12 Jul 2004 : 2:47:08 PM
Welcome Arlene,
Hope you make full use of this site, we are all friends here, and if you visit often, you will see how we share each others HIGHS and LOWS.
Ofcourse any questions and information are always welcomed, for those of us who want to learn from other peaples experiences, problems etc.
Kind Regards Pat |
  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TREASURES AT TEMPLEWOOD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Edited by - pat day on 12 Jul 2004 3:44:52 PM |
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New Member
United Kingdom
3 Posts |
Posted - 12 Jul 2004 : 6:08:15 PM
Hi Claire and all... Yes, I KNOW there are automatic cars here but silly me bought a 5 speed 2 months after I got here and I really want to get a "full" license instead of a limited one to start...I have a good friend who is qualifying as a driving instructor now and she figured out my problem straightaway...I am fine on the motorway but crap in local traffic with roundabouts and frequent gear changes. She is going to help me with the basics and then I'll go back to my paid instructor(I'm helping her learn to be an instructor because she needs to teach experienced people retraining as well as newbies!). Believe me, it is totally frustrating to someone who drove for 26 years not to be able to go where she wants, when she wants! I'm really looking forward to participating here, Pat. Several members recommended this site as friendly and helpful. I had stopped posting on American websites because of the backbiting and nastiness on so many of them (plus everyone felt entitled to free pedigree info when they realised who I was! grr! I'm happy to help anyone I can as I have time, but it bothered me a lot that people felt ENTITLED to help when I had paid writing to do and/or a second job that took me out of the house during the work day).
Can I ask how to post photos here? Would like to share some of my horses from the past as well as my housepets (who have demanded some free publicity!) Also would love to add an avatar but am unsure how to preview them to get the one I want (no bunnies or cats??)
Arlene Magid-Williams Pedigree Researcher Housepet Slave Extraordinaire |
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Platinum Member
United Arab Emirates
1627 Posts |
Posted - 12 Jul 2004 : 7:59:44 PM
I met you many years ago at Scottsdale at one of the barn parties, it would be great to meet up with you again. Are you coming to the Arabian Lines get-together at Malvern on Friday night? If yes, see you then.
Jane Kadri
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