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N. Ireland

2634 Posts

Posted - 10 Jul 2004 :  01:34:57 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add honey to your friends list Send honey a Private Message
I was wandering if any one you might have come across anything like this. 6 months ago when are yearling was 5 months we noticed somethin growing in her ear which looked like a big funny looking tick. Except it had a pointy black tip. So we took a pair of tweezers and started to pull at it while she was in a twitch the top came of which seemed hard and hollow and left like a pick thing which was fully attached to the ear(would come off) so we bathed it in methalated spirits and it seem to have swivled up so we left it(was hard to see with all the hair). We never looked for it thinking it would just fall off, as she is head shy round the ears, and doesn't like head collars ect being put on. Well the vet had her sedated yesterday to trim her leg back, and it was there again, except bigger and thicker at the base, and the tip had went in likt a spiral, with ridges, with a real sherp black point which was as sharp as athorn. I tried to take pics but she didn't like the red light from the camera against her ear. So pulled the tip of it(there is hair growing on it) the tip is like nail, and the base is all hairy, and the pink end which is growing was the same as the cast with going into a small pointy tip. It looks horrible, and is fully attatched to the earm the base is pretty firm and the end (under the outer layer) is pretty soft. Any ideas what it could be(its not full of blood or pus or anything) It is very weird and can't find anything like it in books or on the internet.

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 10 Jul 2004 :  07:58:44 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add LYNDILOU to your friends list Send LYNDILOU a Private Message
what did the vet think it was?did you ask him? it sounds like some sort of parasite living under the skin, but I would not touch it but get the vet to see to it.
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Platinum Member

N. Ireland
2634 Posts

Posted - 10 Jul 2004 :  6:36:17 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add honey to your friends list Send honey a Private Message
i was speaking to the vet today He wasn't out, as I was working and hes going on holiday for a week tonight. He said he will look at it when he comes out the following week when hes checking the foal, and said he should hopefully be able to remove it some how(he also said joking why don't we just let the hair grow back and no one will ever see it. )

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