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Bronze Member
102 Posts |
Bronze Member
102 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2009 : 1:25:47 PM
Gerri, The happy dog character should have been at the end of my post don't know what happened there,now I Have to remember my words of wisdom ha ha not really ,just that I empathize with what your feeling in as much as France may be a dreamy place to live or wherever but its nice to be amongst Arab enthusiast to share your highs and lows.Often I haven't replied to posts because I think replies have been superbly covered and quality is better than quantity, but a kind remark at the right time makes a heart happy |
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Platinum Member
4211 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2009 : 3:21:28 PM
Thank you ambassador, I think half of it is I always had lots of Horsey people around in UK not only Arab people but all breeds and supported each other and got news of what was going on locally and world wide, sometimes you know that only like minded people can know exactly what you are feeling and when and you have offered very wise words x |
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Gold Member
 United Kingdom
1107 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jun 2009 : 4:23:36 PM
Well I was just about to reply earlier when my power went... long story, but I think I have come to the bottom of it now.
I think like a few have already said, and I uncluded, tend to "lurk" on these forums. I would just call myself a voyeur sometimes, lol! I love seeing what people are up to and am very interested, even though I dont always reply. Sometimes its due to time, sometimes, I just feel others have said what I would say, and I kind of feel I would sound stupid just repeating others words.
So, yes most of us I would say would love to see all your photos and hear your news... as well as what going on with everyone else (oops nosey side coming out again!!), so please carry on....
Adele x |
Batley, West Yorkshire |
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Posted - 02 Jun 2009 : 5:25:52 PM
Thank you Adele, it was me being silly, I suffer with depression and most of the time fine other times really down, and this site has been great in the down times, I am sure there are lots of others like me out there too who don't talk about it, but I had not been on here for a long time and posted on here and thought that maybe people had lost interest, see its me!!!!!! I am nosey too, I love to read other peoples news, its difficult being on dial up and not always able to get on or it drops you off, which is soo annoying and if I can give advice to someone I will to help, returning the favour as have had so much help on here too, anyway Adele thank you once again x |
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Bronze Member
121 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jun 2009 : 9:29:27 PM
Hello Gerri, Only just read this thread,dont tend to venture on to the tea time chat, Im sorry to hear you feel left out / neglected,you always seem to have such a non - biased useful opinion when its needed and your kind words helped me through a rough patch at my new yard last year as well as other A - liners on here, have been on here now for well over 3 years and yourself Vera ( who is lovely and really welcoming in person) and mittens and Rafa seem to keep the spirit of Al alive.Have been going through a really rough patch last few months myself as a few on here close to me know so have been keeping a low profile that coupled with the fact that Im only a loanee at the moment *gasp horror* and have seen the recent 'dislike' towards loanees *cowers lower*. Plus my posts seem to kill a thread dead on regular occasions - you wait and see,bet no-one else replys lol. Here feel huge hugs Gerri
 Felicity |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
4964 Posts |
Posted - 03 Jun 2009 : 9:50:47 PM
Well Felicity (love that name) you're not a dead thread killer! I've also loaned horses, stand up and be counted!! Its only bad loaners that are moaned about!!! |
Edited by - Goldenmane on 03 Jun 2009 9:53:23 PM |
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Platinum Member
4211 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jun 2009 : 10:49:19 AM
Hi Felicity, be proud you are a good loanee and it is with your voice and other loanees that people will not be so afraid of loaning their horses out there are soooo many great people out there that can give a horse a fabulous home and soo much love but for whatever reason cannot or chose not to buy, there is no shame in that and it certainly does not make you less of a horse owner that the people who actually buy as it costs you just as much maybe even more to keep a horse. You have made my day saying that a little peice of advice that I have given to you helped, you really have lifted my spirits as that is what I aim to do, I love to help people and horses and all animals, so your reply has meant the world to me, Thank you so much, big hugs I have loaned a horse before now and it was totally spoilt with love and affection, the sad thing was we were so good that the owner offered us to buy him at 2000 more than the original price we had agreed at the beginning of the loan period and got it I hasten to add, which broke our hearts as my husband absolutely adored him. Still at least we made his life a little better |
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Crusaders Angel
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531 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jun 2009 : 12:27:10 PM
Hi Gerri
I'm another Read 'em & Run person . I only have internet access at work so I just dip in from time to time. If I have anything big to say I have to type it up at home, save it on a datastik then cut & paste it onto here 
I only seem to post on threads I've started or on ones from people I know - sorry 
Will try to acknowledge all the ones I read, even if its just a smiley.
Lucy |
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Posted - 04 Jun 2009 : 12:36:37 PM
Ahhh, bless you Lucy My husband came over to me whilst I was on here to nag me or to throw me off and saw the picture on Ambassador of the rottie and was bowled over, it was love at first sight, he just adores his rotties and misses them soo much but loved the picture of yours said its head and face were perfection and to die for, just thought I would mention it  |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
2653 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jun 2009 : 1:07:55 PM
Hi Gerry, I've just come back from a week away, but before I went I was thinking to myself 'I haven't seen a post on here from Gerry for ages'
I know exactly what you mean regarding feeling left out - but I think we all do from time-to-time, I too suffer from depression and sometimes it's easy to take offense where none was intended.
I've had an awful start to this year - but haven't posted about it because I think 'who'd be interested?'.
I do love reading your posts and often reply, but sometimes I am guilty of 'reading and running' - again, because I think, who's interested in my opinion?
Please keep posting, Louise xxx (the thread-killer ). |
 Louise, Warwickshire |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 04 Jun 2009 : 1:54:53 PM
Dear Louise, please do post, it really helps when feeling low as no one seems to judge you on here which is like a breath of fresh Air, and it makes people really good if they can offer a word of support and comfort, it makes us feel a little more useful, I know there is probably people out there that may not be interested but there maybe one person that is grateful for that opinion and benefits from it, so it will be of great help to one person and one person is better than none, so never fear of giving your opinion, it doesn't have to be taken but the time you have spent offering it will be gratefully received |
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Bronze Member
121 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jun 2009 : 8:34:40 PM
No worries Gerri, only stating the truth I have owned my own horse when living in America for a few years (a arabxmorgan) but over here trying to get enough money up together to buy one is hard! if I save more than £100 up I decide that I need a haircut or Sky needs a new rug or worse my car needs fixing long story short my job decided to cut everyone to half days equalling to half pay in Feb with NO notice= mass painic lol now have 3 jobs to just cover my bills and Sky who is spoiled rotten gets the best quality food and has had a full new wardrobe since I got him including a new treeless saddle Imagine my absolute fury when some on here have the cheek of saying loanees should be grateful,they get free use of a horse that isnt theirs!! must stop ranting otherwise will go on forever anyways just to say reading your reply amde be beem ear to ear aswell  Felicity |
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