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Platinum Member
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Posted - 30 May 2009 : 12:02:58 PM
I had had a lovely day out and met my friend for lunch and it had been the perfect day, when I got home my husband had done the horses for me and announced he was taking myself and Daniel to the restaurant in our village for dinner, its a fabulous place and the food fab and so it should have rounded a perfect day off perfectly..... but what was to happen was horrific...... well in my book anyway!!!!There was a young couple having there meal sat outside on the next table and the proprietors daughter sat with them, a little dog, a yorkshire terrier, tiny little thing, was going from table to table getting fussed by all, until it went under the table of the next couples table, the little girl promptly got off her chair onto the floor under the table and grabbed this tiny dog and started screwing the dog up and pulling really vicious faces as she inflicted pain onto this tiny dog that was yelping and growling, I watched in horror and was just about to say something when the little dog snapped at her....... the girl screamed and the proprietor ran out and grabbed her little girl scooping her up into her arms and the young couple at whose table this happened carried on eating , until the little dog was brave enough to go back under the same table where it had suffered the abuse, the girl customer under whose table this had happened stood up swung her leg back kicking the tiny dog, sending it flying through the air screaming in pain and landing in the road infront of the reastaurants outdoor seating, I was horrified and leapt up ran into the road to help the tiny dog, who was yelping and cowering, no one else said a word, after making sure the little dog was okay I strode back to my table and screamed at the woman in English as could not for the life of me think on the spur of the moment the french for what I was calling her in English, she just smirked and said it was only a dog, after screaming at her that I would do the same to her I left the restaurant vowing never to go back the proprietor apologised for the customers behaiviour to my husband and son, but I knew that had I stayed there I would really have lost it and ended up with my hands on her, so I did the best thing I could do........I left but it was a horrible ending to my perfect day
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 30 May 2009 : 1:06:22 PM
Don't go!! I've been rallied into a spring clean and read this in horror and was going to vent my disgust when the OH had un-shackled me from the Mr.Muscle!! Can't believe some people still have that, "it's just an animal" thing. Words fail me. I'd have cheerfully kicked her under a table. How can anyone stand by and watch that happen.Good for you for saying something.Either it was considered normal by everyone else or they didn't dare speak up but when it comes to animals nothing would stop me saying my bit. |
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Posted - 30 May 2009 : 1:23:22 PM
well, I think the whole village heard me kick off, the trouble was the whole restaurant kept on eating like nothing had happened, even when I was creaming abuse at the girl no one even lifted their head, I must have looked like a mad woman I was so upset and was shaking when I left I did not even get to finish my drink!!!! My husband and son stayed and ate theirs but I left as could not stay another moment as was afraid I would get arrested but I had not been well for a well and it was the best day I had had in such a long time until that happened...... and thank you mittens for replying |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 30 May 2009 : 1:27:34 PM
I hate it when things are going so nicely and life looks great only to be spoiled by some ignorant so and so. You say you hadn't been well? Hope you feeling better,if not calmer!!  |
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Posted - 30 May 2009 : 1:41:41 PM
Oh Gerri....poor you having to witness the abuse to that sweet little dog. How dare they say "only a Dog"   
I too would have been equally furious and like yourself, would have wanted to vent my anger on such despicable people for allowing such blatant cruelty to that tiny little defenceless dog.
AAAAAARRRRGGGGGG!!! and we call ourselves "caring" makes one ashamed of being a human being. Thanks goodness, we are not all the same as those awful people   
No way would I ever patronise that establishment again!! Do hope the incident did not totally ruin your day but I guess, as I know how much you really must have cast a big black shadow over your otherwise special perfect day
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 30 May 2009 : 1:55:03 PM
Good for you Gerri I think i`d have probably kicked that woman so hard that she would have landed outside on the pavement & then said oh well shes just a dog !  What a nasty woman !  |
Brixham (South Devon ) |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 30 May 2009 : 2:44:40 PM
well done Gerri for standing up for the dog -poor little thing! Lisa |

Last picture courtesy of Sweet Photography |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 30 May 2009 : 3:44:12 PM
I find most European's relationships to animals so strange and different. I au paired in Italy one summer, and while the family's animals were not unhealthy, they seemed to me so unloved. They all thought I was the mad English girl. I just find attitudes like this so hard to comprehend.
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Bronze Member
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Posted - 30 May 2009 : 4:03:40 PM
i dont think i could have kept my cool either and quite right too!! good for you but poor little dog |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 30 May 2009 : 6:52:19 PM
I wouldn't have kept my cool, and I think the world would now be minus one small child if I'd been there....
Poor little dog, well done for going to his rescue. |
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