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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  2:44:05 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add gu-ku-vi to your friends list Send gu-ku-vi a Private Message
Marbon Mead, Melissa and Mastarifah are going home to Diane Ellis and I am hearthbroken thinking about that I shall not see Mead in my stable anymore in fact never more, do her mane and cuddle her. I had also so badly wanted, that I could have keep at least Melissa for the rest of her life, giving Diane a foal instead from her, both girls are so wonderfull horses and a great pleasure to have.Beauties too.

Circumstances in many ways have forced me to cut down, prices for food, blacksmith, vets, all those fertility bills, my age, but up to now I have handled it, in the best way, the force has been the interest in breeding some beautifull 100% crabbets for the future.

Another thing is that, here in Denmark there is not much interest for crabbets, people are mostly interested in showhorses and advice the newcomers to only buy from studs, where the horses has been shown or else you are not serious

We donīt have small local shows, only nationals and internationals wich means you canīt go there if you donīt use a proff. trainer and MY horses will never ever been send away to such things, after I have read what can happens to a showhorse, and I canīt see that it is good for the breed at all.

I have had a lot of bad experience, first the difficulties with all the scidcarriers, then the troubles to find another clear stallion.

I tried the frozen semen from Safari,(I had my eyes on him long before I went to UK for the mares), semen turns up to be bad.

That was exstrimely costly, allthough I get the studfee back, I have payed a lot of money for transport of the semen, stabling of tree mares by the vet and the first insimination scanning etc. I am not blaming any persons such things happens.

Diane has help as far as she could, loaning me Melissa in hope to get her pregnant to Safari, then loaning me Mastarifah after the fellow who bought Lenny donīt keep heīs word that I should use him in the spring, but all of it cost a lot of money in registrations, transport a.s.o.

In those four years I have tried so hard to start a breeding program and it all fell apart.I only wanted to breed Crabbets, Old English as I think there is enough breeders of all the others

I do hope that both Mead and Melissa are pregnant now and will give Diane two fillies, which I know she want so badly. I also know that Diane will take good care of Mead, my darling dreamhorse and first 100% crabbet, as she was very sad, that day she left her, for going to Denmark, now she will be home again.

My first 100% crabbet foal died of scid, then fortunately I have Meadley and Sami and I am so happy for that. Another mare I had from UK turns up to be a scidcarrier too and lost her foal.I sold her to a lady, but the seller are now angry with me that I do that.

Silver Zara Saint are planned to go to Daphne Cockedge as soon as we can arrange something and I know she also by Daphne will have a good home,be respected for the good qualityblood that runs in her veans, which is importent to me.

Back in my stable is now, Meadley, Sami, Martini, Sala and Ballet our mare out of our first arabian. In that way I still have some of Mead, Silver Zara Saint and Moulton Millennium

Donīt think I will be breeding any more foals, but never said never.

I once though it was importent to some people keeping this old lines alive, remember some years ago there where a talk about some interest in a group that maintane the old species, but time has change a lot, so have the arabian world, adopting more and more from USA and the socalled arabian industri, and it seems to me that only showhorsebreeders are respected.

Nowadays you should have an agent, a trainer, a middleman, if you can do that, you can sell allmost everything, good or bad.

Just have an e-mail from Sweden where the same things happens to a breeder there, and she is also cutting down in the crabbetlines, so if you donīt live in UK it is to hard to have this lines.

We have promised each other not to cut everything away. You need to have someone, who are interested in the breed and can swap coverings and foals with, if you want to continure in such breedingprograms.

Showing pics here in DK of all the wonderfull crabbets dosnīt help either, they canīt compare to the modern photos with horses full of make-up standing in a awfull way, in frozen positur, so the younger people canīt imagening how good those horses in fact was.

Think that some day there will only be room for those people, who had the big pockets to buy coverings from the great stallions, the matadors, but many of them canīt see, where the breed are going, my homble opinnion.

It is so sad that a showarabian is much more worth, than a good ridden one, who is nicely put together and healthy and I think that the showpeople in that way have spoiled a lot for the arabian horse as a good ridinghorse. Snort and blow is what they marketing nothing else.

Now I will just love my horses, do my kitchengarden, forget all about breeding, forums and just have fun.

Last evening I was a trip down Memory Lane finding my very first post on Al surching for a crabbet, then for a stallion.

Then the tread of my cancer and the beautifull answers from Shinook.

The tread about my first scidfoal and all the helpfull people that came along, when I recognice all my scidcarriers.

I also now remember how many times I have been about to give up the whole thing, finding it too difficult how you chear me up again and again, thank you all for that, and how sad some people was, when this horses go to Denmark.

Now it is up to you to support those people who hang on to this wonderfull arabians, so there forever will be some crabbets left.

I have had a great time while planning all the things I wanted to do, so no reason to be sad at all, just wish I was much younger.

I will still hang on, but will not have so much to tell anymore.

Kind Regards Gunni.
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Crusaders Angel
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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  2:58:01 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Crusaders Angel to your friends list Send Crusaders Angel a Private Message
So sorry to read your story, your obvious affection and respect for your horses comes across very well. It is such a shame that it is not echoed by your countrymen.

I wish you well with your remaining horses and hope that the fashion changes and good quality workmanlike horses are recognised and appreciated once again.

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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  2:59:15 PM  Show Profile  Click to see natntaz's MSN Messenger address  Send natntaz a Yahoo! Message Bookmark this reply Add natntaz to your friends list Send natntaz a Private Message
Gunni, reading your post is so sad, It looks like you
have bred some lovely foals and all for the right reason.
Unfortunatly in todays trends the bloodlines of fashion
seem to take over. I think you will be another in a long
line of little studs and possibly big studs that are affected
by the credit crunch and need to want the next best show

I wish you luck and your horses that are coming back to
the UK a safe jurney

I think it is such a shame that someone like yourself who
seem passionate about your horses is giving up

Natalie Pix. Essex. Tariq ibn Radfan and Taroub

Edited by - natntaz on 20 Nov 2008 3:01:50 PM
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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  3:01:09 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add emma to your friends list Send emma a Private Message

I really feel for you when reading your post. But you still have some super horses at home with you and a wealth of knowledge to.

When you mention the things you are leaving behind you say forums, i hope thats not true as we still want your input here.

Ive admired your photos recently of well put together horses with great movement and a look that they can go do any job.

Best of Luck for the future.

Fulmer House Arabians
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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  3:20:28 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Tahir to your friends list Send Tahir a Private Message
Gunni, what a well-written post from the heart, and I too feel for you.

Sometimes outside influences dictate our future, despite our best efforts. But please don't be disheartened or sad. Fashionable models will have their 15 minutes of fame, and then disappear - true well-bred Arabians will survive, that is what they are bred for, for centuries. Their heritage will shine through and breed through.

Sending hugs and praying that you will still post on AL.

Carla, xx.
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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  3:29:00 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add BeckyBoodle to your friends list Send BeckyBoodle a Private Message
I had tears in my eyes - it is sad when a dream comes to a close. But it sounds there may be still options for the future, and if not through you then hopefully others will continue to carry on these lines. The pictures of the horses you posted are proof that they should. They show a horse that has a purpose and strength.

I don't know much about extreme show arabs other than many appear too fine to have much of a purpose in ridden work, but I expect I am wrong - and I hope so too. My arab is so curious, so inquisitive, so interested in going new places and doing new things that I think she would be bored and go crazy if she was protected in the way that I am guessing many of these clothes model like arabs are.

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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  4:01:33 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add nikki to your friends list Send nikki a Private Message
Hiya Gunni,

I do feel for you, but all is not lost, i am glad you are keeping some of them, to keep you sane! and as you say, never say never, you've got that option to continue in the future.
You have accomplished, what you set out to do, and i think you have bred some beautiful, correct arabians!!

I think you should still post here.

I hope the horses arrive safe and well at Dianes end.

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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  4:14:44 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Merlot to your friends list Send Merlot a Private Message
Dear Gunni

Your post makes such sad reading. I feel so sorry that you feel your dream has had to come to an end. Everyone has their own opinions on what Arabs should or shouldn't be like and it's just very sad that no one in Denmark seems to appreciate what you were trying to breed. I really like your horses (Crabbet fan ) and am very sad to say that Denmark's loss is our gain.

Please don't stop posting, we enjoy hearing about life in Denmark and how your horses are. Wishing you the very best for the future.

photo by Eric G Jones

Edited by - Merlot on 20 Nov 2008 4:24:06 PM
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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  4:47:04 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Joto to your friends list Send Joto a Private Message
Theres nothing I can add to what others hve already said Gunni. Sorry that the lovely Crabbets are out of fashion at the moment. Maybe one day things will change. Take care of yourself and do please keep posting Gunni, I , for one, value your contributions to this forum.
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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  5:08:13 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add rhoni to your friends list Send rhoni a Private Message
Dear Gunni,
You are a very brave and determined woman with a big heart and some beautiful horses; I believe your dream will live on with those you still have. I remember your kindness to others in times of pain and trouble and hope you will continue to share your hopes, dreams, triumphs and sorrows with us here on AL.
Keep fighting!
Rhoni xxx
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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  5:39:23 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Pixie to your friends list Send Pixie a Private Message
I wish i could add something worth adding but everyong has already said it. Please take care of yourself. The Arabian horse needs you and people like you.

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lisa b
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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  5:45:18 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add lisa b to your friends list Send lisa b a Private Message
hi gunni...i can only echo what has been already said..but to add that they will have a lovely home with you know...and please dont stop posting..xx

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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  5:45:23 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add gu-ku-vi to your friends list Send gu-ku-vi a Private Message
After rereading my post I have to say that not all here in DK has been against me at all. Many have liked my horses, but all the time the talk are coming to showing they are saying that I have to do it, to proof that my horses are good, and I donīt want to show for the reason I sad above.

We have many good ridres over here, but somehow the showpeople manage to bring, those who breed them, down to a not so worthy kind of breeding and not serious breeders, and I wanted to breed good riding horses, with good legs and a sweet temper that looks like arabians. And my wish was to be one of those who saved the crabbets on top of that.

I have argued so many times against the way the showring are, and I rather spend so many money on a good horse or covering, than going to a show and see a person mistreat my horse.

I see no future in breeding riding arabs here, as it always is so if a horse is crazy it most be because it have some arabian blood.

There are sweet people and there are nasty ones, some of this has in an open forum told that I just have taken some scidcarriers to Denmark, instead of buying some good ones.I was so carefull when i choosed my animals and this was hurting me so much, as I didnīt know there was something called scid and that goes for so many others before I told openly about it.

I understand that it most be, what they are saying in the corners about me and my breed.

I will not fight any longer, just have fun with my horses there are left, not knowing what people say or mean.

The two of them are very young and will hopefully live for many years, in that time, me and my daughter can figure out, how the future will be for the arabian horsebreed. I will spend my money on Meadley having him ridden, when he is four years old, but it will only be because I want to.

Going down in numbers of horses, we have enough land to feed them, and a little more money for fun.

The showpeople donīt think about, that it is the ridden arab that are the reason, that the breed survive, as it this species who people meet in the riding shool and other public places and be surprised over how lovely they are, not arablike in the way they thought an arab is.

Then there are some breeders who want the whole bucket and for this people I have the deepest respect, no doubht about that, but it is not those people, who are doing the best in the showring.

The showhorses are beautifull and all respect for those, who want to breed them, but the repect should go the other way too,they shall respect us as well. Respect us for not using cryptosid horses and badlegged, but it is not always they remember that. It upsets me and I donīt like to be upset.

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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  6:29:43 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add mogwai to your friends list Send mogwai a Private Message
How sad, gunni i'm so sorry. You have obviously thought long and hard about your descision, and your horses are going to lovely homes where they can continue to do the crabbet arabian breeding program proud.
Don't stop posting, the pictures you post of your lovely, lovely arabians always lift my spirits.
Take care and enjoy you boys.
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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  6:44:33 PM  Show Profile  Send s.jade an AOL message  Click to see s.jade's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add s.jade to your friends list Send s.jade a Private Message
Oh so sorry things haven't worked out for you, but glad your mares have safe secure homes with people you know will treasure them. Is Silver Zara Saint called Willow? I very nearly bought Willow before you did, she was beautiful and I would have snapped her up then, but sadly just not quite right for the stallion I had at the time.
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Posted - 20 Nov 2008 :  7:10:33 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Gerri to your friends list Send Gerri a Private Message
Dear Gunni

How I feel for you and understand exactly what you are saying I have a pure desert arabian, blue blood, and also he is what they rode into battle hundreds of years ago without any mixing of blood or strains, so he and his type are also unfashionable, I too wanted to breed the purest of pure blood, and have never got the chance, even though had him scid tested clear, but he has bone and substance not long flimsy legs and seahorse face which is so desired by todays fashion, but the crabbet like the pure desert will be needed to re introduce the original arabian qualities one day and they will all be gone, because people like you and me will be gone and so will our horses I am sending you hugs and best wishes x
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Posted - 21 Nov 2008 :  11:37:23 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add ashabarab to your friends list Send ashabarab a Private Message
ummm mixed thoughts on this

l wonder how di ellis feels having to feed three extra horses at such short notice...things are very differcult for a lot of people at the moment and three extra mouths to feed over the winter could break a lot of people

l know di is pleased to be having them back...but another three mouths to provide food for [oh and they are in foal]

l think you are very lucky you have someone to take them....many people would have to bear the costs untill they were sold

just my opinion

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Posted - 21 Nov 2008 :  11:48:29 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Noo to your friends list Send Noo a Private Message
agree with you Ash - loan agreements usually have a clause in that states at least a months notice either side, and to suddenly have three horses sent back at short notice (albeit ones that you love) at the beginning of winter is not something to be taken on lightly.
Spare a thought in all this for Di who has now three extra mouths to feed, sets of hooves to be trimmed, worming/teeth, rugs etc - none of which i believe she was expecting this time a couple of weeks ago.....
Di - i will do all i can to help you out this winter, and we will get through it xx
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Posted - 21 Nov 2008 :  12:31:55 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add templars to your friends list Send templars a Private Message
Here we go again - criticising people! For goodness sake leave poor Gunni alone. She's been through enough. If she has had to make this decision it won't have been made easily. But hell, let's just pour on the guilt and make her feel really bad...

I just don't get this. On some threads there are people saying it's ok to ask for help. Some people do and get sympathy, some people do and get torn to shreds.

No wonder people are finding it difficult to ask for help and and even more finding it difficult to offer help.
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Posted - 21 Nov 2008 :  1:13:12 PM  Show Profile  Click to see joanna_piana's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add joanna_piana to your friends list Send joanna_piana a Private Message
Well said Templars, if Di is happy then that's all that matters noone elses business. That's also the point of loaning not selling to ensure you can take them back when necessary!

Sorry to hear your news Gunni and hope you now can enjoy your remaining horses and have some fun, afterall that's what it's meant to be.

Harthall Rashida RIP, Binley Ishara, Bouchan
Chorleywood, Hertfordshire
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Posted - 21 Nov 2008 :  2:56:07 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Athena to your friends list Send Athena a Private Message
I don't think anyone is critisizing but it is fair enough, given that this thread was started to provide Gunni with sympathy as to her situation, to offer some kind thoughts to Diane too. Of course we all sympathise with Gunni over what has to be a hard decision. But it is also true that, love them as she does, this does give Di Ellis a practical problem - not a good time of year to be getting back three extra horses.

So let's all offer sympathy and help if we can in abundance and try not to be so quick to see an attack where there isn't one. Gunni herself is being very open about the thanks she owes to Diane for her support - hear, hear, Gunni.

I hope it all works out for all concerned and the horses too.
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Posted - 21 Nov 2008 :  3:11:15 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add ashabarab to your friends list Send ashabarab a Private Message
well said anthena

l was not critizing gunni but as di is a good friend of mine l know she is going to find this differcult and allthough she will not ask l am sure any support from other people will be gratefully recieved..

we are all having a differcult time this least most of the people l know are...and prices keep going up and up...let us try and help each other not critizise


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Di Ellis
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Posted - 21 Nov 2008 :  3:21:47 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Di Ellis to your friends list Send Di Ellis a Private Message
You have done my Stud proud with what you have bred from my stock in Denmark and you intend to continue with Mead's lovely son, Meadley, in the future.

Although it came as a bit of a shock to me when you made your decision I am so grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to have back my favourite mare, Mead. I know that it is because she means a lot to you too; that you have decided to give her back to me instead of selling her - which you could have done.

I hope Mastarifah has left you a couple of foals for next year and fingers crossed that Mead may even be in foal to him for me.
I am surprised that Melissa let us down and you did not get a foal from her; but perhaps the long journey took more out of her than we expected; but I am glad you had the opportunity to meet her and I see from your website that your daughter had some enjoyment in riding her too.

Good luck with continuing my bloodlines in the future.

I will find it hard to cope with all the mucking out but I am sure my friends will assist with feed etc. if necessary.
Let's just hope that I stay fit and healthy this winter.
Love Di.

D.S. Ellis
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Di Ellis
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Posted - 26 Nov 2008 :  9:32:11 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Di Ellis to your friends list Send Di Ellis a Private Message
Just to let you know that they have all arrived home safely tonight and are now tucked up in their stables.
It is lovely to see Mead again after all this time and it was a surprise that Gunni decided to let me have her back.

D.S. Ellis
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Posted - 26 Nov 2008 :  9:42:29 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Deboniks's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add Deboniks to your friends list Send Deboniks a Private Message
Glad they all traveled well.

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Posted - 26 Nov 2008 :  9:52:42 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add mogwai to your friends list Send mogwai a Private Message
Glad they're all home safely
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