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Gold Member
584 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 1:01:46 PM
I need a little advice, a few years back i found a new job and handed in my notice, the company i was (still am working for) asked me to stay and offerd my a nice incentive So i stayed, at the time it was the right thing to do. The incentive to stay is / was paid to me once every six months, end of June and End of December... Have just got my pay packet and no bonus I rely on that money every six months. About two weeks ago i was told that i would probably not get my full bonus but should still get something. I only have the incentive promise written in a email, it was not condtional so it did not depend upon sales figures or anything, it was never ever written into my contract I know i was silly... How do you think i should approch my boss. Sad but i do really need this money, the company as a whole is dooing really well, but as a department we are not dooing that great, (but thats not my fault).
Just a bit stuck and feal very let down, it took a lot for me to say here... If i dont get my bonus then finacially there is nothing to keep me here, but i turned down a great job to say here and if i dont get my 6 monthly bonus then the money at the other job would have been a lot better too. I cant take that job now as it was quite a while ago, and the company would probably not offer me another job with them now as i aceepted there offer and let them donw at the last minuite.
To top it all off, i have just had to buy a new car I had a great week away last week and really did not want to come back to work 
Thanks for listining and any advice that you may have to offer...
Pascoeashkara |
Edited by - pascoe on 01 Jul 2008 1:12:27 PM
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Platinum Member
1571 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 1:05:59 PM
I have no advice to offer, as I'm hopeless at this sort of thing (and I'm in a similar position to you at the mo), but I wanted to send you a hug and hope you sort something soon.
Someone will be along shortly with helpful advice, I'm sure!
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584 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 1:07:48 PM
Hi Kelly, Hug greatfully accepted thank you... |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
1802 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 1:17:56 PM
Oh I know the feeling. I got offered a great job earlier this year. Told my current company about it and they said 'don't go. You've a great future ahead of you in this company. Promotions are being made soon and you've done everything right to earn promotion..'
So I stayed. To find out no promotion and the job sucks. The worst part is that the role I turned down is still being advertised. But, like you, I feel like I can't go back, cap in hand.
Did you keep the email that stated your bonus? Why not print it off and use it to have a chat with your boss? |

Photo 2: West End Photography |
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Platinum Member
3756 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 1:38:25 PM
I'd tell your boss how unhappy you are not to have got any bonus, even though it is not in your contract of employment, if it is in an email to you,and that is also a binding contract! as Gemma says, if you still have it, print it out and show him. Hope you get it sorted out. |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
2838 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 1:50:25 PM
Approach your boss, you have it in writing even if not in your contract, I would think it would be treated like an adendum (sp ) to the contract. If they have been paying as promised without you having to meet any terms then I think they would have to honour that arrangement or negociate a new one with you.
I have an annual performance related bonus in two parts; firstly financial if I and my team perform at one level and I also get a holiday if I hit the next level(off to barbados in November ) with my best mate who happens to head up the other team in our office. I have the details on email with figures agreed start of each year, not in a contract and I have reminded them of it once before when we disagreed on the numbers so it is worth the paper its written (or typed!) on.
Hopefully your boss is an approachable person or if your in a large organisation perhaps talk to HR so its not personal.
Hope it gets sorted out x |
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Platinum Member
4384 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 1:57:11 PM
yep nut has given good advice there-get it printed off and 'ave a word with them-cheeky buggers! |
pagey |
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Gold Member
584 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 1:59:42 PM
Hi, thanks for all of your advice, i will approch my boss this afternoon.. I have a feeling that im not going to get very far, I dont want to be in a postion where i have to start throwing threats about.. I just want what i feal is mine, there is another girl who works in the office with me, and i know she gets the same bonus as me, now i have not spoken to her about it, but she has not spoken to me about it either... (We dont get on great if you get what i mean) My boss said a few weeks ago that the managers did not get there bonuses either, but im 90% sure that they get them paid to them round about Christmas time... I just feel like im in a no win postion and i hate that, i dont like the fact that they have gon back on there word... I will let you all know how i get on this afternoon.
Once again thank you. xxxxx |
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Gold Member
1101 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 2:14:09 PM
I will show this to Hubby when he gets home - he's a fab union rep. He'll know what to do. |
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Gold Member
622 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 2:25:56 PM
Definately push on this one. It seems many companies will take advantage of staff and make idle promises when we realise there may be better options, relying on the fact that we then feel obligated or too guilty to ensure we get our dues . I hate to say it but it certainly seems that women are much more guilty of this than men (myself included) as I know many men who put their foot down at work and make and achieve their demands. After all if you don't look after number one it's certainly not in their interests to!! Good luck  |
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Gold Member
584 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 2:28:03 PM
Thanks Sez, would be good to hear what he has to say, i am going to approche him this afternoon, i will let you know the outcome, wish me luck.. |
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Platinum Member
1872 Posts |
Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 2:42:13 PM
Its ever so much more likely that its just a payroll error - I would assume it is and let your boss know that the bonus appears to have been forgotten - and if it wasnt an error he should be doubly embarressed that he didnt let you know first! Good luck |
    West Sussex |
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Gold Member
584 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jul 2008 : 10:44:56 AM
Just to let you know, i spoke with my manager yesterday and i will get my bonus this month, but have to negotiate the one at Christmas... Thank you for all your help and advice, and Kelly for the hug.. xx |
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