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Platinum Member
2452 Posts |
Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 08:54:32 AM
Thought it would be interesting to find out others OHs names and their nicknames if they have been given one and maybe why? My husbands name is Frederick Most call him Freddie I call him Fred But refer to him as Mr Boswell to all our joint friends as hes got grey hair now.. and got very wrinkly skin!! Can anybody remember the comedy soap called Bread with the Boswell family..
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Gold Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 09:29:07 AM
I am refered to as Harpic as my OH says that sometimes I drive him round the bend. He is known as "El Tel" for obvious reasons and his passion for football
Sue |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 10:29:32 AM
The nicknames for my family are way tooooooooooo rude for a public forum!!!
Carla, xx. |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 10:42:24 AM
Both myself and OH call each other Lard, he is far more Lardy than me i will have you know, i also call him Shaggy he looks nothing like shaggy in scooby do or the rapper but i call eveyone that always have. |
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Mrs Vlacq
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 11:18:01 AM
hmmm..... most people call me Lol (shorter than Laura and less severe sounding). Or 'Sue Pyke's Daughter'  Most of my felmale friends all refer to each other as 'bint', 'wench' etc... and I get 'poshbird' from certain people when I am getting stroppy and plumb in gob-like! Laura |
  - V Khazad - V Calacirya & V Sulime - Quarida(L) - V Boogie Knights - V Hamra Tofiq |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 11:32:18 AM
My OH sometimes calls me Dozy Rosy so in turn I call him Old Git  |
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Silver Member
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 11:35:12 AM
my OH is called Ears by friends and family. i call him Rat. He calls me Bellyhead |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 12:12:23 PM
Oh looks like Homer Simpson - Hence the nickname of Homer He calls me Heff - can't even remember how that came about!
Best nickname is for my sister in law Judith - she's been called Smelly Jubbs since she was 4 (she's in her late 40's now and even my 5 year old son calls her by her nickname!)
My mother in law has been dubbed Nanny Monster by Christopher - he sings the " whats that coming over the hill - is it a monster" tune to her - but changes the "is it a monster" to Its nanny monster Thankfully, she has a good sense of humour! |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 3:48:48 PM
When my kids were little we used to do the rounds visiting all of the grandparents. They called one set "big gates" and the other "little gates", because of the size of the gates on their drives. My grandma was known as "backdoor grandma" because she lived next door and we always popped in by the back door. When my son was young he told everyone his name was Chad because he didn't like Richard and his little chum called himself Ped because he didn't like Peter. You spend nigh on nine months trying to pick a name for your children and more often than not they say "why did you call me that?" lol.
 Lancashire |
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 4:05:33 PM
kev is known as German by everyone... because he looks like one and is always the first to get his towel on the sunbed!! |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 5:28:13 PM
Oh! forgot this - the kids don't call us Mum & Dad any more, we are now Dumb & Mad |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 8:58:16 PM
Lori your post made me laugh when my kids were younger they had so many grandparents as all living!! they all had different names.. trouble is the children have grown up now but the names have stuck!! Theres grandad and nan shep becouse their dog was called shep the dog died at least 12 years ago!!! Then nan and grandad stick!!both now deseased.. nan and grandad red car!!red car been replaced at least 4 times!! grandads Nan and grandad !!(my dads mum and dad!!) looking back pretty confusing. |
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pat ww
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 9:09:23 PM
From a previous profession and some people with name confusion, nurse warlock. these days even my kids call me nanny pat. |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 9:29:42 PM
My OH is known as "John the Sack" as he seems to fire a lot of people....but you get a lot of dozy slackers asking for work on building John hires 'em..... but if they turn out to be useless, he fires 'em just as fast! 
Don't know that he HAS got a nickname for me ( not one he's repeated to my face, anyway! )....and I've ever only called him John!
How unimaginative are we then?!?!
Talking of "Bread", when I first met John, who comes from a HUGE family in Nother Wales, just across the water from Liverpool, a friend asked me what the others in his family were like....and I replied, "Think of BREAD?...... more and worse!"    |
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Mrs Vlacq
Platinum Member
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Posted - 30 Jun 2008 : 9:34:15 PM
Lol sings to herself... "gotta get up... gotta get out... Grab the world by the throat and shout...." |
  - V Khazad - V Calacirya & V Sulime - Quarida(L) - V Boogie Knights - V Hamra Tofiq |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 01 Jul 2008 : 10:56:07 PM
OH calls me Mrs Clumsy, cos if i can knock something over i do! |
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Silver Member
332 Posts |
Posted - 02 Jul 2008 : 9:27:27 PM
I am always called Bex - I know i am in trouble when 'Rebecca' gets used!!
My OH is called nigel and I call him either Boo or Bean, and have no idea where either came from!! |
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Gold Member
 N. Ireland
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Posted - 02 Jul 2008 : 10:28:55 PM
My OH is called Paul but inexplicably gets 'Bob'. He calls me Snarly Weasel cos apparently I'm always in a bad mood with him, or Mully, short for Mullingar Heifer - a very large breed of Irish cow. Lovely. You can see why he's often in the bad books!!! |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 03 Jul 2008 : 11:20:41 PM
My nephew has moved in with us and has a very northern accent with a very wicked sense of humour....he has re-named all of us, animals included. My kids are now called "snot-face and scruff bag", Merlots( on here) her horses are now known as "jumpy and spooky" hens are collectivly known as the "formula one racing team"...don,t know what he call me(???) OH calls me "P" and I call him various names ,none of which I would post here....Merlot is called Aunty Morag ( and her OH "uncle godfrey" even tho his name is Geoff).....OH father is Bar Bar, and my Mum is Bonkers Gran...! |
    Photos1and2EricGJones |
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Cage Alma Arabians
Bronze Member
226 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jul 2008 : 10:10:46 PM
My Mum calls my Meecy. My Dad used to call me "baggy legs" when I was a baby because I was small and my nappies were huge- this stuck as I grew and as a child I retaliated by calling him "Mrs Dolly" as in a Dolly peg doll I had made (showing my age now!) It became a competition- we tried to catch each other out and were still doing so up until when he died 3 1/2 years ago. He also called me Maisie, from the Perishers because I could hear a toffee wrapper from upstairs and also called me Maggot- I think because I was a scrawny little kid!
I loved my dad very much and we had a good laugh and I still miss him like mad. We were and still are a very close family as anyone who knows us will tell you.
Sadly, my marriage was pants and we didn't bother with names until I left and divorced him and I can't really put those on here!!
My Dad also nicknamed my daughter Munchkin and we still call her that now. But she does ask that we don't use it at school!!! | Derbyshire. |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 04 Jul 2008 : 10:17:20 PM
better than what my mum calls me, im Fanny to everyone its so damn embarrassing. |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 04 Jul 2008 : 10:29:30 PM
my oh was always nicknamed paddy what with his name being patrick, me, well at school i was called long shanks LOL! purely because i was like a beanpole with long legs! then i had a really funnny nick name which came about in my first job in an office, a rep that worked there could never remember my name calling me viva and marina, oh heck he said one day your name is like some sort of car so i will just call you brrrm brrrm! from that day on whenever he came into the office he would say morning brrrm brrrm! |
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Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 8:44:13 PM
Ha ha Paula, I get called Fanny Adams often by the parents! I have been called Leezee as long as I can remember or the kids in the family call me Zee-Zee. I think most of the other names are non repeatable! Ill often address my OH, Dave as Mr B, he knows when I'm cross as hes referred too as David then!! Great thread, some of the posts have had me in stiches! Lx |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 9:46:26 PM
Sadly my OH doesnt really have a nickname but i have been called Nads for years When I was at school people would call me 'go nads' and now my colleagues call me that! If only my parents had thought about what it would be shortened to....!! |
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