Silver Member
377 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2008 : 12:55:45 PM
If you or anyone you know is planning a trip over here by car you may be able to help the Irish rescue dogs.One of our problems is transport.There are often places for our dogs in the UK but the cost of getting them there puts a horrible strain on our resources.If anyone is willing to put a dog cage in the back of their car(empty on the outward journey) and bring one of these dogs back with them it would make the world of difference.They'd get the dog + relevant paperwork (including phone numbers for the Uk contact who'll be meeting them)at the ferry just before embarcation and met at a convenient point on the other side.The transport volunteers are an amazing bunch and the only hiccups I've heard of was a 'courier' falling in love with the dogs she was transporting and taking them home instead of onto the rescue kennel!The 1st time I sent 2 greyhounds to England this way l was very nervous as there were 4 changes of transport in the chain and one link involved a meeting at 2am in Wolverhampton!It all went smoothly though.The Wlvrhmtn link took the dogs home overnight and they were collected the next day rested and refreshed finally arriving at the rescue bang on time at 2pm 24 hours after leaving me.It's the ferry part that's hard for us to arrange and that's where I hope the wonderful dog loving Aliners can help.
If it aint breathing it aint important |
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