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Gold Member

865 Posts

Posted - 24 Jan 2008 :  7:12:22 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add kimzi to your friends list Send kimzi a Private Message
Hi All woke up to beautiful sun this morning and a letter from our fuel card supplier with a statement in. Very odd i haven't used it for the past 3 months and when opened i found out that some horrible person has. Anyway on closer inspection of the dusty old handbag i discover that i am also missing bankcards and paperwork. So i ring the fuelcard supplier and find i acn do nothing as i had not reported it stolen or missing before said horrible person used it, but on closer inspection horrible person had his registration logged when using my card to pay for his fuel - hoorah me thinks- and i ring the police and explain all and then call crap petrol station in willesdon where card was fraudulently used and asked them when registration was in bold on both sides of the card they still allowed a different registration to be used on the card. They said 'you must speak to the manager he will be here in 20 min', and now they don't pick up the phone. Anyway a word of warning if you use a fuel card and it gets into the wrong hand you have no protection and no chance of getting your money back, the only thing i am going to see is the petrol station get a tap on the wrist for helping with the theft.
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United Kingdom
1107 Posts

Posted - 24 Jan 2008 :  7:23:02 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add delly-b to your friends list Send delly-b a Private Message
Hi there,

Just a thought - Do the card company not have a fraud department to deal with such things? If someone has signed a different name etc against your card, surely there should be a body who would deal with this?

Adele x


Batley, West Yorkshire
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United Kingdom
6708 Posts

Posted - 24 Jan 2008 :  7:32:47 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Roseanne to your friends list Send Roseanne a Private Message
Seems there's not a lot people can do about these things these days. I heard an item on You and Yours the other day about a pensioner couple who'd got a Barclaycard as a cash insurance when they went abroad; had never used it except to change the pin number and had it kept in a safe at home. Then they got a bill for £2,900 racked up in cash withdrawals of £300 and Barclaycard and the ombudsman refused to believe that they'd never used it. Well they did believe it, but they insisted someone must have taken the card from their safe and used it. The poor couple have now had to take out a 0% interest card and try to pay it back out of their pension...
Stinks. I think we should all try to boycott cards. They're a menace.
I have a friend who got a 0% interest deal to take on her credit card bill. She's giving them £150 a month to pay it off - BUT she made the mistake of using it once and now there's no way she can stop getting interest (vastly inflated interest) every month because there's no way she can separate the small amount she paid out for something. Obviously a nasty trick they all use with impugnity. The lesson is, if you do take on a 0% deal, NEVER use the card!

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Arabian Girl
Platinum Member

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Posted - 24 Jan 2008 :  8:14:24 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Arabian Girl to your friends list Send Arabian Girl a Private Message
Whilst i was in Las Vegas last year..and unknown to me my mastercard was cloned by a company that does the helicopter flights over the grand canyon.I know it was them as thats only were i had used it in the USA and i knew i only had a small balance of credit remaining on it after paying for said helipcopter flight..When i flew to LA i wanted to purchase a t-shirt in hollywood for 16 dollars or so,,i knew i had enuff credit on my mastercard to pay for such a small item,however my card was declined and i couldnt understand why..I went back to my hotel and rang mastercard and told them what happened.They then told me that someone had been in various hotels and drug stores purchasing itemsin Las Vegas,until probably it declined for them.On my return to the UK i rang mastercard and they re-embursed me for the monies i hadnt spent,,,,but that instance could have really spoiled a good holiday and i was delighted how mastercard re-imbursed me also with monies that some D*******head had spent.....i am sorry to hear that you to have been subjected to fraudsters......

Posting from Billinge Wigan

Edited by - Arabian Girl on 24 Jan 2008 8:16:43 PM
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Arabian Girl
Platinum Member

2893 Posts

Posted - 24 Jan 2008 :  9:27:29 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Arabian Girl to your friends list Send Arabian Girl a Private Message
Also KIMZI..whilst lookin somthing up on radio 4,,i came across lots of articles on credit cards getting stolen from pertol seems that it is the latest thing..try and find the articles,,its on radio 4 in the "You and Yours" section,,but you have to listen to them..i hope it helps..........Lynne

Posting from Billinge Wigan
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Posted - 25 Jan 2008 :  12:20:04 AM  Show Profile  Visit Pauline's Homepage  Click to see Pauline's MSN Messenger address  Send Pauline a Yahoo! Message Bookmark this reply Add Pauline to your friends list Send Pauline a Private Message

My parents had the same problem had a CC but never took it out of the house. This card was used by someone else to withdraw money not much but withdrawn without thier knowledge and without the card ever leaving the house.

They refused to repay the money and the CC company had to sort it out (which they Did).

It is a shame that these things go on.


Pauline Higgs
Equine & Human Holistic Therapist
Berkshire / Hampshire Border
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Posted - 26 Jan 2008 :  11:11:11 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add kimzi to your friends list Send kimzi a Private Message
Thankyou all, its in a way good to know i'm not alone. Though the bank cards should be ok, the fuel card was not a conventional cc, no chip or pin and the petrol stations are supposed to match the vehicle reg. However the police have found out that the vehicle in question was using false plates. Added to the christmas hangover its going to be a painful month.
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