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 showing yourself up both feet in!!!!!
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Platinum Member


2452 Posts

Posted - 23 Jan 2008 :  10:52:14 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add NUTTER to your friends list Send NUTTER a Private Message
Thought this would be fun for some stories to come out of how we have really embarressed are selves
I unfortunatly have loads as i am bottle blonde but god made a mistake i should have been blonde!!!!
Without any prejudice to the natural bright blondes thats not bright in hair colour but brains!!!!
Well one of my show ups was at the gym i joined with a male friend of mine a few years back
we did our workout then decided to meet up in the sauna steam room etc section which you can only get to by going through the male or female changing rooms that lead into that area.
I peeped first to see he was the only one there then discreetly so no women in the changing rooms could see what i was doing stuffed a long auburn wig down my bikini bottoms so the hair came out and hung down each leg
Then danced in front of the glass door of the sauna
That was it we were having a blast doubled over crying with laughter then we had a ice fight .
As we left to go out through reception we could see the staff were struggling not to laugh as up above reception was about 6 tvs and one showing everything going on in the sauna area.

Another was went to a show and again male friend was jumping my horse so he said quickly make a show name up but when i have to decide quick my head goes blank
Anyway he had lost his spurs somewhere in my boot!!! then he found them so i said AMEN for that
Then suddenly it came to me that will do show name AMEN no AYMAN sounds slightly exotic
However my male friend is gay
So imagine it coming over the intercom
********** riding AYMAN
Fortunatly as he knows i would not do that delibrate he just shouted What the **** are you like!!!! and could not stop laughing.

Another my husbands car would not start so in panic he woke me at 4am in the morning to run him into work
So i just pulled my slippers and dressing gown on
Dropped him to work then as it was quiet put my foot down and was travelling at speed
When suddenly i heard the police car behind me
so pulled in and thought sh**
I jumped out the car to greet him as he walked towards my car
Then turbo gob kicked in before he even opened his mouth
God am so sorry for speeding but i just dropped my husband at work as his car would not start as you can see am guenuine as i got my pjs on oh sh** its the break lights not working you noticed
or was it becouse i threw my fag out the window
He replied madam please can you tell me which direction you have come from and did you notice a blue car racing as there has just been an armed robbery
No ive seen nothinghe then said thats fine madam il let you get home back to bed!!!!!

Another one couple summers back went beach husband and i with another couple we took our boat
beach is busy so friend takes boat out waves were getting quite choppy so i swam out to boat as am holding onto the side to pull myself up and in a huge wave came and i bounced straight in the boat and out over the other side!!!!
So i cant even pose with a boat on a crowded beach.
come on now lets hear others.

Edited by - NUTTER on 23 Jan 2008 10:55:51 PM
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United Kingdom
2395 Posts

Posted - 23 Jan 2008 :  11:28:27 PM  Show Profile  Click to see bridie's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add bridie to your friends list Send bridie a Private Message
Oh Sarah you sound like my kind of have made me laugh.

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2183 Posts

Posted - 24 Jan 2008 :  09:25:01 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add polly to your friends list Send polly a Private Message
mOst embarrassing moment , happened to my friend NOT ME HONEST;

two sister out shopping for clothes, in the days when communal changing rooms were the sister tries on dresses etc etc the other turns round to see her sister stuck, struggling to get a dress back over her head, bent over, arms stuck ( we have all been there), when she notices her sister has a hole in her knickers, so......sister no.1 puts her finger into the hole, laughs and says loudly" you've got a hole in your knickers, neh, neh, neh !!)at which point her sister no. 2 walks into the changing room, looking puzzled......and the TOTAL STRANGER manages to get the dress off and stand up to see who is tugging at the hole in her pants.

and those of you who know me will know that OH and I had a "candelstien" affair before we got married. We conducted most of this affair in the gym, we would work out , then go for a hot tub....the hot tub room would empty and we would be left alone and spend lots of time "chatting and getting to know" each other in the tub( nothing too x rated ...thank heavans) as one day, we were just entering the gym, when we noticed something we had never seen before...a camera in reception pointed directly over the hot tub. our illusion of privacy was shattered.....and we worried if we may end up on the internet one day

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Honey Monster
Silver Member

318 Posts

Posted - 24 Jan 2008 :  3:30:05 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Honey Monster to your friends list Send Honey Monster a Private Message

I should have gone to the loo before reading your (friend's) mistake with the knickers

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Gold Member

United Kingdom
1107 Posts

Posted - 24 Jan 2008 :  7:50:16 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add delly-b to your friends list Send delly-b a Private Message
Well Polly - how can we beat that??!! That has really made me laugh - but how awful!

ONE of mine is not any where near as bad, but embarressing for me...

When I was working in Leeds about ten years ago, a couple of the office staff would go out to get the lunch order. We were having Jacket Potatoes that day! My friend said she would drive and as we could not really "park" the car outside the takeaway shop, it was normally ok whilst someone was in it.
So, I went into the shop and a couple of minutes later, I came out with arms full of potatoes for our lunches. I got into my friends "Red" car and put the food in the footwell below.

I then looked up onto the dash and thought "this doesnt look familiar"

I looked across to the driver - He didnt either!!!!

OMG!!! I had got into the WRONG RED CAR!

My friend was parked behind, watching and laughing at the whole thing!!!

Now I was embarressed!


Batley, West Yorkshire
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