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Platinum Member
3756 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jan 2008 : 9:24:49 PM
My poor garden wall We have a 16ft gateway at the front as we get some big lorries delivering, but oh no, not wide enough for one driver - despite OH desperately waving his arms and yelling at the top of his voice for the guy to stop, he just carried on and demolished the wall, the only thing left standing is the gate . I'm sure we were not meant to actually have a wall there, we had to have the whole thing rebuilt a couple of years ago when the tree surgeons managed to drop a huge branch from one of our willow trees which they were pollarding at the time, and before that it collapsed when they were putting in new electric cables and got too close I'm hoping they get it fixed quickly though as we can't secure the place properly at night, and I have horrors about horses getting out - years ago someone got round the back one dark November evening and let out a mare & foal, poor foal ended up slipping to the bottom of a massive dyke and we had to get the fire brigade to get him out
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
4572 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jan 2008 : 9:37:05 PM
Oh, poor foalie, hope he managed to recover from his escapade!!! Looks like your wall really doesn't want to be there!!!! Or maybe the "powers that be" want you to lay a hedge or have post and rail instead (hee hee!!).
I have to say though that lorry drivers like to use their vehicles as weapons, maybe he didn't like the colour or type of brick used in you wall???
Hope you get your wall sorted soon hun - and you know what men are like - they always misjudge the size of things!!!
Carla, xx. |
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Platinum Member
3756 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jan 2008 : 10:03:52 PM
HE HE I should have remembered that! trouble is most of the fencing is post and rail, and the council insisted we remove the hedge so that the drivers could see properly Foalie was fine apart from getting covered in filthy muddy water and getting a foot abscess a few days later poor chap, grew up to a strapping 16.2 - just like his mum |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
4572 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jan 2008 : 10:20:28 PM
Funny that the council always put you into a stupid situation - we have the same here. We have to "lose" our hedging (for visibility) and post & rail fencing in order to position our new driveway. Council insist on their cowboys "finishing" our driveway where it meets the road. We just know they are going to bodge it, they will do a "lightweight" job, it will last all of 2 weeks and cost us a fortune. If OH did it himself it would "outlive" us, cost us nothing and look really good!!!
Hey ho!!! Glad your foalie survived though, bless him!!
Carla, xx. |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
13976 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2008 : 08:39:41 AM
This happens to a friend of mine on a regular basis, she lives down a very narrow road and has a lovely white wall at the end of her drive, big lorries come down the road ,realise they cant go any farther because of width and reverse up her drive to turn around, poor soul what can she do?she never sees it happen , and only notices when she goes out, so driver has scooted without trace | |
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Platinum Member
3756 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2008 : 09:49:37 AM
Your poor friend Lynda, at least we have always known who did it and made them pay but it makes me so angry, when our gateway is so wide how the hell did this guy manage to do it, what makes it worse is that we are due another delivery today from the same company - hope they send a different driver |
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Platinum Member
3682 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2008 : 1:51:34 PM
hmmm, delivery drivers eh? I have the same trouble. We live down a no through road which is a single track lane. The lorries see our double gates and think they can swing back in and turn around.
It's the quickest I ever move when I run out there and tell them that they won't get the turn and have to reverse up the lane. Some have even tried to ignore me and failed successfully. I love it when they have to admit defeat 
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Platinum Member
3756 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2008 : 2:16:40 PM
Phew! we got a different driver today a WOMAN! backed in with no problems at all - says it all really    |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
4964 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2008 : 2:59:02 PM
I would like to put a great big metal post behind my wall that would damage the lorries....probably not allowed! |
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Platinum Member
3756 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2008 : 6:30:39 PM
No reason you can't put a metal post behind the wall, it'd be on your land wouldn't it? go on - you know you want to  |
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Gold Member
1378 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2008 : 7:54:13 PM
how about a R.I.P and forget it l would get really p***** keep rebuilding and would probally go and do serious damage to the next person who knocked it down [criminal damages?]
ash |
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