I have been surfing around trying to find a website that can give me recipes and shopping on-line, suitable for a vegetarian or vegan. I would prefer one that you have used and could recommend.
I am getting fed up with the lack of variety at my local supermarket and also the lack of stock.
Any ideas greatly received Many thanks
ets - that I have been on the vegetarian/vegan society web pages...
My fav veggie dish at the mo is with avocado - halved, then stuffed with stilton, sprinkled with chopped walnuts then baked (no good for vegan though )
don't shop for food online myself,so can't help there. although in a very rural area i get by with the nearest health food shop and supermarkets, with occassional forays into edinburgh for more exotic stuff.
Avocado mashed with lemon juice,roasted sesame seeds.Add chopped tomato+spring onion then bake in filo pastry case.For can't be bothered days just have on toast(goes well with egg on top for non vegans+bacon for non veggies)