Decided to cut Freddies paddock in half yesterday, 1. to keep his weight down although the grass hasnt really taken off yet and 2. to let the poached area re-couperate. He had different ideas and this morning was happily grazing the lush grass in an adjacent paddock!!!
Went to ride him bareback down to his paddock and he stood too far away from the block so I pushed him over - only to get a scowl and threatened nip that sternly said "dont push me"!!
In his paddock he always has 3 treats when I leave him but there was only 1 in my pocket, I gave it to him. He wasn't having that and was determined to find the other 2. He did!! I had a hole in my pocket and they were half way down my leg. So I proceeded to get undressed so that he could have the rest.
I think I have learned this morning exactly what my role in our relationship is.