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 Teaching to jump
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Slave 2 Magic
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Posted - 20 Feb 2007 :  1:03:39 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add Slave 2 Magic to your friends list Send Slave 2 Magic a Private Message
I started Magic jumping a few weeks ago. Loose schooling her over small jumps to get her balance on her own. I now want to start jumping her when ridden but its 20 years since I jumped anything and its all abit scary. Where do I start? She goes over trotting poles but tries to jump them. Should I use poles raised at one end first or cross poles?

West Yorkshire
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Posted - 20 Feb 2007 :  1:34:32 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add anne to your friends list Send anne a Private Message
Quick reply as I am at work
Cross pole that way you are always heading for the middle of the jump if need be also place a pole on the ground to give a definate ground line

..................................................................... Photo by David Evans
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Posted - 20 Feb 2007 :  6:10:30 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add templars to your friends list Send templars a Private Message
Another exercise to try: place about 4 trotting poles then raise one end of the 5th trotting pole to the first hole in a jump wing (ie the lowest). Then when you're happy with that make the 5th a small cross jump, so that the trotting poles are like an approach to the jump.


Put 6 trotting poles in position but raise alternate ends of each pole so that Magic has to work to get over the poles. It's very tiring so don't over do it at the beginning. Just trot over the poles - don't try to canter at first, do that when you're both a bit more supple!

This assumes Magic is ok going between the wings of a jump. If not, lead from the ground or get someone to give you a lead between the wings without any poles and then slowly introduce a pole so that you go over a trotting pole between wings.

Leave plenty of room after the jump (wherever it is) so that Magic learns to go straight and not automatically turn after a jump otherwise when you do jump a course of jumps, you'll have difficulty turning in the opposite direction if needed.

When you're a little more confident, you can put a single small cross pole jump with a pole in front and two poles at right angles to the jump on the approach side so that they act as guiders into the jump.

Don't worry if you jump big, just keep things nice and steady and do the jumps at a trot not a canter (the alternate raised cross poles will help with a steady pace rather than rushing the jumps).

Use your voice lots and give lots of big pats and neck strokes - it will help your confidence and give Magic assurance. As you get more experienced, you'll find that Magic will respond to your voice and get ready for jumps just on that.

If you get a refusal (hopefully slow stop rather than run out if you're going nice and steady), let Magic look at the jump, maybe take one pole down (even reduce it all to trotting poles if necessary) and go between the wings, then gradually reassemble the jump. You'll need someone on the ground to avoid having to get on and off a lot.

Key points we've learned with our "new jumper" - everything at trot first, slow and steady and tons of praise. Don't force the pace or the height because they just get excited and rush. Don't be tempted to change bits/nosebands otherwise they anticipate jumping when the tack changes. Put a neck strap on even if you don't wear a martingale - it gives you something to hang on to!

Have terrific fun!
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 20 Feb 2007 :  7:44:52 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Roseanne to your friends list Send Roseanne a Private Message
If it's a question of you wanting to get your jumping seat back and know you can handle it all, I'd go to your local riding school and do a couple of sessions on an experienced jumper, with a trainer, so you can get back into your head the position you need. Then you should be able to concentrate on the horse and what your introducing, rather than whether you are going to be able to do it.

Then loads of great advice above and as Templars says, enjoy it!

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Posted - 20 Feb 2007 :  8:17:38 PM  Show Profile  Click to see joanna_piana's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add joanna_piana to your friends list Send joanna_piana a Private Message
I agree with Roseanne I hadn't jumped for years and I attempted to teach Shida and it was disastrous! I gave up thinking well arabs can't jump its obviously true. A few years later my instructor gets on her and just pops her round some jumps no problem and now she loves it.

Harthall Rashida RIP, Binley Ishara, Bouchan
Chorleywood, Hertfordshire
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Slave 2 Magic
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Posted - 20 Feb 2007 :  8:38:04 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Slave 2 Magic to your friends list Send Slave 2 Magic a Private Message
Thanks for all the advice. I had thought about letting an experienced jumper have a go with her but she's only ever been ridden by me. I think I'll try the trotting poles and raised end one first. Neck strap sounds like a good idea.

West Yorkshire
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Posted - 21 Feb 2007 :  10:44:04 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Porsche to your friends list Send Porsche a Private Message
I always start them off with 4 or 5 trot poles then a small cross pole then another trot pole the other side of the fence.

A neck strap is a good idea BUT I always use a hunting breastplate instead of a straight forward neck strap as the breastplate can't slide round with you as you are desperately trying not to go out the side door! LOL!

Some people are like a Slinky ... not really good for anything, but you still can't help but smile when you shove them down the stairs.

RIP Fuzzy Bear...Angela RIP......Legacy 1day old...............La Carrera.................Aisa and Bruce
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Posted - 21 Feb 2007 :  12:40:03 PM  Show Profile  Click to see joanna_piana's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add joanna_piana to your friends list Send joanna_piana a Private Message
Not neccessarily get someone else to jump her but rather you to have some refresher on a horse that know's the job to give you some confidence before you start teaching her

Harthall Rashida RIP, Binley Ishara, Bouchan
Chorleywood, Hertfordshire
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Big Mover
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Posted - 21 Feb 2007 :  1:13:26 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Big Mover's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add Big Mover to your friends list Send Big Mover a Private Message
Hi there

I was a bit nervy about jumping my youngster and I hadnt really done any jumping since I was 15yrs old.....I am thirty next month (were does time go) Anyway I sent him away to my friends yard for breaking in and she showjumps under BSJA rules and what ever she breaks in she insists on Jumping to...EEK. (From Shires to Shetlands, shes a sod for it) I went down to ride my youngster for the first time and she made me jump him, I could of died!! I enclose a very poor quality picture (taken from an original picture via my web cam) I think we look pretty good considering the circumstances ha ha

I find that alot of mistakes are made by not giving the horse there mouth. If you loose your balance you can very easily jolt your horse in the mouth. Neck straps are a great idea.

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