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Posted - 19 Feb 2007 :  7:22:25 PM  Show Profile  Click to see suneagle's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this topic Add suneagle to your friends list Send suneagle a Private Message
freddie started to get cold back at about 13years but both the vet and the back man said he'll be ok it isnt that bad.
last year i he started to get worst but this year (hes 17years now) its even more worst, had his back checked and saddle checked everything fine just COLD BACKED.
so freddie is having 2weeks off just to relax his back, got told not to let the cold get to his back as he reacts to grooming with the body brush, and rub in whitch hazle in twice aday.

just wondering anyone else has this prob and anytips?.

clare xxxx
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Posted - 19 Feb 2007 :  8:20:39 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Moira to your friends list Send Moira a Private Message
Zak is cold backed too. He almost sits down sometimes when you get on him. He also almost fall ever if I try to stretch his front legs forward after girthing up the saddle. It doesn't seem to affect him otherwise. I find that if I put his saddle on 10-15 mins before I ride he is happier when I get on. Also, when I get on him I try to keep my weight up off his back for the first minute or so by standing up over his withers. Hope this helps.


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Posted - 19 Feb 2007 :  9:24:21 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add fuzzypeg to your friends list Send fuzzypeg a Private Message
We had a lovely part bred show pony with impeccable manners but cold backed who sat down and rolled over on several occasions.We also used to mount her via a leg up not the stirrup due to leaving girth loose.We then sat up for several strides while walking before tightening the girth.This was always successful for us for years.
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Sarah L
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Posted - 19 Feb 2007 :  9:59:03 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Sarah L to your friends list Send Sarah L a Private Message
My old PBA was cold backed.

We used to put the saddle on her for at least 10 mins before riding and do the girth up one hole at a time over the 10 minutes.

Also when we mounted we thought it would be best to do it from a mounting block but what she actually preferred was to walk forwards as we got on. She found it more uncomfortable to stand still.


Sticks and stones may break my bones but whips and spurs excite me!
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Posted - 19 Feb 2007 :  10:46:24 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Lori to your friends list Send Lori a Private Message
Hi Suneagle,

our gelding is cold backed. We have a saddling up routine which isn't too much trouble now that we've done it zillions of times. We put bridle on in the stable, while we are walking to the school Beth leads him while i saddle up, i tighten his girth one hole at a time and by the time we reach the school (50 yards) he is saddled up. Beth gets straight on and he arches a little but he relaxes after 10 minutes.

I think that Buzz is a little claustrophobic as he hates to be too tight in the horsebox, do you think this could be why some horses are cold backed, it's the claustrophobic feeling when the girth is tightened too quickly and do the two sometimes go hand in hand?

How is Freddie to box and if his cold back is getting worse is his travelling any worse?

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United Kingdom
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Posted - 19 Feb 2007 :  10:55:56 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add annas to your friends list Send annas a Private Message
Oh poor Freddie...
with a cold backed horse I would always get on quickly and gently, from a wall or something so you don't have to haul yourself on from the floor (possibly twisting the spine), get him moving forwards as soon as he is carrying your weight and never sit until the horse is walking forwards normally again,balanced and relaxed, which varies widely. They just need a little while to adjust to having us and tack up there! It may look a little silly, but it's much kinder.
Hope that this helps

Edited by - annas on 19 Feb 2007 10:58:23 PM
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Posted - 20 Feb 2007 :  11:44:47 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add heathermcbreen to your friends list Send heathermcbreen a Private Message
Horses that collapse when the girth is done up ... my vet told me its not their back but sensitive nerves behind their front legs and around the girth.. they get pressure by the girth and the horse sinks to the floor. So doing the girth up gently and slowly and not doing the final hole til you have been mounted for a bit is good. The cold backed thing seems a bit different, that hollow dipping and staggering and sometimes sitting down. I had an african gold mare 15 years ago and she did this.. quite disconcerting and, although she never went down when I got on, her back legs did wobble around a bit. Just occasionally though not all the time. Gave me a complex about my weight it did... I was only 9 stone but it felt like she was saying "god you are heavy .. you fat lump .. I can hardly stand up"!!
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Posted - 20 Feb 2007 :  1:42:14 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add arraby to your friends list Send arraby a Private Message
I used to excercise a 17hh point to point horse and he wobbled or sat down when you mounted him (which was from a high block)
My mare has been cold backed but this was greatly helped by having
a high mounting block made so all I had to do was cock my leg over!!
I NEVER tighten the girth up to start off just put it up a hole or two as you go along.By the way once warmed up on a ride there seems to be no trouble and I have got up from the ground when out.

linda young
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Posted - 21 Feb 2007 :  09:59:00 AM  Show Profile  Click to see suneagle's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add suneagle to your friends list Send suneagle a Private Message
thanks all for your advice,
thing is i do have a routine of tacking up which i put the saddle on before putting bridle and getting myself ready.
he doesnt have a problem about tightening the girth, if i do do it up too tight stright away he will bite you, and on his back hes fine about his girth.
i never get on onthe ground as years back i went to get on from the ground onto my friends showjumper and he shouted at me "GET ON ON THE MOUNTING BLOCK!, you will put uneven strain on the SADDLE, do you want to buy me a new saddle?" ever since then ive never got on mounting blocks, fence, gate or a leg up. hehe!.
i do make sure i sit down quietly after working at a riding school and seeing "experianced" rider slam their bums down on the horses back really does make you think.

he love his trailer and love traveling init, he hates the winter when he doesnt go out in it much.

i have been wrapping him up warm because yesterday i brought freddie in from the feild and i couldnt touch his back at all as he was abit cold in himself and has been tensing his body up. but after having 4 rugs on to warm him up for 3/4 of an hour he was fine and went back down to normal 2 rugs.
this morning he was abit better didnt mind be brushing his back with the body brush and didnt dip so much when i touched it. and the weather is abit better so dont think he will be getting cold brill sunshine and little wind.

clare xxxx
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