In case you haven't heard there is another computer virus going about.It arrives by email as a new microsoft virus protection update.Do not download it. Microsoft do not send out any virus protection updates. I have had it sent to me twice,luckily my virus protecter put it in quarenteen.If it shows up in your mail box as either 'Customer Service' or 'Microsoft update' delete it.It shuts down and destroys everthing on your computer. Debbie
He's gorgious! But then he looks so much like my gelding so I'm biastThey have simular breeding. I must take a picture of mine and post it.Only now he looks all hairy,I should have taken one this summer!! Debbie
Debbie you should see his daughter I have here Razina Gold and his son Aurilla Gold that's in Holland. I can't put them on here due to the copyrite but if you give me your email address I'll post them to you.
Don't let a trogan horse into your computer either they mirror programms so your normal virus remover cannot find it because it hides behind it,and the more programmes you open the more it mutates! we hopefully have got rid of ours!!Nightmare!!
I automatically delete any email as it arrives unless I recognise the sender. so if any one does contact me can you put your full name on the subject line!
I've also had the microsoft messages and deleted them as well without opening. I had one virus that put me out of action for a couple of weeks, so I play safe and don't open.
I also change email addresses quite often, and use something like a yahoo account for mail where I do not know the recipient to stop spam clogging up my regular email.
What sad people who devise viruses. They probably pulled the wings off flies when they were children.