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gabriele ault
Gold Member
782 Posts |
Posted - 06 Nov 2003 : 8:17:11 PM
The following is really difficult for me to write, so please excuse my bad English but i thought one of you might have some ideas as I am at a loss what to do. Anyhow from 1979-1985 I had me first Arabian stallion who was the love of my life. I do not want to go into all the details of why, what and when but because of several cirumstances I leased him to a breeder in Germany who had a really bad reputation. Looking back now I probably should have sold him but I was egoistic and could not bear the idea of loosing him. In his second year at the stud the following happened.I phomned the stud on the Sunday to make some arrangements and was told that me stallion dies on the Saturday. That was the beginning of a long nightmare. Again I do not want to go into too much details but the thing is that when 3 different people (first me, than when I broke down and went into histerics my father phoned and at the end my mother phoned to find out which story was true)phoned the stud they were told 3 totally different stories. First he was found dead in his stable, then people cme to see him when he was in field, the trainer called him, he came galloping over the field, fell and was dead and then (it was also reported in the local newspaper) he broke his neck while being ridden by a 10 year old girl at a carnival (it was the middle of the stud season). On Monday (two days after he died) morning my father phoned the institution they transported my boy to to have him made to soap or whatever they do. I wanted to stop that and have a last look at himm, but he was alreADY GONE - ALL VERY STRANGE.A long legal dispute followed but nothing was really sorted. It took me years to get over it and I am still not quite .... anyhow. Last week my brother had a new blacksmith attending to his horses (in Germany about 50km away from where it all happened). They started to chat and the talk came somehow to my stallion. when my brother told the story the farries asked whether we had seen the dead body which my brother denied. The very first reaction of the farrier was "Then your horse is still alive!" This nice stud owner has done things like this and similar before. An inferior horse dies (sorry, I do not mean this in a negative way),a more valueable gets sold and the owner was told the horse is dead. It really shook me!!!!!!!!! But what can I do. The person responsible is dead, his son is in prison and I do not know what to do - it was more than 18years ago. Sorry if I bored you with a long, complicated story which in a way is of now interest to you, but does anybody have any ideas, suggestions etc etc etc Thanks a lot Gabriele Ault
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 United Kingdom
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Posted - 06 Nov 2003 : 8:31:03 PM
First advertise that you want to find this horse and not remove him from his new owners but to put your mind at rest and if you find some suitable candidates you could get blood typing or DNA testing done???? |
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Gold Member
 United Kingdom
813 Posts |
Posted - 06 Nov 2003 : 8:35:12 PM
I am so sorry that you had such a horrible experience and it must have been very shocking and hurtful for you.
If this happened so long ago and the persons responsible are either dead or in prison, what sort of ideas or suggestions are you looking for? If your stallion were still alive, would that make you feel any better and what would you hope to do about it? If he is not, would you go though all the hurt all over again?
Perhaps you just want to talk about it?

Bev |
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Posted - 06 Nov 2003 : 8:35:17 PM
What a terrible tale!!I feel for you! Have you thought about hiring a private investigator? Or maybe just inform the police?What about visiting studs in that area.How old would he be now? I wish you luck.Maybe you should post the full details of this horse in case anyone has heard of or seen him. Debbie |
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pat ww
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Posted - 06 Nov 2003 : 8:41:29 PM
The same under-handed tactic happen here, but for legal reasons I could not even start to hint at who or where.
We've also had horses dead in the fields for at least a week before the owners even realised there was one missing.
And some horses 'registered' by long dead stallions. Thank goodness we now have DNA so some of these practices will be halted.
People like these have no right to be associated with live animals. By now your stallion may not be alive due to his age. Do not try to bottle your anger at what has happened, you have every right to feel as you do, but if you realise there may be nothing you can do so far down the line, at least you will be content with yourself if you have tried. |
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gabriele ault
Gold Member
782 Posts |
Posted - 06 Nov 2003 : 9:39:43 PM
Thanks so much for your replys. I do appreciate it. It might be a long shot but his name was/is (?) Rubondo, he was born 08.04.1979, grey, father:Ibn Shaker I (Shaker el Masri x Bint Rawya), Mother: Kayda (Kaisoon x Dareefa), Breeder Gloria Franck Zuegel. I am working on sending some pictures. Left front foot dark, right front foot white, left and right back foot white, he had a star. It all happened on the 25.08.1985, and the owner of the stud was Luitpold Lochbrunner in Augsburg / Germany. Bondo would therefore be 24 years of age. I do not know what I am hoping for. In a way I just want the whole nightmare to be finally over. Sorry about that Gabriele
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Posted - 06 Nov 2003 : 10:01:48 PM
What a very sad story. part of me thinks you should put the past behind you as you could be more upset. but i must say if i was you i think i would do the same. I would whant to know what really happend and you never no he still could be alive. Well i hope someone will read your story and may lead you in the right direction. I wish you all the very best and please keep us informed.
Good luck
Knights Arabians |
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Posted - 06 Nov 2003 : 10:32:49 PM
hi,so sorry to hear of a totally unthoughtful thing that another animal loving person coulddo to another,which they are not if they do such a thing. i think if i was you,i would go for it and try to trace him,18 years and so raw still, you won't rest,is/was he registered was the death or so called death reported to the society,or have general chats to people like the farrier,someone will know,do you know any stud hands,it was a long time ago and people would of moved onand talk more openly now,but your worst fears may be uncovered still and he may of past on,but at least the last 18 years you thought he was gone on to pastures new,he may so dont get your hopes so high ,to be found alive would be great but stay prepared for what you have already been and are still going through.stay strong. good luck karen
kwest |
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Silver Member
272 Posts |
Posted - 07 Nov 2003 : 07:49:48 AM
This is so very very sad. I hope you are able to get some answers.

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Membership Moderator
 United Kingdom
8652 Posts |
Posted - 07 Nov 2003 : 08:28:05 AM
Hi Gabriele,
Perhaps you could try posting this on as it has many German (and German speaking) people on there? Someone may know of him.
This is a very sad story and very upsetting for you I'm sure. I really hope you find some answers.
A thought occurs to me - surely they would not have been able to use him at stud and register the foals as being by him if he were dead. Could you contact the German equivalent of the Arab Horse Society and enquire?
Vera and Dennis
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Posted - 07 Nov 2003 : 09:03:53 AM
What a sad story. Unfortunately there are people out there who would & have done things like this for monetary greed. A few years ago I was offered a Sec A mare with a "selection of papers" !! We all know that sometimes things are not what they seem. Do they blood type/DNA in Germany ? But like here does everyone bother ? If this person was as unscrupulous as he would appear to be from reading the story,it could be that he either retained the stallion under another identity or sold it on. If it was me I would need to know. |
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Membership Moderator
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Posted - 07 Nov 2003 : 1:40:11 PM
I see you have posted on - hopefully someone will be able to help especially as so many of the contributers are German.
Good Luck
Vera and Dennis
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gabriele ault
Gold Member
782 Posts |
Posted - 07 Nov 2003 : 8:06:15 PM
Thanks again for your thoughts etc. I put the story on SE, on Monday I will phone the equivalent to the AHS in Germany ( however, I do not have much hope because when it all happened and I asked them for help they were more than unhelpful)and apart from that I hope and pray. what for? I do not knoe. Which is really strange. To make matteres even more awkward next week we will get our stallion (a Maysoun son), I have been waiting for so long for a stallion because I was just not ready and now these to incidences come together. i feel really guilty. In one way I am sooooooo looking forward to it, is that unloyal. I am quite confused Gabriele |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 07 Nov 2003 : 8:15:25 PM
Hi Gabriele. I don't think you should feel unloyal to him, I understand why though. It is very hard to lose a horse...worse in such bizarre circumstances. Enjoy your new boy, i think after everything you deserve a little happiness. Take care Tina.
tina linington |
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Membership Moderator
 United Kingdom
8652 Posts |
Posted - 07 Nov 2003 : 9:13:24 PM
Gabriele - my horse is by Orashaan!!! Best bloodlines in the world..... but then I'm slightley biased!
Good luck with your new boy and even more good luck finding out about your old boy.
I lived in Germany for 11 years (German mother), my German is very rusty as it's been 26 years since I've been there. I speak enough to get by but writing is a big no-no so your written English is a LOT better than my written German.
Vera and Dennis
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gabriele ault
Gold Member
782 Posts |
Posted - 07 Nov 2003 : 9:31:10 PM
Hello Vera It is a small world!!! If you would like to practise your German I am always happy to help! I'm teaching German and Spanish. Gabriele |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 08 Nov 2003 : 5:30:07 PM
Hi Gabriele
Good luck with your new stallion. The colt I wrote about in the topic about showing in-foal mares is a SE by Orashaan. I am sure you will have a lot of happy times with your new boy and good luck trying to trace the other one. My old gelding will be 31 next spring so he may very well still be alive. Whatever you find, we can't rewrite history so accept it and then move on with your new horse.
Barbara |
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