I brought my horse in last night, it had rained quite a bit during the day, and as I removed his turnout rug their was a wet patch on his croup. I initially thought that the rug had started leaking but as I touched his croup he really flinched and the area was very hot. I looked at the rug and it didnt look like a leak, the cirle of wet matched the circle of wet on the croup. I did smell the rug but all that I could smell was a bit of sweat.
My horse had been running about a bit during the day and the only thing that I can think of is that with the combination of the rug moving over his croup, any old sweat from the rug and new sweat from him running around had badly reacted with his skin?
He was extremely sore and I managed to bathe him with cool water and hibi scrub. This morning the wet patch has got slightly smaller but the heat is still there so I repeated the bathing.
I am going to check him in an hour or so to see if the wet patch has decreased at all and have put a call in for the vet to call me, but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone has experienced the same thing or has any comments?
Hi Judith, I bought some aloe vera gel and although it has taken a good couple of days, this morning it finally looks like it has settled down. He is not so sore and there is only a tiny bit of heat so all on the mend.