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T O P I C    R E V I E W
alkarif Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 4:04:04 PM
I have just been on the Horse and Hound Forum and there is a topic on the New section entitled "Breed of Horses that you hate!" bet most of you can guess thet the arab is featured on most of the thread. Why? because we are not out there enough promoting our arabs at grass roots levels. We are too insular, keeping ourselves to ourselves then when we really do compete people are gobsmacked that these "Scatty" Arabs can actually perform at any discipline and worse than that even beat THEM at their own game. Come on folks this has gone on for years and we are still beating the same drum. Get onto that Horse and Hound Forum and create about the arab bashing but more to the point get out and compete in the real world prove the quality and versatility. We already know the qualities of this amazing breed to many others are ignorant to the facts about them it is up to us to take them out on a level playing field not just hide away at Arab Shows.
23   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lottieherts Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 2:57:51 PM
Snuck a look on the forum - Ha ha ha - there's a first - Arabs - ugly????!!!

Each to their own.

joanna_piana Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 2:01:12 PM
I find the H&H forum hilarious at times, I'm more of a lurker on there but you can tell the majority of posters are kids. Anyway I also put my twopennysworth in. I do find it odd that people can call themself a horselover but "hate" certain breeds. I might not want to own anything but an arab but I don't think i've ever met a horse I didn't like.
pinkvboots Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 12:54:24 PM
Your right Vicky M Hate is a very strong word to use, I think its very shallow to use "hate" especially when you dont really know what your talking about.
Vicki M Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 11:55:36 PM
I have replied but in a general way. I think the use of the word "Hate" is the problem and nothing else. On reading through the topics I too was of the impression that it is simply a preference topic just set out with the wrong word.

I did reply with a general nice comment about all breeds but of course I love my Arabs and this was mentioned
MinHe Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 11:10:12 PM
Originally posted by maracz

This is classic as im sure that the hottest topic on the lines was to do with us slating each others horses at our own national show????

I went and looked right after the article was published and could not find anything on the forum, so it evidently was not an issue with non-Arab people!

maracz Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 10:48:23 PM
This is classic as im sure that the hottest topic on the lines was to do with us slating each others horses at our own national show????
Nichole Waller Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 10:17:08 PM
Well just found another topic on the H & H forum called "What's your favourite breed..." Arabs are winning hands down at the moment...

And yes i've added my twopence worth again...
Nichole Waller Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 9:56:54 PM
Ummm i've just read all 10 pages. Very glad to see the few posts of those standing up for the Arabs.. I've just added my twopence worth...

I think coloured cobs got a bit of a bashing as well..

I don't hate any breed, but there are certain types that i might not consider buying.
Anne C Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 8:59:28 PM

I've read it all as well, didn't think it was too bad either. There was actually quite a bit of support for Arabs. The general opinion seemed to be that it was the 'ponsy' new type of Arab that wasn't popular. It didn't seem to be Arab bashing in particular, was just people's opinions as to why they didn't like this or that breed.

Nut Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 8:58:25 PM
Ive just taken a read through all the posts under that topic and yes there are a few people that have said arabs arent their cup of tea however there are far more that have said they are and far more that have stated other breeds arent their cup of tea. There is one rude poster that has listed not just arabs but 9 or 10 breeds and given rather rude comments on why each one is horrid but its one persons opinion. Its a strange topic to cover and most people posting have said 'i dont hate any breed, i just have a preference of x', well don't we all.

I dont think it needs us to defend the breed; if we want to show the wider horse community what they are really like get them out at grass roots level and prove them wrong.

Just my opinion :)
LYNDILOU Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 8:53:52 PM
Seen one recently Stuart, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with my
I think what Delyth said was Factual, and I think they wouldn't know a good horse if it bit them on the
MinHe Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 8:49:42 PM
Have just read the entire H&H thread and can't believe how some people are over-reacting. Yes, *some* posters on that thread did not like Arabs, but there were just as many that did not like Appaloosas, coloured cobs, TBs and native ponies! And for every person who did not like Arabs, there was at least one other in favour!

Going in all guns blazing into a fairly laid-back thread as this one is/was is not going to convert anyone to liking Arabs - more the opposite!

And interesting too the posters there that started by saying "I don't like Arabs", who then qualified that by saying "but I do like the old-fashioned solid sort"!!!!!

Really, this thread is nothing to get wound up about - no actual "hate" in there at all.

stuart Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 8:03:13 PM
Originally posted by LYNDILOU

Horse and hound Forum , (horses you hate?) anyone who hates any horse whatever the breed doesnt deserve the drippings off my nose or my! (excuse the terminology)

Lynda! .......see a Proctologist poste haste!..
.....but seriously - having 'crossed over' to this breed a few years ago, informed and well thought out posts in reply to critics would go a long way, and, acknowledge that it may be some time before a 'Pure' Arabian wins at the highest level of Olympic disciplines[; That realised - it is time to promote what we do with them and let it be seen in a positive/proactive light!
george Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 7:57:35 PM
just wrote out a perfect post for H&H after reg'n, only to bl**dy lose it all when I went to post it completely off the boil now and I was so proud of that one, lol, oh well, I will leave it to some one else now to put them in there place, some of the things they have said are so ridiculous, how can anybody call the Arabian "UGLY" and "poncy" and someone put that they have never known an Arab to prove themselves in SJ or Dressage ignorant imbeciles in MO
Dark Angel Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 7:29:37 PM
What a vile topic for a public forum. If a person can feel as strong an emotion as 'hate' for any breed of horse then in my view they shouldn't be near any horse at all! It's probably a troll just trying to stir up trouble and they don't justify any type of response.

george Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 6:44:22 PM
totally agree with Delyth!
Delyth Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 6:11:40 PM
There are some weird people about !!
The only people who 'bash' the Arabain are the people not intelligent enough to understand them - simple !!
Callisto Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 5:43:51 PM
I don't think you can blame H & H for the topics that appear on their forum - anyone can post a new thread. Must admit I stopped going there a couple of years ago, got fed up with some of the ridiculous posts and also the very nasty nature of some of the replies. Given the amount of general prejudice against Arabs in the horse world it's hardly surprising that they are an easy target. I also agree that the topic title itself is fairly poisonous - just because I love Arabs doesn't mean I feel the need to bash other breeds, I am a horse lover, and they all have their place.
JESSIEMAE Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 5:31:33 PM
What a dreadful subject for H & H to draft up ! I love all horses, it just so happens that Arabs are my favourite!

Pashon2001 Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 5:18:37 PM
I totally agree Lynda!!
Roseanne Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 5:05:56 PM
Well said Linda! I agree; I've always loved all horses, I just admire Arabs in a huge way for so many reasons, not least their wonderful, elegant, well proportioned looks. After all, I used to 'ride' on a wall, with a doormat for a saddle and string with loops knotted in for my stirrups and a dog lead as my reins...

What I'd like to know is (I haven't seen H & H) is what people's justification is for 'hating Arabs'?
leiat8 Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 5:05:38 PM
have just read it all and decided i shan't bother leaving a comment as i can see myself getting into trouble!!!! i cant believe how petty and childish some people are
LYNDILOU Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 4:20:48 PM
Horse and hound Forum , (horses you hate?) anyone who hates any horse whatever the breed doesnt deserve the drippings off my nose or my! (excuse the terminology)

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