the Competition Horse
Isabel Stewart BSc Hons
Spillers Nutritionist
After water, energy is then the most important nutrient - it provides
the fuel for activity. For work up to 30 mile endurance rides,
elementary dressage and novice level Horse Trials or Show Jumping,
a low energy feed such as Spillers Cool Mix or Horse and Pony
Cubes is probably best, but as the work intensity increases, you
could move up to a medium energy feed such as the Spillers Response
range. Aim to keep at least half of the total daily diet as forage,
either as hay, haylage or grass. Assess the quality of what you
are feeding. Remember, soft, meadow hays often have higher nutritive
values than hard seed hays, and haylage contains more water than
Response is the first range of feeds to offer similar energy levels
from different energy sources. This means you can choose the energy
source that is exactly right for your horse and your sport.
If you are fed up of being jogged round the lanes or your horse
exploding in the dressage or show ring then you may be one of
the many who have tried many different diets in an attempt to
find one which will give you the controllable energy you require.
The chances are you may have tried a non heating mix or a low
energy cube but without much success. Either you can't feed too
much as it makes matters worse, or your horse ends up with not
enough energy for the work you want to do. Both Response Slow
Release Energy Cubes or Mix are ideal for long days at shows or
endurance work and for those horses which tend to become excitable
when fed traditional cereal mixes.
At the other end of the spectrum, do you own a laid back cob or
a stuffy warmblood? Does your horse require a little extra poke
to complete the showjumping phase of a one day event, or to be
at their best in the show ring? Response Instant Energy Cubes
or Mix are the answer to this problem, ideal for stuffy horses
needing extra sparkle as they provide a form of quick release
energy for performance with presence.
Of course, you can always mix and match if your horse is somewhere
in between!
Remember performance is not just down to temperament and training.
Diet and nutrition can make a difference.
If you have any enquiries about the specific feeding of your horses,
then please call the care line on 01908 226626 or email: careline@spillers-feeds.com
SPILLERS Speciality Feeds Ltd
Old Wolverton Road
Old Wolverton
Milton Keynes
MK12 5PZ
Tel: 01908 222888
Fax: 01908 222800