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 Welsh Crabbet Show
 Results 2010
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Posted - 14 Sep 2010 :  10:52:15 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add Tomos to your friends list Send Tomos a Private Message
CRC Dressage Test N1A

1. Omar Fran Brown
2. Avonbrook Silver Eagle Rowena Bertram

CRC Dressage Test N2A

1. Khalifa Golden Cavalier Michelle Shehan

Open Ridden AA/PB/HA

1. Pricklegate Calypso Imad/Pricklegate True Suprise

Owned and ridden by Helen Jones, bred by Jane & Peter Harries

Novice Ridden AA/PB/HA

1. Avonbrook Silver Eagle Marcus Aurelius/ Caveland Calypso
Owned & bred by Rowena Bertram

AA/PB/HA Ridden Championship

Champion Pricklegate Calpso
Reserve Avonbrook Silver Eagle

Open Purebred Ridden Geldings
1. Saranzo Imad/Sarafina Owned & bred by Diana Whittome
2. Khalifa Golden Cavalier Golden Cavalier/Marih Layla Owned by Michelle Shehan bred by Mr C.Morris
3. Omar Elitist/Suraya Owned by Fran Brown bred by Miss J.Hunt & Mr W.Lewis

Open Purebred Ridden Championship

Champion Saranzo
Reserve Khalifa Golden Cavalier

Novice Purebred Ridden Mares

1. Festoon Imad/Fiesta Magica Owned & bred by Diana Whittome

Novice Purebred Ridden Geldings

1. Binley Silver Spark Spirit of Silver/Sema Owned & bred by Caroline Sussex

Novice Purebred Ridden Championship

Champion Festoon
Reserve Bimley Silver Spark

Junior Ridden

1. Festoon

Overall Purebred Ridden Championship

Champion Saranzo
Reserve Festoon

Handy Arab
2. Omar
3. Avonbrook Silver Eagle
4. Khalifa Golden Cavalier

In Hand

AA/PB/HA 1-3 yo

1. Avonbrook Silver Augury Marcus Aurelius/Caveland Calypso Owned & bred by Rowena Bertram

AA/PB/HA 4 years and over

1. Avonbrook Silver Eagle

AA/PB/HA Championship

Champion Avonbrook Silver Eagle
Reserve Avonbrook Silver Augury

Yearling Colts

1. Marbon Masterpiece Marbon Mastarifah/Marbon Mead Owned by Pam & Paul Flower bred by Di Ellis
2. Shadowsfly Ibn Silver/Shades of Tessra Owned by Debbie Crothers bred by Daphne Cocksedge

2 & 3 yo Fillies & Geldings

1. Llain Jumanah Naresh/Pearl Silva Owned & bred by Pam & Paul Flower
2.Binley Golden Reverie Prince Sadik/Silvern Image Owned & bred by Caroline Sussex
3. Farfalla Imad/ Festoon Owned & bred by Diana Whittome
4. Risham Ibn Silver/Bint Arishma Owned by Suzanne Young bred by Daphne Cocksedge

Stallions 4 years & Over

1. Marbon Majali Magic Ibn Silver/Cantata Owned by Debbie Lindley bred by Di Ellis

Mares 4 years and over

1. Festoon

Geldings 4 years and Over

1. Omar
2.Marbon Mansour El Sharluke/ Shuhira Owned by Debbie Lindley bred by Di Ellis
3. Khalifa Golden Cavalier
4. Binley Silver Spark

Gelding Championship
Champion Omar
Reserve Marbon Mansour

Female Championship
Champion Llain Jumanah
Reserve Festoon

Male Championship
Champion Marbon Masterpiece
Reserve Shadowsfly

Overall In Hand Championship
Champion Llain Jumanah
Reserve Marbon Masterpiece

Sports Horse 1-3 years
1. Avonbrook Silver Augury
2. Risham
3. Binley Golden Reverie

Crabbet Related Pairs

1.Festoon & Farfalla Mother & daughter
2.Avonbrook Silver Eagle & Avonbrook Silver Augury Full brothers
3. Marbon Majali Magic & Risham Half brothers

The Living Sire award was won by Marcus Aurelius

Hope I haven't made any mistakes


"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind" Gandhi
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442 Posts

Posted - 15 Sep 2010 :  5:31:28 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Athena to your friends list Send Athena a Private Message
Very useful Mandy, thanks - I was there but still didn't note everything down. I was threatening to take a few home with me though!
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