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Posted - 24 May 2017 :  9:32:26 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add witchway to your friends list Send witchway a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I am trying to find anyone who might be able to help me!!!!with any information regarding this mare.I've been searching for years , A long shot i know as she will no longer be with us.All i want to know is what her life was like as i lost touch with her in the early 80's.she was sold early 80'swithout me knowing,but luckily i found her a few yrs later with a girl in West Heath Congleton Cheshire. She was being kept at a small farm in Padgbury lane Congleton at the time.she was a lovely girl who had her, not long after she needed to sell her & unfortunatly i couldnt afford to buy her back. i did hope perhaps she'd still hang on to her but she was sold to Mr Williams (dealer) in Whitemoor nr Congleton. he told her that someone was buying her for a birthday present,but when i rang him he said she'd gone to a trekking centre in Bangor Wales. So couldnt believe either. Since then ive never known what ever happened to her.I recently got in touch with AHS who she was registered with & they gave me dob which i had & date of passing 5th jan 2016??? or this could of been when owner registered her passing away.I knew that she would no longer be around but knowing that someone rang to inform them of her death makes me hope that she was very much loved. I dont even have an area of her last years.I'm hoping perhaps someone may be able to help.She was chestnut with a small white star,flaxen mane &tail or may have been more chestnut as she got older.14/14.2hh any info what so ever would be very much appreciated.thank you all for reading.update 24/5/17 after getting in touch with AHS to confirm 5th Jan 2016 again they have now said this is proberbly the date when she was taken off the system. As 40yrs from the date of foaling they automatically enter as deceased. So im desparatley still trying to find out what happened to her but am now losing all hope.

Edited by - witchway on 27 May 2017 08:33:53 AM
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