I went to a weight aids clinic this am at sylvia lochs. Very informative and interesting. She got us to hula hoop. Found it was easier going anti-clockwise but Im still rubbish. Ive borrowed my mums to work on my hooping skills.
I can do it but I dont know how to describe how to do it. I guess you have to persevere until you get it. I know you have to give the hoop a good spin to start with before you 'catch it' with you waist. Then there is an element of brief tension in you tummy muscles. Not musch help I'm afraid.
Think Im getting there with it now, lol. I youtubed it. You spin it and as the hoop goes left, your hip goes left, then same when it goes right, keeping lower legs loose...so they said. I can keep it up a bit longer now. Ive got a weighted one which is meant to be easier..and yes good for the waist too, even if it does leave you feeling a bit bruised. Determined to get toned up and sort out my suppleness.